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Deprived of playground games

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I feel blue. :( Dd (5) went to soccer this morning, where they just play little games to help kids learn ball control. They were playing "Stuck in the Mud" and she was apparently the only kid there who had no idea about the general concept of the game. She just stood there looking really clueless and I found myself feeling guilty and responsible for it. Even when the coach explains a game, I feel like she doesn't really get it, maybe because she hasn't really played a lot of playground games like the kids at preschool do. She has played hide and seek and a few others with the neighbor kids.


I was a very athletic kid and teenager, and I really believe so strongly in sports, especially for girls. When I think of my experience with sports, I realize that most of my playng happened on the playground. Thats where I really became passionate about my sports. It's also where I got good at them. The rec leagues were just a place to have official competition.


Just help me feel better about this. I obviously don't think playground games are a reason to send a kid to school, but it's stuff like this that makes me question just a little bit our decision to homeschool. I know it's so stupid. Tell me I'm not depriving my kids.

Edited by infomom
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Don't feel bad! :grouphug: You've just learned something more you can teach! Nothing bad.


I was just thinking last night (for no particular reason) that my boys who were in Cub Scouts had had to learn The Pledge of Allegiance. They hadn't known it (like most of the boys) at first. And now, since they've been out of Scouts for two years, I bet they've completely forgotten it.

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I remember having that same thought when my child was around age 5 - that I had hopelessly ruined him forever because he didn't know playground games.

In our case, I discovered a homeschool pe program a few months later and enrolled him. They did play a lot of typical playground games.

Around that time, we also started attending a weekly park day where dozens of homeschooled children ran wild and invented their own games.

Guess which one my child liked best? The informal, make up rules as you go. :D

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We did a homeschool PE thing for a year that was based exactly on this concept. We had a college age student lead the group in playground games (Red Rover, etc.). They continued to play them at park days later on. So, if it is something you want to put together as an option you certainly could.


I'm guessing the difference here is as much generational as about homeschooling. When I was a kid we played some of these games on the playground at school, but most of them in the neighborhood where we were out every night until the street lights came on.

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My public-schooled 2nd, 3rd and 5th graders have no idea what "stick in the mud" is, but they've picked up a few questionable games. :glare:


Five is young for playground games and I'm sure she'll pick them up from different activities and from her friends over the next few years. Just encourage her to participate and try her best. :)

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No matter what choices we make in life, there is always going to be something we miss out on, or something that our children will not be exposed to....for good and bad. Hopefully, our choices come out on the better side of good..KWIM??


My kids learned playground games a little older...BUT, they also weren't exposed to playground bullying...or playground meanness, or playground talk that would not have been beneficial for them. It was a trade-off. :D


She is only 5. She will be fine. Take her home and teach her some games...duck. duck goose...Farmer in the Dell....etc. have fun, laugh...


You can gt her together with some other little kids and teach them the games too. Not all kids who go to school know them either.




You are doing a great job.



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I thought the same thing! I couldn't even venture a guess!


Me too!


Plus, so many schools are doing away with PE, I bet there are a lot of schooled kids who don't know many games.


Don't worry! She has lottttts of time to learn all of that.


FWIW, my girls went to a week of Girl Scout camp when they were 8, and they now know enough games and obnoxious camp songs to drive me insane for the rest of my life. :) Don't worry! It will come!

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