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Would it be crazy to try to use two SOTW Books (1 & 2) in one year?

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I still don't know what to use with my younger kiddos (8 in Oct. & 6 in Dec.). My older dc will be doing Ancient History up until the Age of Exploration and I want my younger two to be on the same history period.


I also don't want them to miss SOTW, we loved it when we last used it (which was way to long ago!).


So crazy idea? Or maybe it's possible? :bigear:

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Well, we never could have done it this year. SOTW 1 by itself covered too many topics for us. I guess it depends on your goal. If your dc learn just from reading and you want a survey, you will b e fine, but if they need to interact with the material, I think it would be too much. Keep in mind SL does use both volumes in one year, but it is for middle schoolers. 6 and 8 are still young.


That is a big span of time but if you really want to keep your younger at the same place, maybe you could pick some of both SOTW books. My 6 year old enjoyed the books we read way more than SoTW. I think if you try to get in both there will not be much time to read anything extra which is so important tous, but ymmv. :)

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Well, we never could have done it this year. SOTW 1 by itself covered too many topics for us. I guess it depends on your goal. If your dc learn just from reading and you want a survey, you will b e fine, but if they need to interact with the material, I think it would be too much. Keep in mind SL does use both volumes in one year, but it is for middle schoolers. 6 and 8 are still young.


That is a big span of time but if you really want to keep your younger at the same place, maybe you could pick some of both SOTW books. My 6 year old enjoyed the books we read way more than SoTW. I think if you try to get in both there will not be much time to read anything extra which is so important tous, but ymmv. :)



I couldn't have done it in a year either. SOTW 1 took us more than a school year and 2 is even bigger. I tried to do crafts often and read a lot of extra books.

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I'm planning to do that, but we did SOTW1 a couple of years ago, so we'll just be blitzing through it for review before spending most of the year on volume 2. Another option is to use CHOW, but only cover up through the reign of Elizabeth I and using the AG for SOTW 1&2 to add projects and suggested reading. It's a little more work, since they don't cover every topic in the same sequence, but you may find it worthwhile.

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My DS 8 is doing History Odyssey 1 and 2 in one year; these go through Story of the World volumes 1 and 2, plus plenty of literature, map work, timeline, and hands-on projects. We throw in extra reading and memory work. It has not been a problem to work at that pace for us, and he remembers a lot, and points out history references in other books and TV shows, so it is sinking in. We have a history lesson 5 days per week every other week.

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I still don't know what to use with my younger kiddos (8 in Oct. & 6 in Dec.). My older dc will be doing Ancient History up until the Age of Exploration and I want my younger two to be on the same history period.


I also don't want them to miss SOTW, we loved it when we last used it (which was way to long ago!).


So crazy idea? Or maybe it's possible? :bigear:


I think it's completely possible. Of course, if you like the projects (we don't do them), you'll have to do fewer of them, but that's okay. We finished SL G recently and it uses both volumes in one year (there isn't even a chapter scheduled every day). You can do the color pages and map work easily this way. My younger boys really learned a lot by tagging along.

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My plan is to get back on track with SOTW1 next fall by reading/listening to the CD's for SOTW4 over the summer for an overview/introduction and then starting over with SOTW1 and both kids (6 and 10)in September.


No, it won't be as in depth as I would like but I really don't want to start my 6 yo in Modern Times and I don't want to do 4 and 1 simultaneously next year.

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I guess it depends on your kids and how much you want them to get out of it.

My girls LOVED the first volume and they learned a ton. SOTW 2 is a little slower for us for some reason. However, we are just starting to get to the explorers and I can't imagine rushing through any of that.


We could never do 2 volumes of SOTW in one year, but then again, we could never do 2 math curriculums like some here do.

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