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I think I've got Attention Deficit Housekeeping Disorder

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I simply can not pay attention long enough to get stuff done in any measurable way. I've been trying to declutter curriculum/clean up the pile of books all over my dining room. This is only one of the myriad chores that need to be done to put this house in some semblance of order. I get a little bit done but then I drift off, either because of the kids or because I go to put something away and see something else that needs to be done. . . .


This happens to me constantly. I just lose focus so quickly. It's truly pathetic. I want to be one of those energetic, efficient, cheerful housekeepers. I like things to be in order, I just find it incredibly draining to set up and maintain things in an orderly way. It doesn't come naturally to me at all. And I grew up in a very orderly, neat home. I literally start to get a headache or I start yawning uncontrollably and feel all droopy with prolonged exposure to housework!


Okay, I"ll stop whining, take some advil and get back to work now.

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Me, too! I was just downstairs cleaning out the school room and then I realized I hadn't booked summer music lessons yet so I went upstairs to do that and of course the phone was next to the computer so I ended up here on the boards.


I'd better get back downstairs!

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Oh thanks Sharon but I am beyond Flylady. I have tried and dropped out 5 times now. I am not exaggerating when I say I'm pathetic!


BUT I did manage to get the dining room pretty clean. I still have a couple of piles on the table that just need proper homes (which don't quite exist yet) and I have stuff for upcoming co-op stacked in neat piles on the floor. They also need to find a friendly bookshelf to live on. Haven't gotten quite to that task yet. The best thing though is that I completely cleaned out our credenza where 4 out of 5 kids keep their books and I got the old stuff moved down to the basement and the new stuff neatly put into their drawers/shelves! Yippee!


I just keep going into the dining room, opening up the credenza doors and smiling at all the neatly placed books/kits etc.


I'm just glowing right now . . . .

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Thanks for naming my problem! :) Personally I consider it a sign of high intellegence because my mind races at such high speeds that the slow mundane bore.d.o m e o f h o u s e w o zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz puts me to sleep. My dh calls it something else ;)


Actually I do find it easier to get house work done late at night when I'm tired or while listening to NPR. Unfortunately my favorite shows are during school hours :(

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I simply can not pay attention long enough to get stuff done in any measurable way. I've been trying to declutter curriculum/clean up the pile of books all over my dining room. This is only one of the myriad chores that need to be done to put this house in some semblance of order. I get a little bit done but then I drift off, either because of the kids or because I go to put something away and see something else that needs to be done. . . .


This happens to me constantly. I just lose focus so quickly. It's truly pathetic. I want to be one of those energetic, efficient, cheerful housekeepers. I like things to be in order, I just find it incredibly draining to set up and maintain things in an orderly way.


This sounds exactly like me!

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Thanks for naming my problem! :) Personally I consider it a sign of high intellegence because my mind races at such high speeds that the slow mundane bore.d.o m e o f h o u s e w o zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz puts me to sleep. My dh calls it something else ;)


Actually I do find it easier to get house work done late at night when I'm tired or while listening to NPR. Unfortunately my favorite shows are during school hours :(


This is why I have podcasts!! Many of the shows on NPR you can download via podcast and listen to them on your computer/ipod when you want!

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