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Need help getting my 1yo to sleep..

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DD3 turned 1 at the end of last month. Her top two teeth are almost coming in. I'm not sure if that is what is keeping her from sleeping. She goes down fine around 8-9 but wants to get in bed with me and nurse for the rest of the night around 1. I can't hack it anymore. I NEED sleep. I haven't had anywhere near a full night sleep since before I was pregnant. I'm so tired.


Her crib is RIGHT next to my bed and there is no where else to put her crib in the house so I don't know what to do. We've tried the Hyland's teething tablets and they work okay but she still doesn't sleep through the night and I don't feel comfortable giving them to her every night. I also don't want to have to give her ibuprofen every night. Any thoughts?

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This is hard, I'm so sorry she's teething and not able to sleep. At that age I would let them cry it out a little, but that would keep you and dh awake of course. With one of our kids who went through something similar we turned the bathroom into a nursery. I duct taped the toilet closed, swabbed everything down with bleach and turned off the knobs below the sink. With the fan on, she would wake, cry for a few minutes and go back to sleep.


Let yourself think outside of the box. Can you and dh sleep somewhere else for a few nights? Maybe you can put two kids together in a bed and he can sleep in the free bed while you sleep on the couch? Or can you just keep the crib in the living room for awhile (I know how hard those things are to take apart.) Hope you are able to find a solution soon.

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:bigear: My 15 month old sleeps for about 3-4 hours then is up for a couple of hours then sleeps again. Some nights she'll go back to sleep if I put her in the bed with DH and I. But I then I get kicked all night. She's a very restless sleeper. I don't know if it's teeth or something else. I've had to give her allergy meds a couple of times lately since our pollen counts have been in the 5 digit range. Even on those nights, she woke up. I really just want to get some sleep. Even a 4 or 5 hour stretch would be nice. Anything more than this current 2-3 hours of broken sleep.

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Put her in a pack-n-play as far away from you as possible, turn on a fan or noise machine, and sleep:). I doubt wanting to get into bed with you and nurse is due to teething, and unless she's not getting enough to eat during the day, I don't think there's a big nutritional need going on, either. Obviously, if that IS the case, address that first.


Yes, I know I'm heartless;). I would go in if she woke up crying, but leave her in the crib, comfort her, then go back to bed. Go back in longer intervals until she's asleep. And if you have a screamer who just gets stinkin' mad and screams, well--one-year-olds throw tantrums, too, and you can treat it as such. Told you I was heartless;).

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I sympathize with you, but I am no help. My ds is 20 months and sleeps in bed with us. It started out so I could get more sleep, but you know how that goes. He still nurses in "his sleep" all night. Some nights are better than others, but I would LOVE just one night of uninterrupted free to move around in bed no one smushing me or sucking on me sleep :glare:


I know it is all my fault and choice, but I can dream ;)

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I don't know but you have my sympathies. From 6-12 months baby girl was waking 2-7 times a night. Finally at 12 months I gave in and let her cry it out for one night. Then she slept through the night. Until a few nights ago, she started waking up again :glare: The pattern is starting all over and I can't exactly let her CIO since all three are in the same bedroom now. :banghead: DH and I joke that it would be nice if babies came with an on/off switch.

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Put her in a pack-n-play as far away from you as possible, turn on a fan or noise machine, and sleep:). I doubt wanting to get into bed with you and nurse is due to teething, and unless she's not getting enough to eat during the day, I don't think there's a big nutritional need going on, either. Obviously, if that IS the case, address that first.


Yes, I know I'm heartless;). I would go in if she woke up crying, but leave her in the crib, comfort her, then go back to bed. Go back in longer intervals until she's asleep. And if you have a screamer who just gets stinkin' mad and screams, well--one-year-olds throw tantrums, too, and you can treat it as such. Told you I was heartless;).

this was me. It stunk but when it was over I was glad.

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If you all need sleep you'll have to keep with your plan. When they are sick or out of sorts they don't sleep well and once they are better you have to use whatever method you decide again. I found it so much better for all of us when everyone slept through the night.

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We moved my 8 month old at 3 months to another room because he was waking up so much. Not to eat, just fussing. Do you know he started sleeping a whole lot better. He only fussed once a night and I can just rock him to sleep.

If you can, try it, even if she is in the living room.

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This has got to stop. I can barely function today and I have a headache from lack of sleep. I just drank coffee at 5pm. I know I'm going to regret it but I can't stay awake to fix dinner. I'm going to let the kids watch something and chill on the couch for a bit before dinner. They should be playing outside but I think I'd have to lay down on the grass outside and that would look strange.

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What I would do:

- baby motrin

-a very loud white noise sound machine

- and don't let her nurse at night


I'm also heartless. ;) Our last two children were 12 months apart. I had to be heartless to get some sleep. And our kids survived.


I would also find another place for the crib - whether it's in another child's room, or the laundry room - as long as it's a safe place.

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I recently partially nightweaned my DS so that he doesn't get to nurse between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m. It took a few nights of him screaming in my ear for hours to accomplish it, but it got better after just a few nights. And earplugs help. :tongue_smilie: I snuggled with him on a mattress on the floor, patted his tummy, offered a pacifier, sang a few songs, shushed--you name it, I tried it, to calm him down and help him go back to sleep, *except* nursing. I hope to be able to extend those non-nursing hours, as soon as I feel like I have the strength to do it.


He still sometimes wakes between those hours and needs some help getting settled, though.


When I nightweaned my DD starting at 18 months, I was so tired that I could doze during the screaming in my ear.

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Put her in a pack-n-play as far away from you as possible, turn on a fan or noise machine, and sleep:). I doubt wanting to get into bed with you and nurse is due to teething, and unless she's not getting enough to eat during the day, I don't think there's a big nutritional need going on, either. Obviously, if that IS the case, address that first.


Yes, I know I'm heartless;). I would go in if she woke up crying, but leave her in the crib, comfort her, then go back to bed. Go back in longer intervals until she's asleep. And if you have a screamer who just gets stinkin' mad and screams, well--one-year-olds throw tantrums, too, and you can treat it as such. Told you I was heartless;).


Our now 18 month old has trouble sleeping when she's teething. She's in our room,too. We have a large walk-in closet, so she sleeps in the P&P in the closet with the exhaust fan on in the bathroom. It works. She'd wake up at 2-3am ready for the day. We'd change her, give her a bottle, etc. and she'd scream because she wanted to get up. She wasn't hungry or uncomfortable. She just wanted to get up. That took a while for her to get over, and it was hard on us because we hated letting her cry, but nothing worked except getting her up and letting her play, and that wasn't going to happen.

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