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How often do you check their work?


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I'm just wondering how others do it...do you check your kids work daily or weekly?


I try to check my kids work daily, but some days I am just not able to. I have 3 foster kids and it seems as if I'm constantly taking someone to some sort of appt. So I was thinking about maybe just doing a weekly check/grading. I do make them correct missed work/problems though, and I'm afraid that not checking until Friday will cause problems; esp if they missed something on Monday. With that being said though, if they don't understand something and tell me, I'm right there helping them until they understand. But, you know sometimes they think they are understanding something and doing it right, but they really aren't, and don't even know it until I check it. Then I go over it with them.


So, I'm just wondering what everyone else does and how they make it work. Thanks!!

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With our older boys (who are now graduated), I only checked about once a week. We were using SOS (computer based) and it automatically corrected most things.


That said, though, it's one of my biggest regrets with them. For multiple reasons, they needed me to be way more involved, and there were just.so.many. problems areas and issue we would have found and uprooted if I had been personally really checking daily.


With these little ones, there won't be any computer-only curriculum and I will be going over everything ever.single.day. All other activities will have to take a backseat, as this was just such a huge issue for us.


Of course, that isn't going to be the case in every family! That was just us, with two teenage boys who had been in public school up until then. :001_smile:

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Dd13 self grades a large portion of her work. She likes immediate response which I can't give so she does it herself. Written work and tests are graded by me as soon as possible. She is simply a perfectionist not a problem child at all.


For my DS12, I grade each morning with my coffee. Make out that days assignments based on what he accomplished the day before. For us it works best. Sometimes he does several math lessons independantly then doesn't finish a single one. This way I am able to stay current with his progress plus I don't forget little things that need to be addressed in my lessons overnight.

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Depends on the age, really.


I don't check my 15yo's work at all, since she's full-time at the community college this year. I do have lengthy discussions with her each day, and she keeps me posted on how her exams and things go. She's usually very excited to show me her exams when she gets home.


My 13 yo largely self-corrects. Again, I spend a lot of time discussing things with her. I look over her finished papers, and check her work probably a couple of times a week.


I check my 10yo's stuff every day. He brings me things as he finishes them, and puts them in a pile. When I get a chance, I go through them.


My 6yo works with me directly on all of his schoolwork, so I check that as we go.


When my older kids were younger, I had a stack of letter trays, with one tray labeled for each child. Finished work went into the letter trays as they completed it. I'd pull it out as often as possible, sometimes daily, sometimes every few days, and I'd check it. I always checked math right away.

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I check everyday. Except for the rare occasion, I check their work and we go over anything they've missed that day when it is still fresh in their minds. I rarely end a school day without them correctly their mistakes, discussing them thoroughly, and generally assessing how they did that day.

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My kids are 10 and 13 and I check their writing and grammar daily or every other day at least.

They are doing TT for math so I ask them what they got each day (such as 21 out of 22) but I check the gradebook each week to verify and see what problems they missed. If they miss more than 3 I always sit down with them to review what they were having issues with.


I made the mistake of NOT checking the gradebook for my oldest earlier this year for about 6wks since he was telling me what he was getting. Well, he was lying and had not completed a bunch of the lessons for some reason.

So he had to go back and complete all those lessons and we had to review some a lot because he wasn't "getting it." I always helped them before when they got stuck, but in this instance, he decided he just didn't want to do them so skipped them :glare: It took us 3 weeks to get caught up!


I learned a lesson there-no matter what program your child is using to learn, the parent is still ultimately responsible that they are learning and needs to stay actively checking progress!

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I check ds7's work as we go. I try to check dd10's as she finishes, but some days I can't do it. I do check math and writing for her daily though. I check writing because she really struggles with it and needs feedback while she is still in the zone and math because I don't want the problems she has to redo to pile up and be overwhelming. If you can't check all the work everyday, maybe you could have certain subjects that get checked daily if your dc struggle with a subject in particular.

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