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Does the best diaper vary with the baby?

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Does the best brand of disposables vary with the baby? I used Huggies successfully with dd, so can I probably just stock up on some Huggies and be fine? Or does gender or baby shape make a difference with the diapers? And does anyone buy their diapers online? I'm looking at the convenience of http://www.diapers.com and trying to figure out if I'd be paying more or if it's a great deal compared to hounding sales and coupons. If it helps you compare, they have Huggies, size 1/2, 228 count, for $37.99, free shipping. It seems like a lot of diapers for the money and sure sounds convenient to have them show up on my doorstep like that! In my dreams I'd be the cloth diaper mama, but that's not my reality. Practicality has to win here.


So anyways, stock up on Huggies or wait for the baby?

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In my experience (which is only 2 kids), it varied by child. At the time, my older ds as an infant had a Huggies behind (or lack there of a behind). When he got to be an older toddler, he was able to do Pampers. Huggies for babies seemed to be cut more narrow which worked better for him. Ds 2 did not have a Huggies hiney. He had a Pampers hiney as a baby (ie: more tushie than his brother had)

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I think you'll be fine with Huggies. We're using Huggies with our boy and they are great. Dh was buying Luvs, which are fine, but seem to run a little smaller, so we switched to Huggies so we could still get more diapers per box rather than jumping up a size. :)


I think whatever newborn (size 1/2) diapers you get will be fine. You change their diapers so often at that age that it won't be a big deal. When they start going longer between changes (ie not pooping every time) you'll be able to tell if you want to switch brands.


My sister has used Huggies, I think, with all 4 of hers - 3 girls and 1 boy. They like them.

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My son needed premium brands, Huggies or Pampers, in order not to leak all over. My daughter used Luvs and White Cloud and we never had problems. I have heard from other friends that sex really makes a difference, mostly in the leaks department, not rashes.

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so, they don't really seem to fit in Luvs past Size 2. Huggies was a problem for us because the tabs always seemed to rip off. We got tired of using duct tape. :glare:


A friend of our got some White Clouds from Walmart, and that honestly seems to be the best for our girls -- all three are in Size 6, the 3.5 year old only at night, the 1.5 year old twins all the time. :D:D


We've tried Pampers and didn't like those, either. But my sister's children were all Luvs babies -- skinny, scrawny little buggers, they were. My girls are not fat, not at all, but they are what my husband lovingly calls "dense." You can hear him in his analytical Mr. Spock voice, saying, "Yes, they have a high mass to volume ratio."

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Now I always had problems with the huggies always leaking. I love pampers! I have never had a problem with them. I have used them with all of my children. Now I like the pampers like the swadlers, cruisers, and such. Not the basic ones.

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1st child, boy - Huggies worked like a charm. Pampers leaked like a sieve (seive? I'm tired). We stuck w/ Huggies.


2nd child, boy - Huggies leaked, Pampers gave him a rash. Store brands left him wet and rashy. Had to go cloth.


3rd child, boy - DH begged me to give disposables another try. *grin* DS could wear a bread bag and be fine. God bless him.


4th child, girl - did fine in White Cloud or Parent's Choice for the first year, but out of nowhere, rash-rash-rash, leak-leak-leak. Freaky. Huggies to the rescue!


5th child, boy - I'm too tired to experiment. LOL.


I think I'd just get a pack to get you started and wait and see, if it's possible.

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This time around I loved Pampers Swaddlers as long as they fit...they only go up to 2 or maybe 2/3. When he outgrew them I switched to Cruisers. He started to get awful rashes, big welts. I thought the rash was food related and couldn't figure out what was causing it. A nursery worker suggested it might be an allergy to the diapers. I, of course, pshawed that since I was using top of the line pampers for goodness sakes...:001_smile: However, as soon as I switched to Huggies, the rash completely disappeared. So, it is so child-specific, I think. I do love the Swaddlers though for the wee, wee ones.

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two in diapers right now---one boy, one girl. DD (23 months) doesn't leak in anything. We noticed that Pampers smell badly when wet. Don't know why. DS (9 months) has major leakage problems in anything but Huggies Supreme. (the ones with Winnie the Pooh on them--in the dark red box.) DD wears Huggies, too, but she's okay in the regular ones---Mickey Mouse on them, red and white box. the Supremes cost more, but for DS, they're worth it. He will leak through to his clothes several times a day without them. We still have an occasional leak. Boys leak a lot more, in our experience:) I like the softness of the Huggies brand. We never have a diaper rash problem, unless they aren't feeling well.


I bought diapers today at Target. They were on sale, and I had a coupon, and I still think your online price sounds good. They were 19.99 before the coupon for 102 (I think--it was right over 100--I'll look tomorrow, if you like--they're in the baby's room, and she's asleep.:)

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I really think it depends on the baby... I liked Pampers for newborns because of the cut for the cord stump. (course this was in the dark ages--7 yrs ago!) After that Huggies fit my last ds better. Other kids did well with Luvs.


My problem was wipes. I never did find a wipe that the last one could tolerate. So, we used baby washclothes and water.

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Ok y'all, this made a lot of sense. I think I'm going to start with the Huggies and try Huggies Supreme if I get a leaker. Thanks for the pricing help. Turns out Sams Club is 20% cheaper than online, but then I have gas. At least I know I can just buy them online and not have to fiddle with the store. (Can we say I don't go often?)


Thanks!!! :)

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For us, Pampers Swadlers and Cruisers were the diaper of choice for about the first year (the newborn Pampers are great) -- then, as they grew, we switched to the Costco brand. They are actually working just find for our latest addition (1 now). Huggies never worked for us (except maybe the Huggies Supreme) -- they always leaked, especially at night, and especially with the boys.


And I have to say that with each child, she or he stayed in the more expensive brands less and less, regardless of the leaks or fit. ;)

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