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TOG, Sonlight, or stay with just SOTW... 2nd and k'er


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My original plan was for all kids to do SOTW with AG for 1-4 and then continue listening to SOTW readings in 5-8 with the younger sibs but add in some additional difficult stuff. Then, everyone is on the same page.


However, I am sorta rethinking next year. We did Sonlight prek and k. I miss the laid out schedule and not having to make library book runs to get school books. I felt like I always knew exactly how much to get done in a day. I could easily jump from SOTW 1 to sonlight C. BUT, sonlight costs a fortune. There are no coloring pages and no activities. So, I have my schedule laid out, but I still have to add in activities. With SOTW, I may make a schedule, but the activities are all laid out. And, it's way cheaper.


But, then my middle DS will hit first grade in SOTW 3. Which I'm thinking will be difficult for him. And then SOTW 4 doesn't even have the good coloring pages and as many activities. So, then I'm thinking I'm going to need some way to add everyone else in. Hence the TOG consideration that has good lower grammar suggestions for every level. Or, should I just run a couple of different sonlight cores so everyone has their own deal?


Any thoughts? I feel like SOTW for history may not work as well as I'm hoping to combine everyone.


I am leaning towards doing SOTW 2 next year with DD and not worrying about history for DS since he will only be in kinder, but I think it's a better switching point for sonlight to switch between sotw 1 and core c than it is to switch from sotw 2 and core d?


Can anyone even follow this post? I think I just confused myself!

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My original plan was for all kids to do SOTW with AG for 1-4 and then continue listening to SOTW readings in 5-8 with the younger sibs but add in some additional difficult stuff. Then, everyone is on the same page.


However, I am sorta rethinking next year. We did Sonlight prek and k. I miss the laid out schedule and not having to make library book runs to get school books. I felt like I always knew exactly how much to get done in a day. I could easily jump from SOTW 1 to sonlight C. BUT, sonlight costs a fortune. There are no coloring pages and no activities. So, I have my schedule laid out, but I still have to add in activities. With SOTW, I may make a schedule, but the activities are all laid out. And, it's way cheaper.


But, then my middle DS will hit first grade in SOTW 3. Which I'm thinking will be difficult for him. And then SOTW 4 doesn't even have the good coloring pages and as many activities. So, then I'm thinking I'm going to need some way to add everyone else in. Hence the TOG consideration that has good lower grammar suggestions for every level. Or, should I just run a couple of different sonlight cores so everyone has their own deal?


Any thoughts? I feel like SOTW for history may not work as well as I'm hoping to combine everyone.


I am leaning towards doing SOTW 2 next year with DD and not worrying about history for DS since he will only be in kinder, but I think it's a better switching point for sonlight to switch between sotw 1 and core c than it is to switch from sotw 2 and core d?


Can anyone even follow this post? I think I just confused myself!


I followed you :) I have no experience with TOG, but yes, if you are going to switch to SL going from SOTW 1 to Core C would be a good switching point. Both Core B using CHOW and SOTW1 end at the Fall of Rome and then CHOW really condenses and speeds up timeline wise during Core C.

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Not sure if I have shared my "new" plan with you yet. :lol:

Next year we are planning: SL core C. I will have ds join in as he wants for the history, and for sure join us on the read alouds. I am planning to add some picture books in, buying a few and adding some from the library if we get there and not worrying about it if we don't. I "think" I will have him join in on the missionary studies and geography songs since that is similar to what dd did in K and it was great (I have the heros for young readers I can add here if we choose). I think that will be plenty for ds, and since it is K, as little as we do is fine, and I know he will enjoy the read alouds as he has sat in on all of the core A and B read alouds we have done.


Since I have not done SL completely before, if it moves to fast I am giving myself permission to slow it down and only get through week 24 (?) which ends around where SOTW 2 is. If at all possible I would like the dc to listen to SOTW 2 on audio during the course of the year, but that might be too advantageous. ;)


I also have collected 5 pages of links for hands on/supplemental activities and notebooking pages, coloring pages. I also plan to do WWE narrations with the notebooking. I will add this list along with the supplemental picture books to my blog when I finish it.


It seems slightly ambition which is why I am giving myself permission to only get through week 24. :tongue_smilie: It does seem like it might be a plan that will allow us to enjoy history, which we are not doing right now. I really want to slow down. I feel as though we have been rushed with SOTW 1, too much info, not enough savoring. I am unsure of anything dd is coming away with, certainly not a love of history; so I knew we needed to change it up.


Oh, and pretty easily I have pieced together at least half of core C used, even if I have to buy the rest of the core new from SL and Amazon, it will still be significantly cheaper than new. Adding some of the crafts, SOTW audio, and picture books will still be well under the new core price.


Then. . .

for 1st and third: If we love SL, which I am thinking we will, I plan to combine Core D with Truthquest to add picture books for ds. Ds will then have those, the read alouds and I will probably read the readers to him. A little hands on(coloring/notebooking) and we will call it good. Will try to listen to SOTW 3 on audio if possible.


For 2nd and 4th: Core E with TQ year 2. Same plan as for Core D. Will try to listen to SOTW 4 on audio if possible.


These are just preliminary plans, to be tweaked as we get going, but I think it is a solid plan for through 4th grade for dd. Honestly I am loving most of all right now what we are learning in the SL read alouds we are doing, and readers. We have taken time to map those books, talk some about the history, and enjoy the story. SOTW is so jumpy for the sake of chronology and all to "fit it all in" that we just aren't enjoying it.


For dd for logic stage (this is also when #3 will start K) I am planning to use MOH, either by itself or as a part of BP, allowing youngers to tag or use SOTW on audio since I will have it. or Core A for dd2 and Core F for dd1 and some combination of both for ds. That will depend on how our years of SL go. :tongue_smilie:


Choosing history has been so stressful, but honestly I had to sit back and reassess what our goals are. My top priorities are: to see God's hand in history, to see where He is working around the world, to get an overview of history that will spark a love and desire for more, and a love and passion for reading. I "think" and hope this new plan will do it for me. At first I thought for sure my middle guy would always be "missing out" if I combined in SL, but I had to reflect on what he was actually getting. For 1st and 2nd grade, an overview of US history using TQ and some SL is a great intro to US history. Maybe not the same as dd is getting, but a great plan for those 2 years none the less. I am content with this, it doesn't have to be the same, as long as it is still good.


Not sure if this helped at all, but hopefully something did! :)



ETA: I think if you like SOTW and it works for your family, it is a great option to continue. If by SOTW 3 and 4 you think it is too much for your little one, just allow the him to sit in on the extra books and lit and do the coloring pages and activities. I think either way it is plenty for 1st and 2nd grade. :)

Edited by ByGrace3
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My original plan was for all kids to do SOTW with AG for 1-4 and then continue listening to SOTW readings in 5-8 with the younger sibs but add in some additional difficult stuff. Then, everyone is on the same page.


However, I am sorta rethinking next year. We did Sonlight prek and k. I miss the laid out schedule and not having to make library book runs to get school books. I felt like I always knew exactly how much to get done in a day. I could easily jump from SOTW 1 to sonlight C. BUT, sonlight costs a fortune. There are no coloring pages and no activities. So, I have my schedule laid out, but I still have to add in activities. With SOTW, I may make a schedule, but the activities are all laid out. And, it's way cheaper.


But, then my middle DS will hit first grade in SOTW 3. Which I'm thinking will be difficult for him. And then SOTW 4 doesn't even have the good coloring pages and as many activities. So, then I'm thinking I'm going to need some way to add everyone else in. Hence the TOG consideration that has good lower grammar suggestions for every level. Or, should I just run a couple of different sonlight cores so everyone has their own deal?


Any thoughts? I feel like SOTW for history may not work as well as I'm hoping to combine everyone.


I am leaning towards doing SOTW 2 next year with DD and not worrying about history for DS since he will only be in kinder, but I think it's a better switching point for sonlight to switch between sotw 1 and core c than it is to switch from sotw 2 and core d?


Can anyone even follow this post? I think I just confused myself!


I seriously considered SL but my oldest will be in 2nd year and I was strongly discouraged from using core C, because of my sons age. However core b would be a repeat of information we already covered in STOW 1. I like the schedule laid out for me but SL makes so many changes it's hard for me to be comfortable choosing them. I looked into TOG and purchased the first unit of year 2, but it is very expensive. The books for LG the entire year are over $800.00. More expensive than SL. So I am back to STOW 2 and looking for resources and activities. You could easily create a schedule for yourself with STOW by dividing the chapters into the number of school weeks. Then slow down or speed up as needed. In addition instead of creating a colander based on dates it could be set up by weeks, week 1,2,3 etc. That way if you get behind the dates won't bother you as much.

I wouldn't worry much about your kinder student. Let that child join in with activities and listen to read alouds.


Lastly look at this site it may give you some ideas


Good luck!

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I seriously considered SL but my oldest will be in 2nd year and I was strongly discouraged from using core C, because of my sons age. However core b would be a repeat of information we already covered in STOW 1. I like the schedule laid out for me but SL makes so many changes it's hard for me to be comfortable choosing them. I looked into TOG and purchased the first unit of year 2, but it is very expensive. The books for LG the entire year are over $800.00. More expensive than SL. So I am back to STOW 2 and looking for resources and activities. You could easily create a schedule for yourself with STOW by dividing the chapters into the number of school weeks. Then slow down or speed up as needed. In addition instead of creating a colander based on dates it could be set up by weeks, week 1,2,3 etc. That way if you get behind the dates won't bother you as much.

I wouldn't worry much about your kinder student. Let that child join in with activities and listen to read alouds.


Lastly look at this site it may give you some ideas


Good luck!


Tuzor - my ds8 is now in Core D and doing great (so he was 6/7 during Core C) and it was fine.

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Tuzor - my ds8 is now in Core D and doing great (so he was 6/7 during Core C) and it was fine.


I'm doing Core D while my son is still 7 (will be 8 in a couple months, and we just started). I don't foresee any problems in this core, and looking at Core C, he could have easily done that at 7, no problem. I do want to hit some of the later cores at a slightly older age, but we'll probably always be on the younger end of the cores with this child. (meanwhile, middle son will be on the older end, doing P4/5 for K next year - he needs to be on the older end)

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Hmmm I will have to take a second look. We're you affected negatively or positively by the changes?


Looks like our dc are about the same ages. Dd1 will be 7 soon, and ds is almost 5. We also are combining in core c next year. I could be wrong, and am willing to admit that when we get started, and either slow down or switch gears then, but I just looked at the book list and determined I think my dc will be fine. They have done extremely well with the core Aand Bread alouds this year, so I don't foresee a problem. The SL forums are notorious for discouraging using it on the lower end, but from what I understand plenty of people do use it this way, I think it really depends on your dc. When I list on here what we use, some people agree and others tell me it is too much...all depends on philosophy and my child. Some may be ready for it and some not. Also, dd will be using the grade 4/5 readers next year and we will run out of packages if we don't move to core D after that :tongue_smilie: I could choose my own, but I guess I imagine if she can read those next year she will be ready for the core d readers in third.



ETA; the changes. I like the notes behind the schedule, do not like LA added in, one of the main reasons I am piecing together and not buying a core. It won't be added in for me! :tongue_smilie: I like the new books. More of the books now tie into the time period, and there are more books scheduled. We don't use their Bible so that doesn't apply either.

Edited by ByGrace3
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Hmmm I will have to take a second look. We're you affected negatively or positively by the changes?


I'm using an older core this year, so they don't affect me, but I would live to have the notes behind the schedule! I'll pick up a new core E next year. I'll just skip the Marshall books on day 5. Not a big deal. I also kind of like the 4 day with 5th day tacked on, as I can go back and forth easily between a 4 and 5 day week, but for those who want a true 4 day week, there is still a day 5 reader scheduled. My son is a fast reader, so the reader only takes him 10 minutes or less anyway.


So most of the changes are positive for me. I don't need the LA, but I might use some of it next year, adjusted for my son's ability.

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For primary grades I would choose:

1. Sonlight (because the missionary stories and great read alouds are scheduled for you)

2. SOTW (if you just want history)

3. TOG--seriously, I would wait, I don't think the LG is as rich as either of the above choices. I am using SOTW and Sonlight resources for my LG/UG students this year. (We did Sonlight from Pre-K through fifth grade.)

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I haven't used STOW, but I do use SL. If you can find it used it is a great deal - but even if you buy new, the reason it costs so much is because of ALL the BOOKS you get - they are worth it - great library builders. If you like open and go, SL is really the bomb. TOG....it takes a lot of planning. I probably spent 100 hours figuring it all out and couldn't get the 1st quarter of year 1 off the ground :(. And if you buy all the books it is even more expensive IMO.


Honestly...I don't add anything to SL and none of my kids mind! They just love the books, and I'm a book mom. If they wanted to I'd provide them with crayons/paper to free draw, but they all just like to snuggle up with me and listen to the books. I'm not super hands-on mom so I just read the books, do timeline/mapwork with my oldest, and call it good!

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At that age, unless you are looking at your own education, I would stick with SOTW using extra literature from the activity guides or booklists from the major hs publishers, MFW, SL, HOD, ect. I would consider TOG at UG or D at the latest based on your oldest child. I end up using SOTW as listed in TOG alternative UG as our weekly introduction for everyone and the kids still have the coloring pages in their TOG workbooks for when I read aloud. ;)

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  • 1 month later...
I haven't used STOW, but I do use SL. If you can find it used it is a great deal - but even if you buy new, the reason it costs so much is because of ALL the BOOKS you get - they are worth it - great library builders. If you like open and go, SL is really the bomb. TOG....it takes a lot of planning. I probably spent 100 hours figuring it all out and couldn't get the 1st quarter of year 1 off the ground :(. And if you buy all the books it is even more expensive IMO.


Honestly...I don't add anything to SL and none of my kids mind! They just love the books, and I'm a book mom. If they wanted to I'd provide them with crayons/paper to free draw, but they all just like to snuggle up with me and listen to the books. I'm not super hands-on mom so I just read the books, do timeline/mapwork with my oldest, and call it good!




My children tend to make up their own "extra" activities when it comes to history. We will read something, and next thing I know, they are off building models of aircraft carriers with their blocks, making books about what we just read, or acting it out in their pretend play. It is obvious to me from their conversations with each other and others that they are learning a ton, so we don't sweat it. I figure they get enough seat work with their LA, math, etc.

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