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Teacher's Lounge 4-6-2012

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


Breakfast - usual 2 eggs, 1 slice Dave's Killer Good Seed bread (I love that name!), p.b., water


Lunch - eating out


Dinner - I desperately need to go grocery shopping so that I can make something for dinner tonight.



What are you doing today? I have a doctor's appointment this morning. We also need to go to the post office and the pharmacy and grocery store. Tonight dd volunteers at the Y so I will be there exercising and then doing some grading/planning.


For school in the car, ds is getting caught up in a couple of subjects where he had dropped the ball. Dd will be working on her Spectrum test prep booklet to get reading for achievement testing next week.



Have you done your taxes yet? I have gotten as far as loading the tax preparation software. Getting taxes done is a huge goal for me this weekend.

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B -Eggs/sausages/apple slices


L - No idea. Better get started.


D - I think sub sandwhiches for dinner.


Kids have gone w/dh to a local church for their annual Good Friday Resurrection Trail. I stayed home with oldest ds for his bass lesson (which ended up being cancelled.) Otherwise ds has chemistry lab with his friend, we'll finish up a couple of things with TOG, have our TOG weekly meeting, dinner, then Good Friday service (dh, 16ds, 13dd are singing in the choir, 16ds and I are playing in the orchestra.)


I did my taxes in early Feb. (Turbo Tax) so we could get our refund and pay for my summer trip.

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?



What are you doing today?



Have you done your taxes yet?




Dinner-Sonoran Dogs with a huge salad, for those who can eat




Today, I hope to get a regular day of schooling done. We have just gotten over a stomach virus for the THIRD time in five months. :nopity:



Taxes were done in January!

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

Breakfast - PB toast, OJ, coffee, fruit. Can't say on lunch or dinner yet! Whatever I pull out on a whim.

What are you doing today?

Slacking heavily. We are having spring break this week.

Have you done your taxes yet?

Yes! Even got a refund. Yay for the accountant and DH being on the ball.

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

for me:

Greek yogurt, flax, sunflower seeds, coconut and cranberries


pot roast, mashed potatoes, green beans, strawberry shortcake



What are you doing today?

I just got back from taking the kids to the zoo - they are spending the rest of the day there with dh, but I had to come back to work. Apparently they get a field trip today despite my plans for a half day of schoolwork.


Have you done your taxes yet?

Nope. Not yet. Although I've started thinking about doing them.

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Breakfast? coffee for me, kiddos had a cereal bar

Lunch? chicken strips, fries & white gravy. I saw a DQ commerical and it looked so good. Had the stuff so I made it

Dinner? thinking bbq chicken sandwiches -- gonna put the stuff in the crock pot so it is ready when we get home



What are you doing today? No school as dh is out today. So far we have cleaned out the vehicles and been doing some minor housecleaning. Dh is taking the van to the van to have it worked on. Also have ball practice tonight.



Have you done your taxes yet? yep and what refund we got has already been spent

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?


B - smoothie w/ probiotics *yum* LOL and a hot tea later


L - veggie burger patty and some salad


D - not a clue



What are you doing today?


So far I've cleaned the main floor of the house. Sort of. I dusted, cleared and organized clutter, and swept. I was going to mop, then realized my stepdad will be here this weekend and he REFUSES to accept not wearing shoes inside. I'll just mop on Monday, after he leaves :glare: No point in doing it twice. I'm going drop some books at the library this afternoon, and take DD to find a pair of shoes for her play.


Have you done your taxes yet?




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Breakfast: Not today. Just didn't work out for me. :glare:


Lunch: company, which = real food! pizza lasagna, garlic bread, salad, fresh fruit, and choc muffins with coffee for dessert!


Supper: who needs it after such a lunch?!



-Sorry, misplaced the last question in this here giant stack of receipts.

Edited by Classical Country Mama
Don't worry--the KIDS got breakfast, the scamps.
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Breakfast? biscuits or toast, eggs and bacon

Lunch? popcorn

Dinner? salad, beer bread, steak, pototoes (mashed and sweet), carrot cheesecake



What are you doing today? a little school, a little house work, a little yard work, coloring eggs, going to church



Have you done your taxes yet? Taxes done in February, refund received and distributed.

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

Oatmeal for Breakfast- late. We'll have a 'Linner' as we call it- BBQ pork chop in the crock with roasted sweet potatoes and green beans. We'll probably have a treat later this evening.


What are you doing today?

Taking it easy- we're taking an impromptu spring break. I figured I'd call the break something respectable instead of just 'we decided to chuck the studies out the window this week'. :tongue_smilie: Dd is finishing a couple of Easter cards. Did did do a math lesson today too. I'll be whipping through the house and picking up this evening so tomorrow I can clean and we'll dye eggs tomorrow night. We'll make rolls as well to bring to Nana and Papa's for Easter morning.

Have you done your taxes yet?

Yep! Got them done last week...I meant to do them early Feb...but kept pushing them back and pushing them back. Story of my life! :glare:

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Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

Hm. Pancakes. PBJ. Chick-Fil-A. (Wow. That is SO not nutritional.)


What are you doing today?

Had to take dd13 shopping for an Easter dress. I'm on Day 3 or 4 of being incredibly sick - I feel terrible - so other than that, I've been lying around. No school, thankfully.


Have you done your taxes yet?

Yes, I've done mine. Still have to help dd19 with hers, though. Sigh.

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