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FlyLady Club!!!! I know it's Saturday....

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NO, I'm not ready! I thought I'd have until Monday to prepare myself for this. I did make my bed and throw on some clothes, but I don't want to put on shoes today.


I guess I'll start with the shiny sink though..... but I'm not going to be happy about it.


I already took my shoes off 'cuz we're swimming. I'm just trying to form the habit. I have so far to go, but I'm not giving up this time. I. will. succeed!! *cue Rocky music

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I already took my shoes off 'cuz we're swimming. I'm just trying to form the habit. I have so far to go, but I'm not giving up this time. I. will. succeed!! *cue Rocky music


Well now I will have the Rocky music playing in my head once I get off the computer and actually go shine my sink. :boxing_smiley:

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Darn. I forgot about the shoe thing. And are we really starting today? It's worse than Saturday at my house - it's Saturday and dh isn't home. Usually Saturday is project/yardwork day but instead the kids have been swimming and playing video games and I've been on the computer and I haven't even wiped the kitchen counters yet much less shined my sink.


You know what stuck with FlyLady? A couple of the routines. I can not leave my room in the morning without making my bed and generally tidying up in there. I often shine my bathroom sink. I do not have the ability to leave a mess in the kitchen after dinner. It's kind of nice to realize that some of those routines have stuck. Maybe I'll be able to pick up a few more of them this time around.


Does anyone want to post scary pictures of why they really need FlyLady right now? You should see my school room...


And now I'm really getting off the computer. I'm going to shine my kitchen sink, see if I can find a pair of shoes I'll be able to stand to wear in the house, and put on a load of laundry. Then I might go downstairs and ponder the dumping ground - I mean my school room.

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The kids and I had fun doing 5 min room rescues this morning. Then dd and I each did a 2 min hot spot. A mouse took up residence in one of our cabinets and so she's cleaning out that mess and I'm going to get my bathroom done so I can more easily keep it up.


Really, other than that, only my office and closet need any help, but the main t hing for us will be to KEEP it clean, not getting overwhelmed with it, etc. I'm just not BO. I work way too hard for it to get decent and have trouble keeping it that way for even a day or two.


I'm really looking forward to this :)

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You guys have inspired me. I emailed FlyLady to tell her about our "club". I'm even thinking of having a Giveaway on my blog. Maybe a feather duster or a timer. I just have to remind myself to take the BabySteps. This is what has failed me in the past. Getting all gung ho and getting overwhelmed. I'm excited. :hurray:


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I did too much today, and am really cranky right now. Oh, Mike????


Seriously, I started just shining the kitchen sink, but since I had the window cleaner out, I thought I'd better do the bathroom mirrors (what a sight). Then I decided I might as well clean all the bathroom sinks and the toilets while I was at it. DH had to work today and said he wanted to help clean, so before he left, I said I'd vacuum the floors. Majorly needed it. So....I did the floors. Then, everything was so cluttery I felt like the cleaning would go unnoticed if I didn't de-clutter, so I did that. I finally ended up finishing around 2:30 at ate my lunch then, which included 1/2 bag of dorritos. I need to work on the de-clutter body next!


Anyway, I feel like now I can start fresh at least. I am NOT going to try to do too much, because I do feel like a total crank and like I want to take everyone's head off.


Tomorrow: Day 2



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I'm pretty well buried under Mt. Washmore. I did shine my sink (again), and my morning routine basics are in place (have been since I started FlyLady), so I always make my bed and dress to shoes and hair. I decluttered half of my closet and ironed all of dh's shirts. I did two loads of laundry and put away three (but still have a load to put away).

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