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What do your kids want to be when they grow up?

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DS13 wants to be a mathematician. Last night he explained that being an engineer isn't good enough because it's only applied math -- he wants to do theoretical math only. :lol: Actually, that kid might well do it.


I think DD11 wants to continue to live well while working as an animal shelter volunteer :)



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. . . and I think there's a solid chance what they project now may actually come true!


Ds7 wants to be an archaeologist. That way he can live in the jungle and dig. When he is not doing ruins on land, he will alternately be an archaeologist who dives and excavates shipwrecks.


Dd11 wants to do something either with children or writing. She thought being a book reviewer for a newspaper would work well for her, or possibly an elementary school teacher.

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Ds (9) wants to be a Soldier in the Canadian forces

Dd (8) wants to be a livestock vet and raise horses

Ds (4) currently says a man and a fire man. When he first said fire man, dd said "you can die doing that" so he said a cop, so dd pipes up "you can get shot doing that" so he let out a big sigh and said he would drive the ambulance and then looked to her to see if that was a good choice. But he has since gone back to wanting to be a fire man.

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Athos (12) - something involving military technology or strategy, or game making involving those things. Ideal job might perhaps be running simulations for the military.


Porthos (10) - wants to make computer games, as well as invent faster-than-light travel, and build the Death Star.


Aramis (7) - paleontologist/geologist. He's wanted to do that for awhile, now. He's just discovered Indiana Jones, and I think he has a new hero ;-)


D'Artagnan (6) - says he wants to be a paleontologist too, but he's only saying that because that's what his brother said. I could see him being a professional stunt man, lol.

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Cute story:

My oldest 14yo son is very medically fragile from a genetic degenerative disorder. He was very sick last year and we almost lost him. He was having something called Cheyne-Stokes breathing and our neurologist rushed us to the cardiologist for an immediate echocardiogram. The cardiologist did it himself while the entire office was closed during lunchtime.


My 3 younger children had to be sooooo quiet because the office was totally silent. And they did it! I was so happy. The doctor said they were so well behaved they scared him :). They were actually just so worried about their brother. Anyway. The doctor let them watch the echo and showed them all their brother's heart and arteries etc. He was really nice to them.


He asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up. Just then the office was filling up with other docs and nurses coming back from their lunches and they were all listening. My 6yos said an endocrinologist bc he had diabetes. They all chatted with him about that. My 8yod said a pediatric nurse because she wanted to be a mommy and it was too hard to be a mommy and a doctor :/ . The lady doctors were dying laughing!! Then, my 8yos with mild mr said he wanted to be an orderly bc Mommy says its the most important job at the hospital!!!!

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