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Is there anything you do (hsing) that has become routine...

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Is there anything you do in your homeschooling that has become so routine that your kids don't want to do it any other way?


Just curious...


I read from our science & history books while they do their handwriting. They've come to expect it, and today dd8 didn't want to do handwriting without being able to listen to history or science at the same time.

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It's been six months, I'm still waiting for us to settle into a routine. But, I guess having a flexible schedule is one of the reasons I wanted to homeschool. We hit our classes right after breakfast. I guess that is a routine in it's self. If we don't get to work right away, it does mess with the kids head for the day.

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What is the system?


Nothing spectacular. I write down their assignments in my planner, and they copy them down in their own planners. I used to type up their schedules in a spreadsheet and print them. The transition was horrible..lol. Now if I even change the way I write them down, there is chaos.

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We still crawl in the big bed for SL school everyday. Even when we aren't using SL! My kids are 12 and 13 and something needs to be read by me in my bed each morning or they feel cheated. I'm currently doing biology for bed school.

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