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Ideas for 16th birthday party

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DD wanted to have a ball for her birthday but the plans didn't work out with the venue. She is really disappointed. She wants to do something with all of her friends, coed.


I cannot think of anything other than a surprise party here. We live in an area with a dearth of entertainment options, although a 35 minute drive would put us in a number of larger cities.


We have a bowling alley but that is not an option.

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Does it have to be out of the house? We did a Mystery Dinner for one bday and it was a huge hit! It's the one where you have nine selections, 3 of which are utensils. Each item has a code (ie: knife = Et tu, Brute?). Paper is handed out and everyone puts the nine items in the order they want: 3 courses with 3 items each. I time them so they only have two minutes to fill in their menu and no talking to each other! It is so much fun to make a plate that has only Jell-o, spaghetti and a knife! Or someone thinks they are smart and "order" their utensils first yet what they soon find out is that each course is removed before the next one is served! Too much fun!


It's a great way to spend a fun evening.



My dd just turned 16 on the 26th...I'm in denial still. ;)

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Oh, a ball sounds like so much fun! How much time do you have to plan something?


Something my friends and I did in college for fun was to dress to the nines in formal attire and then go eat at McDonalds or Taco Bell or something. (It seemed we were always having formal dances that we had to buy dresses for and we wanted to get our money's worth out of them!) It's one of those things that you look back at and you're like WHY did we do something so weird? But at the time it was a lot of fun.

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I would do something at home, but I wouldn't do a surprise party, especially when she was already trying to plan a party. Let her know and be a part of it (and dress nicely for it, lol).


There's no reason the kids can't dress up for a home party. You could do a fancy dinner with 'servers,' you can move furniture around so they can dance, you can decorate. With what you save not having to rent a hall, you can really go all out on food and decorations!


One fun thing for a Sweet 16 is a candy buffet. Here are some examples, and you can google candy buffet for more.

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Masquerade party?


Murder mystery party? My 13 yo really wanted a mystery party last year, but he didn't want a murder. Most if the ones we saw online had too much inappropriate content for him to be comfortable. We ended up writing our own. It was a lot of work, but we did have fun.

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Masquerade party?


Murder mystery party? My 13 yo really wanted a mystery party last year, but he didn't want a murder. Most if the ones we saw online had too much inappropriate content for him to be comfortable. We ended up writing our own. It was a lot of work, but we did have fun.


We did a costume party for dd's 16th last fall. We did it near Halloween, but any time's a good time to dress outrageously as far as we're concerned. They played a lot of games. Then they spontaneously held a "fashion show" with one kid playing the piano, and whoever wanted walking the "runway", after which everyone voted on their favorite outfit. And after that everyone started singing to the piano music. It helped that a lot of the guests are involved in music and theater.


But I think a Mystery Party would also be outstanding.


Video scavenger hunt? Those are pretty popular around here, but you have to have plenty of drivers and cameras.

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I don't know how many friends you're talking, but when my oldest daughter turned 16, she only had a small handful of girlfriends from her small, private, special needs school over, and a friend of mine came over to do their hair and makeup for them (glitter and the works).


I rented a limo and originally intended to have it drive them to the movies. But since there was nothing really appropriate playing in our small local theater, it took them to the bowling alley instead. After they bowled a couple of games, it drove them home. They LOVED being in the limo and just being out somewhere in it and getting to go out after having their hair and makeup done.


Back at home, we had pizza and a sleepover party and the girls had snacks and stayed up late and watched movies and did their own thing. In the morning we made them pancakes and they played Wii games or Rock Band until they got picked up. It was a really nice night.


Our county has an online "calendar of events"- through the visitor's bureau I think. If yours does you could try looking it up to see if anything special happens to be going on around the time of her b-day. You might find some sort of event coinciding with it that you could take her and her friends to.

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we did a murder mystery dinner. Bought the kit online, rated appropriate for teens. It had all the invitations, the bio for each character, the events that needed to take place to keep the story moving, everything. I'm an idiot when it comes to things like that, and even I could manage it. They came in period costumes, we served sit down dinner for 18, co-ed. Put up white christmas lights inside, wrote out the menu, put groupings of chairs through the living room and family room. It was the talk of the teens for quite a while after. Great fun and felt really special.


Good luck

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