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Tweeting Zimmerman's address

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I read that Spike Lee and Rosanne Barr both tweeted the address of Zimmerman's home (Spike Lee incorrectly). I don't care how mad you are, how could someone think that is okay?? Doesn't Zimmerman have kids? What could be gained by giving out his address besides more harm?? :confused:

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It boggles the mind with all the accusations of vigilante-ism that Zimmerman exhibited that someone would think it okay to do this. I surely hope that both Barr and Lee are brought before the judge on this one.


Didn't their mama's ever teach them that "two wrongs don't make a right." ??!!??

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It's disturbing that so many people are determined that the court of public opinion should rule. It's also rather ironic that other would-be vigilantes are interested in meting out justice in this case.

If Z is ever arrested it is going to be difficult to find a venue with an impartial jury.

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This is now mass hysteria, I begin to doubt if many actually care about the truth. With Sharpton in the mix we all know that there is certainly one individual who does not care a whit for the truth. (search Tawana Brawley if you need reminding)


Bounties, incitement to violence, threats???? What have we come to?


The ends do NOT justify the means.


If he is guilty, I want him punished, if he is innocent then I want him left alone.

Edited by pqr
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The story I heard on the news was that Spike Lee apologized and offered to pay for the trouble (not that that makes it OK) and Roseann (or someone) actually posted his parents address. They are in a hotel now for safety.


That and the bounty make me ill and sad.


The story I read said Lee tweeted the wrong address (the address of the parents of a William George Zimmerman, no relation), and that's who he's settling with --I think they may be moving. So while he's taking care of that, it doesn't sound like he's had a change of heart about trying to tweet the address in the first place.:glare:


Idiots. All of them. Their knee-jerk reactions based on what they think they know are just as ill-conceived as Zimmerman's in the first place.

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