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Taxes update

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My property taxes are still not paid. :cursing:


I contacted my mortgage company and began this fiasco chase a month ago. A month. Two days before taxes are absolutely due, and nothing. Not paid.



After this is over in one way or another, I am DONE with this company. I will be refinancing with some one else AND I will do my own escrow from now on.


It is astounding what large banks get away with. Astounding.

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Called again today. Not paid.


I have to go to the Tax Collector's office this afternoon and pay.


I've been angry, but today I'm just sad.


Dh and I have been working so hard at bringing down our debt all while paying for his college without loans. We've made progress, and now we are set back by several thousand dollars for something WE DID NOT DO.


I keep trying to shrug it off, and be grateful for all we do have. I know this is nothing compared to what many others are facing, and I remind myself of that.


It's just maddening, frustrating, unfair, sad, and deflating.


I will not cry at the Tax Collector's office today, but I may cry at home.


Okay, my pity party/rant is over.

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Ugh- so sorry! I thought they would pay since they SAID they would. Glad you checked up on it but mad that they haven't followed through.


Yes, they said they would. Remember I said I wasn't going to be relieved until I saw it paid? This is why. They have messed up too many times before, and they are too large to care.


Ultimately, everything will be okay. It's a set back, but we'll manage.

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What bank is this? All banks are regulated by some agency, and this is definitely something that should be reported. If you give me the name of the bank, I should be able to find out where to report them. If you want I can try to find out the actual regulation that would apply to this situation.


Best of Luck!

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What bank is this? All banks are regulated by some agency, and this is definitely something that should be reported. If you give me the name of the bank, I should be able to find out where to report them. If you want I can try to find out the actual regulation that would apply to this situation.


Best of Luck!


:iagree:I would not be paying any late fees for taxes at all in this case. I would be reporting this to everyone and anyone who might help including news reporters if I did not get satisfaction. You have been paying escrow all along right? Then the tax collector should waive any late fees or the bank should have to pay!!!

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