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If it ain't broke... do you ever make curric. changes due to parental boredom?


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My youngest will be in K/1 next year. She's flew through most of her K4 stuff this fall and started in on my K pics this spring. I've got a good track record with some things that I've used with my olders, but I find myself so tempted to switch things up just for the sake of doing something different this go around. Can anyone relate?


Some changes I've thought about aren't a big deal, such as trying A reason for Handwriting instead of HWOT, though it might be foolish given that I already own the HWOT manipulatives.


I did start with OPGTR this go around instead of 100EZ lessons, that one has been good. I'm going to stick with ETC as a supplement. She worked through the ETC primers A, B, and C this year and enjoyed them.


I think I'm going to stick with Singapore Math, she's done well with Essentials this year (that was a switch from EB), but I've drooled over Miquon and RS both. I am going to try to find a new fact drill supplement though. The other one worked well, but I'm bored with it.


I have thought about ditching our SOTW/BP combo supplemented with SL for American totally though. I don't know if I can do the same read alouds, etc. AGAIN. I've thought about Veritas or MFW hoping they'd introduce some freshness into the mix.


I don't want to do FLL again either. I'm also thinking of investing in AAS instead of using the sequential spelling we've got already.


We don't have an unlimited budget. Our oldest needs some form of transportation to her dual enrollment classes this fall, both of which will be $$. I've got another teen who will be right behind her the following year. All along I've been planning to reuse all the great curric. I've got shelves with. I feel guilty for even thinking about new purchases for non-consumables.


I think next year is the first year I'm not teaching at least 1 "new" grade for the first time. Maybe that's my issue?!?


Anyone with BTDT advice? I'd hate to invest in new items only to realize that what I've already got is better. Youngest and her next older sibling have similar learning styles, so I have no reason to believe anything would not be a good fit.

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I switched phonics for my 3rd child because of wanting something different, and midway through the year I switched back to the program I used for my oldest two because I realized I like it MUCH better. So, in my experience, switching simply because of "parental boredom" is not a good idea. :) (I did have other reasons too, like the fact that ds seemed like he'd do better with a different scope and sequence. Turns out we should have just stuck with what I'm used to and slowed down in certain parts.)

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Yes! After teaching 3 kids to read with ABeka I thought I would shrivel up and die of boredom. One should never have to read Fun With Pets more than 15 times :D. So ds4 got a whole new reading program - Phonics Museum. They all read well :001_smile:


Switching things around mom's sake can sometimes infuse a new vigor into schooling. I can't remember doing it mid year though. I typically researched and bought for the next year.

Edited by CynthiaOK
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I keep the basics the same (math, Language arts) even if they bore me to tears (FLL is this for me, but it works and ds doesn't seem to mind). If it works and the kids aren't complaining, it stays. On the other hand, I've dropped history/science programs based on parental boredom. If I can't stand those type of programs, even if the kids like it, it gets sold.



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As someone else posted - if I'm bored, it rubs off on the kids.


I keep looking to find a BETTER replacement before I switch, otherwise I'll stick with what I have.


It's taken me 10 years, but I feel like I have the curriculum I like now! I am an eclectic curriculum junkie - we don't use one program, but a big variety of things. And I totally understand that not every thing works for every person! Teacher or kid!


It's been worth my time and research. I would make recommendations, but it's hard, because what we have fits US! If someone asks me for feedback on something (again we've tried a lot), I usually will start with saying something like: THIS is why WE like it (or don't like it). And I will also usually find something positive to say about almost any curriculum.


I'm grateful there are a lot of choices! I still have a few younger ones, so if we hit a brick wall with some of the things we've "finalized" and have on hand for the older ones, I am willing to look around again. And I love checking out new things!


I want my kids to be ENTHUSIASTIC learners. Not just learning because it's "required" or "good for them". At times, I'll resort to that. But if I can find something that will get them excited, they will learn that much better and faster. :)

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Oh yes! If I am totally bored I can't be enthusiastic enough to encourage true learning; only to endure . However my dd has recently wanted to pick Phonics Pathways back up. I can't for the life of me see what she finds so fun about it. :001_huh: She reads well and doesn't need it, but because it won't take too much out of me I will suffer thru the last 50 pages. :glare: Sigh. But as a general rule, if I don't like it I will not force myself to press on when there are other choices that will fit us BOTH.


But here we are with FIAR:


Edited by Susie in MS
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