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Allergies or colds -- how do you tell the difference?

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You're not alone. I was only able to tell my older developed allergies because her 'cold' is still here 8 weeks later. I actully took her to the dr. and they did blood work to rule out anything else. She has the sore throat, runny nose, red eyes, and just feels miserable. We go for allergy testing this week because none of the allergy meds from the dr. have helped. Some allergies are definitely more than just annoying.

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Allergies=thin mucus in the beginning. I'll lean forward and my nose literally drips. It starts slower and the nose actually can hurt, burn, tickle (same with roof of mouth) for a day or more before the congestion really starts. Colds seem more sudden to me. I wake with a stuffy nose and by the evening my ears are plugged and I have a bad cough.

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Along with what has already been said...


If you go to this link




Click on your state (assuming you are in the US), enter your zip code, and it will give you a pollen level.


THEN, look above that a little, and click on a tab that says "cough and cold" and it can tell you how prevelant the cold virus is in your area.



I have no idea how accurate that is, but it's a nifty little tool. :)

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Allergy symptoms tend to be worse in the morning, and improve somewhat over the day, too. Not sure why that is.


Or, allergy symptoms are better in the morning and get worse as the day goes on. I'm another vote for the cold gets better after about a week.

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