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My daughter's room is a school supply vortex

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I just went in to find a crochet needle that I was positive she had in there. I found 5 pairs of scissors, a stack of notecards, a stack of paper (that was on its way to being destroyed in the bottom of a box), 5 sharpies, 20+ pencils, 2 books that I have been looking for and 30 HANGERS (I know, not a school supply, but I have been missing them). All in storage boxes or drawers.


I fully acknowledge that this type of stuff is no big deal compared to what is found in other 14 year old bedrooms. She's a good kid. But still, a vortex.

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My dd is only 4, and she's well on her way to being just like your dd in that sense.


Please let me know if you find a green necklace in there. Someone gave it to dd yesterday, and we need to return it because the giver found out it belonged to someone else (oy). Darned if I know where dd stashed it. In the process of looking, I found purses full of flashlight bits & decorative pebbles, desks crammed with pads of paper and hair clips, and a closet full of absolutely everything.


I can't complain too much because I was just like dd at that age. :)

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