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Reading Eggs free trial


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I got an e-mail today from home educating family association for a free trial of Reading Eggs. If anyone wants the code please PM me. I recieved 35 day trial with the code and the first time trail. The code is for an additional 21 days.

Edited by melissamathews
spelled trail instead of trial, added specific number of trial days
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I hope you all don't mind me sharing this, but the homeschool group on Babycenter is running a little discount co-op on Reading Eggs. A bunch of the ladies over there had stacked codes and were pretty upset when the codes were taken away. So one of them contacted Reading Eggs to see if they could offer a group discount. Reading Eggs said yes, but the order has to be at least 100 kids by March 26th! I'm not sure how the price compares to what's being offered on Homeschool Buyers Co-op right now, but on the Babycenter co-op the first child is $46.50 and additional children are $23.25.


Here's the thread. I'm not participating b/c I just bought an Ooka Island membership. But I'd like to help them out by passing the word. http://community.babycenter.com/post/a32263715/reading_eggs_discount_co-op?cpg=1&pd=-1

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that's odd it didn't work, mine worked just fine but you have to select which child you want the code for first. I was about to throw a fit until I read the little box that said select child.


Same thing here .. be sure to add your children first THEN enter the code and select each child one at a time.

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It isn't working for anyone that had stacked codes. I had to call and get my paid subscription back on after they took away the stacked codes. Now I can't use any free codes for the kids even though I got the email also.


What do you guys mean by them taking away the stacked codes? You applied them and no longer have them? Our you just didn't get a chance to apply them? Mine still says we have 1495 days left on our free trial.

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Ok, glad I can warn the kids! They love it, but I don't think it's worth what they charge ($30 a year would be sufficient).


Some warning from them would be nice...


We got an email after it had happened. Ours has expired now and we won't be paying 1) it's too expensive and 2) DD found the pace much too slow and hated all the repetition.

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We got an email after it had happened. Ours has expired now and we won't be paying 1) it's too expensive and 2) DD found the pace much too slow and hated all the repetition.


Hmmm... I haven't gotten such an e-mail. I've warned the kids anyway, as I doubt I'll escape the purge. :tongue_smilie: It's actually been perfect for the younger 2, though one of them is still 2 years old. ;) The 5 year old will be fine without it, since he's doing great with Dancing Bears.


I definitely have some issues with the program - lesson 25 doesn't load the individual screens on the left side properly, so if you stop mid-lesson, it starts you over at the beginning on that one; then there are the speed things that freak my 5 year old out (he can do them, but it's just too much stress... the treadmill lessons are especially evil); then there is the inconsistent method of getting something to somewhere else - either clicking on the letter and then clicking on the space OR clicking and dragging the letter - you never know which one it'll be!; the lessons sometimes get locked up and have to be reloaded; it still says "BETA" across the top, which suggests to me that it shouldn't be full price yet.


So yeah, not worth $75/year. And even HSBC prices have been more than I think it should be. If it were $20, I'd get it for all 3 kids. At this price, nope, not happening. I only used it with the 2 year old because it was free and he likes it. I wouldn't pay much for him though, since well, he's just 2. He'll teach himself to read before he's 4 years old, I'm sure (he's been doing very well in Reading Eggs and is in the middle of map 3). If I paid for my 5 year old to use it, the other 2 kids would insist on also getting to use it. If they take away my codes, we'll just not have it anymore. Oh well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So question for those who had your stacked codes removed... Can you still use the code when purchasing through HSBC? Or will they shut you out? I'll be deciding between Reading Eggs and Ooka Island today, and if Ooka Island will work for us, we'll do that instead, but if it won't work, I could purchase a one-kid membership for Reading Eggs through HSBC. I just don't want it to prevent me from putting in a code for a paid subscription.


Hopefully Ooka will work, as I get an icky feeling about the Reading Eggs business...

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So question for those who had your stacked codes removed... Can you still use the code when purchasing through HSBC? Or will they shut you out? I'll be deciding between Reading Eggs and Ooka Island today, and if Ooka Island will work for us, we'll do that instead, but if it won't work, I could purchase a one-kid membership for Reading Eggs through HSBC. I just don't want it to prevent me from putting in a code for a paid subscription.


Hopefully Ooka will work, as I get an icky feeling about the Reading Eggs business...


I don't have the icky feeling about their business.


check out this thread from yesterday for what I did to use my HSBC code.




sounds like this might be a problem that they will start to figure out needs a solution.



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I don't have the icky feeling about their business.


I get the icky feeling because they promised Babycenter folks one price, then changed their mind to a different price. And didn't that happen with HSBC last year also?


I'm fine with them taking the codes away. No problem there (though they probably should have taken them all away at once... do they have someone hand picking them or something? :confused:).

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I get the icky feeling because they promised Babycenter folks one price, then changed their mind to a different price. And didn't that happen with HSBC last year also?


I'm fine with them taking the codes away. No problem there (though they probably should have taken them all away at once... do they have someone hand picking them or something? :confused:).




Mine was removed this morning also. DS got bored after a week of it, so I don't care.

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I get the icky feeling because they promised Babycenter folks one price, then changed their mind to a different price. And didn't that happen with HSBC last year also?



Yes it did :glare:


I got the cheap price from HSBC before they pulled it so I have a paid subscription till August but my kids have lost interest in the lessons -they mostly just want to play the games on it now. It didn't help my DD learn to read but it helped my DS (I think -he might have just picked up reading on his own anyway).


I won't be renewing after my sub runs out -its not worth it and I don't like their business practices either.


I have tried a couple times to contact them about issues and have yet to ever get a reply :glare:

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