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I can't believe how sick we've been.

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I realize that many people are going through way worse than this so I'm trying not to whine too much. But... I really can't believe how sick we've been this year. It started in January with colds. My husband was deployed and I'm pregnant so I guess I just wasn't dealing with sickness that well. I ended up with bronchitis and a sinus infection that lasted several weeks. All three of my kids caught one cold after another. My middle dd had an ear infection in both ears along with a ruptured ear drum. Then she and the youngest caught a mild stomach bug. Soon after than I caught a stomach bug that lasted 2 weeks and put me in the hospital twice for dehydration. I thought we were actually starting to feel better except for another round of colds making its way through our house but today I found out my oldest has a mild case of pneumonia.:001_huh:


We eat very healthy and I limit sugar during the week. We drink a lot of water, etc. and take vitamins. What is going on? :confused:

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It is just your year, at least that is what I am telling myself. My family has been sick more than normal this year. Here's to being practically illness free the next couple of years, we definitely paid our dues this year! :cheers2:


I hope your family gets better soon and that spring brings you good health.

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I will whine with you.


My Dh brought home the flu over a month ago. Everyone got it - and in my youngest it morphed into pneumonia which involved a 5 day hospital stay. People were well for a few days after coming home from the hosptial, and then 3 of us (out of 5) came down with a nasty cold.


Today is the first day everyone is well (I have a little bit of the cold left - but am trying hard to will it away!

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:grouphug: There are some seriously nasty bugs flying around this year. Dh and I were almost completely out of commission for about a month due to a nasty cold. Just as I finally got over the cold, allergy season started:glare:.


I know all about the crappy things happening while dh is deployed. My youngest got sick every.stinking.time dh's sub was underway.


Another :grouphug: and prayers for the health of your family. I really wish someone would invent a Lysol bomb.

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:grouphug: Oh my. That sounds horrible. Hugs to you and your family!


You're not alone. We have had a similar time. 5 weeks ago, 3 of us had the flu - strains A & B. the baby had a very mild case only, so I'm not counting her case. We had a few good days, and DH left for Germany. 2 hours later, the vomiting started. Both kids had norovirus, and it lasted almost 7 days, between both kids. I was out of my mind, and could not believe DH missed the whole experience. Then DH came home, sick again, and we were sitting ducks. Turns out he had another variant of flu, this one wiped out his entire Munich office for a week. All of us spiking 104 degree fevers... Baby, too. It was a nightmare, and the doc's office could not believe we all had strains A & B again! We are just getting on our feet, and it's been almost 10 days.


In the midst of it all, my Dad has been in critical condition in the ICU... And I have not been able to see him because I don't want to infect him. Thankfully, he's no longer critical, but last week ... It felt like my heart was breaking not to be able to go to him.


Goodness, I hate to read that your family has been so sick too... But it is oddly comforting to see that others have been in the same boat. Thanks for sharing!

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May I whine too? DH and Rebecca have been healthy (thank GOODNESS!) but Sylvia got a little cold and gave it to me. I thought it wasn't that bad (only 1/2 of my nose blocked up) but then my ears got blocked up. Dr. Hive said it could be remaining fluid in my Eustachian tubes. Okay tried the remedies for that, but it kept getting worse. I finally called to get a sick visit to the health department. I have BLISTERS in my ears. How on earth do you get blisters in your EARS!?!?!? :001_huh: I got a steroid shot and 2 sets of antibiotics. My ears are still blocked up and I just spent all weekend going, "EH? Can't hear you!" to my kids... I hope this stuff kicks in and my hearing comes back soon. :glare:

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