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Convention or no convention?


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If I already have pretty much decided what I'm going to order for next year for my 2nd grader and preschooler, is it worth a trip to the exhibit hall at the convention this weekend? It is only a 15 minute drive and they just released $10 exhibit hall only tickets, but I'm a little afraid to get more confused if I go! It'll only be my first year homeschooling. On the other hand, there may be some good discounts (although Peace Hill Press is the only company that will be there off my list of curric. I'm ordering) and freebies. What is everyone's experience/opinions with this? It's so tempting!

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I find it super duper helpful to see things in person! I LOVED browsing it all last year. I also made changes in my choices based on what I saw. If Rainbow Resource is there, you might find even more things you want. However, I find Amazon to have the best prices on PHP. ;)

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I'd like to go to mine, but I'm not (for these reasons):

1. I've already purchased everything I need for next year

2. It's a 3 hr. drive to the convention into an unfamiliar "big" city

3. I've already purchased everything ;)


I'm pretty sure if I go, I'll start second guessing all these many hours of research/etc. I'm just going to sit tight and pretend there's no convention at all. :D

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In your situation I MIGHT go, but probably not since PHP is the only one on your list that will be there.


Thank you for your post, BTW. I was debating whether I wanted to go to my local convention because I most likely won't be able to go to one of the Great Homeschool Conventions like I want to. It's $40 for an exhibit only pass, and that'd be all I'd be interested in, to try to get some deals from some of the vendors there. I have no interest in the speakers (I've either heard them before or do not give a flying flip what they say).


So I think I'll pass, since I most likely wouldn't get $40 worth of deals that I wouldn't be able to get from buying in bulk online....

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Absolutely! There is nothing better than seeing things in person. Also look for Rainbow Resource. They are at many conventions with a wide range of resources and great prices! There may also be vendors that are selling other company's products where you can see things you are interested in. There is a good chance you can save $10 in shipping and you may see things you want to investigate more for future years even if not this year... a curriculum junkie is always on the prowl. :lol:

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Rainbow Resource is going to be there, so maybe I would see some other stuff in person. Up until about 2 weeks ago, I was convinced I needed to camp out at this convention and soak everything in. Then it was like something clicked (maybe all the time I've spent reading and reading and reading on here and clicking every link to every website for every curric I could find!) and I felt like I figured out how I want to teach them and what I want to use. It would really be helpful to go actually lay hands on this stuff before I place my orders, though.


Thanks for the opinions! I really appreciate this whole forum's helpfulness. It has definitely helped me get my head around finally going through with what my husband and I have been wanting to do for almost 2 years now! Now if I can just make it through the last couple months of public school so I can finally do things "my way"! :001_smile:

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I would go. Like someone said, if Rainbow Resource carries what you are ordering, you will save your $10 ticket price on shipping. Anything you order from them at convention will not have shipping fees. If they have what you need there, even better. R.R. carries a bit of everything from most publishers. I would try their website and see.


And you might see things you have heard about and get a better feeling about them. It might help you in future years. The first year I went I hardly purchased anything besides a math curriculum and art odds and ends and a few picture books. But I got to see curriculum in person that I had heard about to file away in my mind for future use. Some things did not turn out to be something I could work with once I looked at it. Some things I came back for the next year after researching more about things that were interesting.


And I do like to go to workshops when I can. There are usually a few that I really get inspired by.

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I would not be able to resist the temptation to go if there was a conference anywhere nearby (East Asia anyone :glare:?). BUT, if I did go I would probably spend $ that I shouldn't, and re-think my already over-thought curriculum plans, so it's probably for the best ;).

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For $10, I'd go and just be very careful about not impulse spending! Ours has a huuuuuuuuge exhibit hall and you can walk out with a ream of literature from all of the different vendors and companies. And of course they have their stuff for sale. Nothing beats used, though, and Amazon has really great deals as well. But if you know RR will be there and PHP, then I'd go and see them. Our convention's exhibit/used book sale fee is $25 and I'm struggling with that one. $10 is more reasonable.

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I'd like to go to mine, but I'm not (for these reasons):

1. I've already purchased everything I need for next year

2. It's a 3 hr. drive to the convention into an unfamiliar "big" city

3. I've already purchased everything ;)


I'm pretty sure if I go, I'll start second guessing all these many hours of research/etc. I'm just going to sit tight and pretend there's no convention at all. :D


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I love the convention!!!


I thought last year going in 'I already know what I am going to order' but seeing some of those products in person and really taking a look at them CHANGED my mind! I am so glad I went and saw them in person. I was able to see that some of my items were just not going to be good fits for my daughter, while others were great fits I would have never even considered or knew about.


I like to touch it, open it, read it and spend a bit of time looking it over.


As well, you can get some deals like free shipping, or discounted items at Rainbow Resource, art supplies, fun learning items that you might not have know of (games, kits, etc), learn about local resources & groups, etc.

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