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Prayers for my little one

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Would you ladies mind keeping my little one in your prayers this morning? He woke up screaming and holding his diaper last night, and he screamed and cried the two times he's urinated this morning. He screamed, cried, and arched his back for about 10 minutes an hour ago, even though he wasn't going to the bathroom. It seems like he might have a UTI, but he doesn't have a fever. We're heading out to the doctor in a minute, and he knows the building and stars pitching an absolute fit before we even get in the door. I'm nervous about trying to collect a clean urine sample. He's not really verbal enough to tell me what's wrong.


I really appreciate any prayers, good thoughts, and advice.



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Ask them to take the sample this way-


Get a clean diaper, cut a hole in the front. They have sterile bags with adhesive on the top. Adhesive goes around boy parts, then pull the bag through the hole in the diaper.

Not as sterile as a clean catch - but darn good for a kid that young.

Please - try at all costs not to let them catheterize him for the sample....

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Praying here!


It's so scary when a little one is in pain, because they can't tell you what's wrong and you don't know how to help.


I'm glad you're taking him to the doctor this morning, so you can see what's wrong and get him started on medicine.


Please update us when you can.

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Thanks everyone. It went alright. We were able to get a pretty good sample with the bag, and it looks like it is a UTI. I'm going to go pick up his antibiotic in a few minutes, and she wants to retest in 7-10 days to be sure it responded well. He's still wincing and crying when he goes. I feel so bad for the little guy. I'm going to pick up some natural cranberry juice when I'm out to see if he'll drink some mixed with water.


My goal for this week is to see if I can teach him to go in a cup for the follow up. He'll usually go on demand when sitting on the toilet, so I'm hoping to be able to get him to give a clean sample next week. She mentioned the possibility of a catheter for the next sample, and while I know I can refuse it, I would like to avoid the whole thing is possible.


Thanks again. :)

Edited by Annie
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