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Dr. Hive - what's this rash?

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Hyrum's been treated for ear infections in the last 6 wks or so. Most recently, he's had a high fever that started Monday, highest Tuesday through Thursday (104 at times). Doc saw him on Thursday and Checked his ears. They are infected. We've done other antibiotics of late, so she prescribed 3 days of rocephin, which is a strong, injected antibiotic. He had the first injection yesterday. He was still miserable this morning, screaming at me all day. He had his second injection this afternoon. Within 90 minutes, this rash popped up. We're treating it with Benadryl and he sees a pedi tomorrow morning.


I will say, even though he's all rashy, he finally got down and crawled around on the floor happily this evening. Previously he screamed and clung to me for dear life.




It's not raised on his face. It is ever-so-slightly raised on his tummy.




It seems like it could be worse on one side over the other, but I might be imagining it.



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My kids sometimes had rashes after they were ill. Hopefully it goes away soon. Sorry the little guy has been so sick!


I haven't ruled that out! I just am concerned about it being an allergic rash... This is how my allergic rashes have looked, I think... He is supposed to have his third rocephin shot tomorrow!

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Well if that isn't just the saddest looking little guy. Poor thing!


Really, I'm no help, because it could be any number of things. My boys always were (and still are) prone to rashes when they get ill. So hard to say. Your ped. really is the way to go.


I glad for you that he at least seems a bit more comfortable now. I always say that it's almost as hard on mommy as it is on baby when baby is sick.



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Well if that isn't just the saddest looking little guy. Poor thing!


Really, I'm no help, because it could be any number of things. My boys always were (and still are) prone to rashes when they get ill. So hard to say. Your ped. really is the way to go.


I glad for you that he at least seems a bit more comfortable now. I always say that it's almost as hard on mommy as it is on baby when baby is sick.




Thanks! Luckily my peds office runs a Saturday urgent care type of clinic!


Poor kid has the ear infections, conjunctivitis and now the rash!


And, yes, Mom has taken all the screaming and clinging... I declared today off from school as a mental health day. Luckily my kids are small and I can do that. :D:D

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when my son had roseola it looked like that after several days of a high fever of 103.


:iagree: Most kids get it before they turn a year old. THe rash comes after a few days of illness and is generally non bothersome for the child.


it could be the antibiotics. Does he seem itchy or bothered by the rash?

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