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Rant & Rave Friday

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Can we start a new tradition? Rant and Rave Friday! :D


I'll rant first :)


I love the color green! I want shirts, jackets, tanks, undies and jammies in green...this color looks good on me, goes with my hair and eyes...why do they make it so hard to find things in this color for women?


Expand your color spectrum fashion gurus...give me "green" options :toetap05:


I find my dh things all the time and end up buying them for him because I can't find anything in green for myself :lol:



Now a Rave...


I just decided to give the Mary Kay Timewise line another try and I love it!


I tried it years ago but I'm going to go with the theory my skin was too young at that time, so I have been using the Basic Line which I also like but they are discontinuing it. Without this news to nudge me I wouldn't have taken the leap and would have been missing out! BTW - the new Botanicals line is awesome too! Tried this at a class the other night....really liked it!

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Rant -


Our house is too small for the four of us, has been for years, and with all I'm working on changing in it now, I'm thinking it's time to MOVE! I know my husband is concerned about repairs that need to be done and whether we can "swing it" but is it every really a perfect time to move?? Oh, and he also wants a new big screen tv (which I understand) but doesn't understand why I want a new dishwasher (even though our old one hasn't worked in over a year)!




I love the "workstation" idea of TxMary2; all the parts came from IKEA. I might actually be able to pull it off!

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My little sister isn't speaking to me and just got a[nother] really distasteful tattoo in a prominent location...gah. She's such an intelligent, beautiful girl. She's in a bad place and making many stupid decisions. I'm worried about her.




My kids are all healthy and happy. We have good food on the table and our bills are paid. Life is good for our family. I cannot complain.


Also, my new dress fits just right. I love it!

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Rant: Looking toward church-planting, there is a foundational issue that is not getting the attention I believe it merits, and it is hard to stop obsessing about the best way to communicate the urgency. Lots of pent-up energy being generated in my heart and mind!!!


Rave: It is so, so , SO beautiful outside today, and my husband is working at home today so I was able to get out to the park by myself at lunchtime and pace off some of the energy.

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:rant: :


My inlaws are coming next month. That should be rant enough. Buuuutt....mil will wear her shoes on my carpet even though we don't allow shoes in the house. (this was inspired by the shoe thread :001_smile:)








Right now, the only rave I can think of that little dd is finally over her stomach flu. It has been a miserable 24 hours. :ack2::ack2::ack2:



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Rant: After 19 months of living here, it's become clear that I am not meant to live near a church. There are 7 or more churches very close together and 2 of them ring the bells every.single.hour from 7am to 7pm! Another is still ringing christmas carols 3 times per day. It's MARCH!!!


Rave: I was able to take a shower with no kids bugging me. :)

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Rant: After 19 months of living here, it's become clear that I am not meant to live near a church. There are 7 or more churches very close together and 2 of them ring the bells every.single.hour from 7am to 7pm!


We live in a town of 3,000 people.

There are a dozen different churches in our very tiny town.

And they all have very LOUD speakers as a means of converting the "others".

I feel your pain.

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Rant: We are most likely moving in the next 2 months. Because we are renters in an area with low unemployment, anything on the market gets rented in a matter of days. So we can't even look yet. Uncertainty is killing me!


Rave: Our school year will be done before we move, near the end of April! :party:

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Rant: Planning our June road trip and becoming more annoyed by the hour becaus of ever incrasing gas prices which will suck up over half our trip budget.


Rave: DS sold all his basefull fundraiser candy and this is the first year I won't be shelling out money for it!! Woot!

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Rant: My children are testing my patience because they don't remember the rules since we've had so much transition in the last 8 months. They are constantly doing something they shouldn't be.


Rave: My son, who is behind in reading, is finally starting to make progress and I saw him enjoying reading today.

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Rant: My dh has what looks to be another short term contract job (we were hoping it would last at least a year and it looks as though it will only be a few months. That means were are staying in a hotel instead of getting something more long term.


Rave: DD and I have met another mom and dd (who is a few months younger) that we get along with and have now had a few play dates. We had a great afternoon at the park!

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Dd has been sick for 2 weeks, poor thing. Every time I think she's over it, she spikes a fever the next day. I'm going to try to snag an appointment tomorrow morning, otherwise we have to wait till Monday.




As of yesterday, we have a dream vacation booked for August. I am in awe of how God has brought this all together.

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Rant: Looking toward church-planting, there is a foundational issue that is not getting the attention I believe it merits, and it is hard to stop obsessing about the best way to communicate the urgency. Lots of pent-up energy being generated in my heart and mind!!!




As a church planter (or re-planter this time around), I am curious about what this foundational issue is that you speak of?

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