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Aunt Flo just won't leave!

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It is official...she has overstayed her welcome! She told me she was coming for just a week and that was just fine. I was prepared. However, she arrived a few days late and now she will NOT go home! She is gracing me with her presence for the third week! :glare:


She hides quietly in the corner for a few hours, I guess so I will forget she is here, and then she jumps out at me again! It is very frustrating. I have to be prepared for the unexpected at any moment, constantly on alert. Every once in a while, she will sucker punch me in the stomach and I need a little ibuprofen. I want her to LEAVE!


I guess she is taking advantage of me this time because I am getting older now (43) and she thinks I am a pushover. Should I take action or will she get tired of this game all on her own? She's never pulled this stunt before when she visited, though she has been known to show up a wee bit earlier than expected.

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When something similar happened to me last summer it turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy and ended with emergency surgery & one less tube. At least call your doctor and find out what you should be watching for - he should have a list of "if this happens then come in" that can at least make you more comfortable if none of that happens.

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My grandma had this problem for 10 years. Turned out to be cancer. I sometimes get very frustrated that she's gone because she could still be here if ahe had just taken better care of herself. Not to scare you; it's probably nothing. But if it continues or starts happening again, I'd definitely get checked out.

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Well, turns out my memory is going as well because DH says I am 44! :001_huh:


I am infertile, so no worries about an ectopic pregnancy (thank goodness!). I had a full checkup including a Pap and mammogram just a few months ago, so I am not thinking cancer...though I realize I can't rule that completely out. Frankly, I am thinking early menopausal symptoms right now. Especially since I forgot how old I was! :D


Hormone changes have always been my nemesis. I have PMDD and am very sensitive to them. I actually just started neurofeedback to try to help with self regulation to see if it helps relieve the PMDD. Ah, the joys of being female...


Does the Hive think I am right? If so, should I still make the appointment? Has anyone else experienced this in early menopause? If I add in the fact that I just lost 15 pounds (but am not underweight at all...still going for another 10 lbs off...) does that change anything?


Thanks so much for the feedback!

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No, but I was last month. Big stress. This month, things are coasting nicely along!


Maybe I do need those hormone levels checked...


Yes, do that. My friend who is single and never married (or anything else) has had this as well and it was hormonal. Thinking likely the start of menopause.

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Well, turns out my memory is going as well because DH says I am 44! :001_huh:


I am infertile, so no worries about an ectopic pregnancy (thank goodness!). I had a full checkup including a Pap and mammogram just a few months ago, so I am not thinking cancer...though I realize I can't rule that completely out. Frankly, I am thinking early menopausal symptoms right now. Especially since I forgot how old I was! :D


Hormone changes have always been my nemesis. I have PMDD and am very sensitive to them. I actually just started neurofeedback to try to help with self regulation to see if it helps relieve the PMDD. Ah, the joys of being female...


Does the Hive think I am right? If so, should I still make the appointment? Has anyone else experienced this in early menopause? If I add in the fact that I just lost 15 pounds (but am not underweight at all...still going for another 10 lbs off...) does that change anything?


Thanks so much for the feedback!

. Edited by Lawana
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