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here's a facebook creepy & weird

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I keep getting the suggestion to friend a convicted murderer. Literally. He was found guilty of murdering his girlfriend almost 20 years ago in my hometown. Two of my 'friends' have already friended him. Its like a combination twilight zone/ law&order svu feeling.


How can I make this suggestion go away?

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There should be and 'x' next to their name. If you click that, it should make the suggestion disappear. No idea if FB will suggest them to you again in the future, however.


Nope - no 'x' probably because im on my phone. But he's been suggested for a few days already with lots of logging off ans on again.

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Can he have FB in prison? I had no idea.


I dont think he's still in prison but I have no idea. Oh duh - can I just block him? Ill try that.


Eta: I blocked him and the suggestion is gone. How bizarre. I've never had a suggestion last so long.

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I thought that people found guilty of murder got a life sentence?


No, not as far as I know. Maybe it was technically a lesser charge, I don't know.


Eta: I just looked it up. He confessed to r@ping her, strangling her, & setting the house on fire to hide it. Was sentenced to 27 years. No death penalty because he was 17 at the time- but he was tried as an adult.

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