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Anyone have any experience with non surgical bariatric services

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Two and a half years of daily food tracking (no cheating on the tracking), slowly increasing exercise to now 6 days a week, support from Sparkspeople and diet buddies with no change on the scale. There has been some change in measurements but not enough to get excited about. Dh and I feel like many of my health issues would improve with weight loss.


I'm going to talk to the doctor on Friday about my blood pressure problems and this. I've tried talking to him before about weight loss but all he does is to tell me that I should lose weight. Would it be worth it to ask for a referral/recommendation to a bariatric doctor? I am 100% opposed to any surgical solutions to weight loss. What I want is someone to help figure out why none of the very excellent advice I've received is working for my body despite having good thyroid levels (with medicine) etc. I'm not asking here for more weight loss advice as good as all that is. Just whether a bariatric doctor might be someone who could help me. And if not, who could help me?

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I am currently in the program to get weight loss surgery, my bariatic surgeon pretty much only does surgeries. But I am followed by a Metabolic clinic which helps me lose weight before surgery on my own with diet and exercise. They have been awesome. My metabolic clinic is part of the Endocrine program at a local hospital. You might see if your hospital has a similar program. Here is my clinic: http://www.mcw.edu/endocrinology.htm


Hope this helps.

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I am currently in the program to get weight loss surgery, my bariatic surgeon pretty much only does surgeries. But I am followed by a Metabolic clinic which helps me lose weight before surgery on my own with diet and exercise. They have been awesome. My metabolic clinic is part of the Endocrine program at a local hospital. You might see if your hospital has a similar program. Here is my clinic: http://www.mcw.edu/endocrinology.htm


Hope this helps.


Thank you. So I should ask him about a referral to an endocrinologist?

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That might be a good place to start. But I would still search your local big hospitals website and see if they offer a metabolic clinic as that would be the best place.


OK - one of our big hospitals has a nutrition care clinic. It looks like they measure your metabolic rate and give you nutritional advice based on it. Is that the kind of thing you mean? Other than that, the only thing that Google is showing me is a private "metabolic weight loss" center.

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I can relate - I once followed Weight Watchers for a solid year, didn't cheat, was actually totally obnoxious about tracking because I was frustrated and everyone thought I was doing it wrong and/or cheating. I upped the exercise, decreased calories more....and still, after losing 20 pounds the first three months, nothing more, not one ounce, came off in the next nine months.


I quit!


I just up and quit - I KNEW I wasn't cheating, knew I was basically starving to try to lose the weight, doing way more exercise than I'd ever imagined and really thought there was something really wrong with me. How can someone simply not lose weight when they're eating so little?


About a year later I started a low-carb diet, didn't track calories, just ate as per the directions and the weight FELL OFF me. I lost 80 pounds in a year, and I did continue to increase carbohydrate intake as directed along the way, I was finally back to a normal weight.


I've done moderate carbohydrate since, I shun refined carbs, rarely eat much starchy foods (occasional sweet potato or really good bread now and then) and save sweets as treats only (like at a birthday or holiday) and even then, just a small portion. I ate this way through two pregnancies and lowered carbs when I needed to get the last baby pounds off after weaning.


What type of diet have you followed? Maybe you're insulin resistant and the calories aren't what matter more in your metabolism, the carbs do?

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Jean, I feel for you:grouphug:. Would you consider the 'Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead' Juice fast for a few weeks to see if it works for you? I've been on it for 20 days, and lost 10kg (22lb), dh has lost 11kg (24lb). Nothing I ever do usually works, but after watching the movie I was so keen to give this a go, and I'm staying on it for 60 days. I'm not sure if my weight loss will keep up at that rate, but I'm crossing my fingers for a 25kg (55lb) weight loss altogether. I'll have another 40lb to go after that, but I think this will give me a great kick start. Another BONUS is feeling really good - much more energy than I've had for a long while, clear skin, sleep well, lighter period (hormones getting back into line, hopefully). I can't recommend the diet enough! After seeing my dh & I, we have had family & friends ask about it, and plan to do it too.


Hope this helps - happy to give more info or answer questions.:)

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The hospital one is probably what you wanted. I would call them. My clinic works with me on goals for weight loss and does blood work and all that, they offer referrals to exercise specialists to help you learn to exercise, and to nutritionists to help you learn how and what to eat. So they basically help you coordinate all the different specialists.

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:grouphug: I am in the same boat except I have not been able to follow a diet for long at all this past year which has been bit discouraging to say the least:( I do have an appointment with a weight loss clinic this week. I am contemplating the gastric sleeve surgery only but only as a last resort. The good news is that I have dramatically upped my walking for the past several weeks in desperation because of my BP:001_smile:

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I'm going to talk to the doctor on Friday about my blood pressure problems and this. I've tried talking to him before about weight loss but all he does is to tell me that I should lose weight. Would it be worth it to ask for a referral/recommendation to a bariatric doctor? I am 100% opposed to any surgical solutions to weight loss. What I want is someone to help figure out why none of the very excellent advice I've received is working for my body despite having good thyroid levels (with medicine) etc. I'm not asking here for more weight loss advice as good as all that is. Just whether a bariatric doctor might be someone who could help me. And if not, who could help me?


Jean, I'm not sure if this is helpful for you, but my sister recently spoke with her MD about nonsurgical weight loss. She had over 100 lbs to lose, and the doc put her on HcG with Metformin and an appetite suppressant. I'm not sure about the timing or dosages or any of the particulars. My sister does not exercise at all. She does not have insulin resistance/PCOS/Diabetes, etc.


It is working for her, so far. She lost 50 lbs quickly, maintained her weight loss for six months while she took a break, and will begin another round of "the cocktail" after Spring Break.

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Jean, I'm not sure if this is helpful for you, but my sister recently spoke with her MD about nonsurgical weight loss. She had over 100 lbs to lose, and the doc put her on HcG with Metformin and an appetite suppressant. I'm not sure about the timing or dosages or any of the particulars. My sister does not exercise at all. She does not have insulin resistance/PCOS/Diabetes, etc.


It is working for her, so far. She lost 50 lbs quickly, maintained her weight loss for six months while she took a break, and will begin another round of "the cocktail" after Spring Break.


Is her doctor a regular doctor? I am under the impression that HCG is not a proven treatment...

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Is her doctor a regular doctor? I am under the impression that HCG is not a proven treatment...


He is an OB/GYN. He has his M.D. He has been her doctor for over 15 years. He's not a homeopath or naturopath or even a D.O. Not sure if that was your question. ;)

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:grouphug: I am in the same boat except I have not been able to follow a diet for long at all this past year which has been bit discouraging to say the least:( I do have an appointment with a weight loss clinic this week. I am contemplating the gastric sleeve surgery only but only as a last resort. The good news is that I have dramatically upped my walking for the past several weeks in desperation because of my BP:001_smile:


Good job, Priscilla!

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I'm watching PBS right now and they have a fund-raising infomercial on for The Blood Sugar Solution.


Has anyone read this or done the program?


He used a word I've not heard before: diabesity. And he mentioned how some food sensitivities to gluten, diary, eggs, may keep people from losing weight. He said diabetics are off their medicine after 1 week on this program.


Anyway, it sounds interesting....


800.456.5372 is the number they're giving.

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I'm watching PBS right now and they have a fund-raising infomercial on for The Blood Sugar Solution.


Has anyone read this or done the program?


He used a word I've not heard before: diabesity. And he mentioned how some food sensitivities to gluten, diary, eggs, may keep people from losing weight. He said diabetics are off their medicine after 1 week on this program.


Anyway, it sounds interesting....


800.456.5372 is the number they're giving.


I tried going off of gluten. No difference in chronic health symptoms or my weight while off of it and no difference when I finally went back on it.


I'm off of dairy right now. It's only been a week but so far I see no differences in my symptoms or weight.

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There is a speciality of medical bariatric physicians. The one in my area that I am familiar with does medically supervised weight loss that focuses on two things; Phentermine (a stimulant) long term as well as Low carb diet. I have known several people that have had great success with her (50 lb weight loss+ that kept off for over a year) and she sees her patients at least once a month to monitor se of the phentermine. Other physicians will prescribe it, but it is not FDA approved for long term use and she is prescribing it "off label"

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Just throwing this out there...

I read "Diet Recovery" last night and my mind is still reeling.

Not sure what I have to say about it yet, but I am definitely not going to move forward with anything until I take his premise into consideration.


Warning: The blog is a little crude; I would have dismissed it had I not been advised to check it out by a very reliable source. Wade though it.



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This is what Dr. Mark Hyman saying:


"1. Have insulin levels tested. This is a different test than blood sugar test.

2. Eat food without ingredients or less than 5 ingredients.

3. Don't drink calories..don't drink any cokes, diet or otherwise

4. Don't eat high fructose corn syrup

5. Throw out any food with "hydrogenated" in it

6. Use olive oil and coconut oil

7. Don't eat preservatives, colorings, artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners can make you gain inches.


(What I got is to eat fruits, veggies, and lean meats. No processed food. This is how my family used to eat until about 5 months ago!)


Have protein with every meal. Eat the right fat.

Eat early and eat often.


Take PGX...it's a super fiber supplement. He also recommended other supplements but I can't type fast enough! :)"


So much of what he's saying sounds so easy to do and so healthy.


Our family used to eat all natural, mostly raw. The last several months we've gotten too busy to eat right. :( He's motivating me to get back to healthy. I'm going to see if the library has his book.


Gosh, Jean, I'm sorry....I didn't mean to derail your thread!:grouphug: Reading your post and thinking about my family's eating habits lately, and watching this show really got me thinking! I hope you find something that works for you.:grouphug:

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This is what Dr. Mark Hyman saying:


"1. Have insulin levels tested. This is a different test than blood sugar test.

2. Eat food without ingredients or less than 5 ingredients.

3. Don't drink calories..don't drink any cokes, diet or otherwise

4. Don't eat high fructose corn syrup

5. Throw out any food with "hydrogenated" in it

6. Use olive oil and coconut oil

7. Don't eat preservatives, colorings, artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners can make you gain inches.


(What I got is to eat fruits, veggies, and lean meats. No processed food. This is how my family used to eat until about 5 months ago!)


Have protein with every meal. Eat the right fat.

Eat early and eat often.


Take PGX...it's a super fiber supplement. He also recommended other supplements but I can't type fast enough! :)"


So much of what he's saying sounds so easy to do and so healthy.


Our family used to eat all natural, mostly raw. The last several months we've gotten too busy to eat right. :( He's motivating me to get back to healthy. I'm going to see if the library has his book.


Gosh, Jean, I'm sorry....I didn't mean to derail your thread!:grouphug: Reading your post and thinking about my family's eating habits lately, and watching this show really got me thinking! I hope you find something that works for you.:grouphug:


You didn't derail it. Your recommendations are good. The only problem (for me, not for anyone else) is that I already do all of those things - except for having the insulin level tested. I haven't done that.

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A lot of reputable physicians here are selling the Ideal Protein Diet. Our largest multi site ent clinic has a wing for Ideal Protein bc so many of their apnea patients need to lose weight. I did IP 2 years ago, but I used Diet Direct Wonderslim pudding/shakes to save money. You also eat chicken breasts, egg whites and low carb veggies. I lost 75 lbs with no exercise. I'm motivated to finally take off that last 25 lb. and I plan to start today.

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