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I just re-joined weight watchers....tell me all your weight loss secrets.

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As I am typing you must know that I am about 25 pounds overweight. That said, when I did manage to get down to my pre-baby weight about 19 years ago my secret was not eating any desserts at all and no between-meal snacks. I ate whatever I wanted for breakfast, lunch, dinner (even had seconds), just not any sweets or snacks. I also exercised on my stationary bike for a whopping 5 minutes every day.


I tried not eating after 7:00pm for a few months a few years ago and did lose a few pounds then, too. (I'm sitting on them now.)

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EXERCISE!!!! I go to the gym 3x a week and I cannot believe the difference it has made!!!! People are actually noticing that I'm losing weight and I think it's b/c I'm more toned this time. Last time I dieted and lost weight I still looked like a big puffy blob just a little smaller. This time my body is actually changing.



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You can do this, Tammy! :D Set SMALL attainable goals too. For some, saying they want to lose 80 lbs in a year is a bit much; sometimes it is easier on the psyche to start with a smaller number like WW does with setting a short term goal of 10% of your body weight.


I've recently gained back 30 lbs that I lost with WW. I've been cleaning up my eating since Fri and I'm down a bit already. Just know there will be easy times and hard times. It is the hard times where you just have to put one foot in front of the other and not let whatever it is get you off track....or if you get off trace, don't let "whatever" keep you from picking yourself up and going forward. That tends to be my problem. I'm hoping to lose this 30 plus 10 more by the first part of December.


I do workout at least 4-5 times/week with the Firm videos (love these!!!). I like that they incorporate light weights with some of their cardio, have just cardio workouts and just toning workouts so I can have a well-rounded workout schedule during the week.


WATER, water, water!


One thing my friend does (she just got to her goal a month ago and is Lifetime with WW now) is she makes sure to eat veggies at lunch and dinner, fruit at breakfast and snack, so she can be sure to get her fruit and veggies in this way each day. Don't know if you like these, but my latest love in veggies is steamed sugar snap peas! Mmmmmm!

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I did WW years ago and am considering it again. I did actually make lifetime member after losing 42 pounds, but then had two more babies and never made it back down.


Are you doing the points or the core program? I am curious how many foods are actually on that list.


Good luck!


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I am curious how many foods are actually on that list.



Kathy, were you referring to foods on the Core list?


Here is a website that lists the foods on the Core plan:

List 1


Here is a link to a few changes that were made in the 2008 plan




AND you get 35 extra points (Weekly Points) for things NOT on the Core list.


ETA: I follow the Core Plan where you can eat anything for snacks (you'll see above where they made changes to the snack rules), but often I'll choose a smoothie or fruit or a yogurt.

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Hi Tammy--I just re-joined WW, too, and lost 3.2lb. my first week.


I don't have any great secrets, or else I wouldn't have just re-started, lol. But I'll share what I'm discovering.


I have to do the Points plan. I tried the Core plan online a couple of years ago, but found I need more structure than that. You can eat all the same healthy foods on the Points plan, but it's easier to control portion size (a biggie for me).


I second the recommendations to exercise. And you need both cardio and resistance. If you've already been exercising, try increasing your cardio by 5 or 10 minutes.


On the Points plan, I'm choosing higher fiber foods. They are fewer points, and they fill me up. Kashi has some great cereals. Are you attending WW meetings? I find this helps a lot. I also bought some of their 1 point mini-snack bars. These are a bit out of the realm of my "health food" regimen, but they're good and can wipe out a chocolate craving in a flash, lol.


Keep us posted on your progress.

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:D Thanks so much guys for the advice and help!


Diana...I'm doing flex points...I can't do core..I over eat. Apparently emotional eating has gotten me back to this place. GRRRR! Also since I'm in Germany I'm going to do this with just the online service and I'm going to restart my walking program...5 miles a day --6 days a week. I did this before and it worked great!


Anyway..thanks so much for your encouragement!:grouphug:

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Hi! I joined WW in March and have lost 18 lbs and I'm .4 away from goal. I love WW'ers! I'm doing flex and the best advice I can give is...


1. Keep a strict journal of your points and stick to the point limit. "If you bite it, write it!" "If you drink it, ink it!" Also, pay close attention to those sneaky calories-like in salad dressings and watch the portion sizes.


2. Drink plenty of water. Try drinking water when you feel hungry. Thirst is often percieved by the body as hunger.


3. Begin exercising. A little every day. Starting off by walking is a great way and then think about a gym or exercise videos etc.


4. Try to anticipate 'diet obstacles' like eating out, family gatherings, etc. Find ways to attend these functions but make good choices or bring something that you can eat. Many of my group bring WW recipes for potlucks and that way they know there is at least one thing they can eat without much thinking involved. When we eat out I make sure I've banked some points during the day (other meals lite and no snacks) and make good choices on the menu.


5. Lastly-Try to attend the WW meetings. They are VERY supportive and I've gotten such good advice along the way!

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If any of you would like to join the private Well-Trained Sparks team, here's the link:




Exercise has been the biggest change in my life. I NEVER was coordinated or athletic, and I didn't want to exercise. I was losing weight by tracking my nutrition intake . . . but once I started exercising (treadmill and Leslie Sansone DVDs), I started NOTICING the changes in me. . . clothes fitting better or getting too loose . . . feeling better (emotionally) and having more energy . . . being more motivated to keep at it.


Good luck to you!

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