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Question for Apologia science users


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I have used the Botany and Zoology 1 books and I think the ideal range would be 3-6 grades. My second grader listens in, but the reading has way too many details to keep his interest. If I didn't have my 5th grader I wouldn't even considered it for my second grader alone. I think teaching it to K and 1st grade would be a waste.

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Another one who thinks this ideal for the 3-6th range.


There is just too much detail (not in big words) for a K or 1st to really grasp. Also these books are for a school year, possibly do it in a semester. A typical K -2nd will get bored hearing only about plants or birds. My 1st grader is doing elemental life and is getting bored with the human body and they is a 10 week course. She is ready to study whales and sharks, butterflies and mushrooms. I would just do a week to a month unit study for that age. Go nature hiking and find your topics that way or see what they want to study, you will be surprised. When my dd was in K we did Magic School bus kits and had a blast.

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Thank you everyone for your responses. I had a feeling the Apologia materials might be too much for K-2nd grade. It does look like a really nice course, though. I will look for some experiment books that work for her age range (I think I might start with Science Is Simple by Peggy Ashbrook this fall, add some library books that will tie into whatever experiment we do for the week, and look through some sites like discoverthis.com for additional materials). Thank you for your help.

Edited by podoba01
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Thank you everyone for your responses. I had a feeling the Apologia materials might be too much for K-2nd grade. It does look like a really nice course, though. I will look for some experiment books that work for her age range (I think I might start with Science Is Simple by Peggy Ashbrook this fall, add some library books that will tie into whatever experiment we do for the week, and look through some sites like discoverthis.com for additional materials). Thank you for your help.



Check out the science recommendations in TWTM for the early grades. They are fun, but simple to plan out and do. :001_smile:

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I tried the Anatomy book with my kids last year...UGH. They were K and 2nd. Totally not cool with us. I may use it NEXT year, when they are in 2nd and 4th. I think using it for both of them would be ideal at that time, instead.


I have done Zoology 1, 2, and Astronomy. My ds, who was in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade respectively did fine with all of them. My dd, who was 3, 4 and 5 at those times just tagged along. She loved listening--she loves the science books, but to have her do the exercises and learn all that vocabulary was way too much at 5. I am about to do Zoology 3 with her because she is animal crazy and I think it will hold her interest. I am about to do Anatomy with my son who will be in 6th grade. It is totally appropriate for him, but would be way too hard for her to do without tagging along. I plan to do Anatomy "light" with her.

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I used Apologia Astronomy last year but my son LOVES science and he really enjoyed being read to. He loved the notebooking journal. We moved on to Zoology 3 ... because he was really interested in land animals, as well. We just read through the chapters ... he picks up some of it -- not everything -- and then does a few notebooking pages and we doing the "create a zoo" and "map - it" with filling up a world map with each animal. He is enjoying it. It is way too hard for my kindergartener, though. In fact, if DS didn't love science so much -- it would probably be too much for him.

Edited by mommy5
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(I think I might start with Science Is Simple by Peggy Ashbrook this fall, add some library books that will tie into whatever experiment we do for the week, and look through some sites like discoverthis.com for additional materials). Thank you for your help.


I'm in exactly the same place. I had decided to use Science is Simple. Then I found TWTM boards and thought maybe I wanted to try Apologia. It looks like I need to wait at least a year for those. Now I'm working my way through TWTM science recommendations, and those look pretty good, too.


I think this year I'll use a combination of the books recommended in TWTM, along with Science is Simple.

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I think it totally depends on your dc! We are using Apologia mostly as a read aloud in addition to ES, and we really like it. My 6 yo dd can't enough of reading, though, so it really suits her. I know some of it is going over her head, but she does retain quite a bit, too. Many people say it is too wordy, but I guess we just like wordy around here!

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I noticed the elementary curriculum says it can be used for kindergarten through sixth grade. Do you think kindergarten is too young to use this? If so, what age/grade would you suggest?




I'm using Astronomy with a K child this year, and he is eating it up!! I didn't buy him the astronomy notebook but have him listen in and answer questions. Sometimes I'll tear out or copy one of the coloring pages from my older child's notebook and let him color it while I read. This is a situation with an older sibling, though, and I probably wouldn't have purchased it just for a K child.

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I'm doing Astronomy with my oldest son, along with the junior notebook, and it's pitched just perfectly for him. We started it halfway through his second grade year, though.


I would recommend checking out Pandia Press's science for children with a shorter attention span. We just did the "Try Before You Buy" "Life" and "Earth and Space" for my son in first grade. Then again, I'm not much of a science-lover, so what do I know?


I have to say, though, that Science is Simple book really does look good.

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