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Do I Dare?

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I would nap on the couch until he wakes up.

Problem is, he's done this a few times before...crashed at 830, and slept for 12 hrs. There's no predicting which it is.


We only have a loveseat...I'm short, but not *that* short :lol:

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Problem is, he's done this a few times before...crashed at 830, and slept for 12 hrs. There's no predicting which it is.


We only have a loveseat...I'm short, but not *that* short :lol:


Do you have a baby monitor you could leave next to him? That reason is exactly why'd I'd go to sleep myself. The possibility of it lasting 12 hours is just too great to risk moving him. I've also slept sitting up on couches (sit sideways, leaning one side against the back). I'm a firm believer in the "Don't wake a sleeping baby" camp:lol: I'm one to talk though. Baby girl is sleeping and I ought to be too. But the lure of the boards is just too great!

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No baby monitor, he's snoozing in his playpen...and problem is, I can't hear him if I go up to bed.


Going to have to risk it and move him if I plan to try and sleep...


You are going to move him.....good I will have someone to talk to tonight.....:tongue_smilie:


Did wolf find anything today?

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Two famous saying apply here:


If it ain't broke, don't fix it


Let sleeping babies lie.

Problem is, there's nowhere for me to sleep down here. I can't sleep upstairs and leave him down here, I can't hear him from my room.


Tap, he's viewing a place tomorrow he thinks will work...hopefully, he's right!

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Problem is, he's done this a few times before...crashed at 830, and slept for 12 hrs. There's no predicting which it is.


I couldn't make it any further in the thread because the jealousy stopped me right here.




Annie (for whom a full night sleep seems an unattainable dream due to a child that avoids sleep at all costs)

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Well, he's STILL asleep...11 hrs now, :lol:


I'm very lucky. He sleeps through the night, has for a while...it's just a matter of *when* his night starts.


The past few nights, I was laying him in his bassinette, still mostly awake, at 1130 pm, and he'd sleep til 830 or so. Most of the time, he crashes btwn 10-11 pm, and sleeps through.


Then there are nights like last night, where Wolf or I have sat up til midnight, waiting for him to wake up again, and he sleeps through :lol:

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When ds was 4ish months old, he fell asleep in his car seat (carrier, in the house) and I was on the computer on instant messenger fighting with my ex. I kept telling myself that I'll go to bed as soon as ds wakes (change, feed, back to sleep). Well, he didn't wake until 5am! I literally fought all night with my ex and missed sleeping. I did figure out that ds slept better in his swing or car seat.

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