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If you have a child in 1st grade

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must, does, because, place, part, penny, even, funny, sleepy, sandy.


This is a class list from last week, I think.

The class finished their Top 100 words and now they are venturing out into more difficult words. Top 100 words were a joke.

Our teacher differentiates spelling for some kids, so my son and some others got different list.

Edited by Roadrunner
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Last week: race, why, car, fish, end, trace, face, space, behind, place. Bonus words: Lincoln, Washington. Dictation sentence on spelling test: "Why is the space behind this place messy?"


This week: over, something, because, of, was, sand, kite, March, spring, ball. No bonus words. She won't know the dictation sentence until the test Friday.


My son, who went to the same school (different teacher) didn't even have spelling words in first grade. :confused: I think it's just totally up to the teacher.

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It' funny seeing a) how many of those words have been on DD's lists and b) being able to tell exactly what the focus is for any given week (compound words, homophones, long e, long i, silent e, y at the end of a word, etc.). I'm surprised at how consistent the lists are.


DD's most recent words were end, fast, past, just, both, rest, black, back, time, candy, by, my, puppy, sent, did, not, didn't, most, went and like. The last couple weeks have been mix of review with a few new words (bolded). I also added words to her list each week because I got tired of seeing movie, because, friend and playground mispelled all the time!!:D

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This week is bird, total, animal, habitat, mammal, reptile, increase, together, altogether, amphibian


Next week is slowly, quickly, forest, desert, polar, aquatic, minus, reduce, decrease, difference.


Last month he had some that I was surprised about -- communicator, appreciate, refraction


I'm supplementing with AAS to make sure he's continuing to learn the spelling rules, not just lists.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Our school does has a 1200 most frequently used words list. Each child has their own list based on what they don't know on the list. In addition, the whole class worked through a spelling program that taught the rules of spelling, grouped words by spelling, etc.


My volunteer job at school was testing each child and keeping track of where they were on the list. Your child's words might be easy, but know there are many kids who still don't have simple, simple words down. If the words are easy for your child, ask the teacher for a supplement list or just do your own at home.


My older son raced through the list, but I can already see its going to be much tougher for my younger when he hits 1st grade next year.

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