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Personal blogs asking for a handout....

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I was just reading a new blog that I came across through clicking on Google. I happened to notice on the side that they were asking for paypal donations. For either being helpful or plain entertaining, you were asked to contribute to school books, field trips, clothes, bills......


I find this to be tacky. Is this normal? This particular blog also have BEAUTIFUL things! Beautiful house, cars, clothing, decor, etc...


I don't know if I'm alone on this or what? I have a blog, but it's purely for sharing things that we do or ideas or helpful tips. I'd never dream of asking for money simply for writing something on my personal blog. :confused:

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Depends on what the money is for. Some of my friends have accounts open for donations for adoptions. I've considered sticking one on there for live saving medical equipment my kid needs that insurance won't cover, but I haven't.


But frivolous stuff? That would rub me weird.

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Maybe the thinking is "people don't HAVE to donate, but if they want to, they can." I'm pretty sure Paypal makes adding that button really easy, so I'm sure some people throw it up there and just see what happens. Maybe no one will, maybe some people will. People spend their money on all kinds of things.


Those kinds of requests don't bother me. It's the repetitive "I need $XXX or I'll have to stop posting because of ABC and XYZ" or other kinds of coercion. I'm still not going to give, but CONSTANTLY asking for money in a rude way makes me go elsewhere. And honestly, if you're constantly asking the internets for money, there's a chance you might need to better manage your money better. Especially if every request comes with promises of this being the last time because you only need $XX to get you thru QRS and then it will be smooth sailing.

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I've seen people asking for donations, tips, or whatever and comparing their blog to a magazine. Like, "You pay $4 for Better Homes and Gardens each month, but I update daily, include links, conversation, am available to answer questions etc...." Some people are more agressive than others in their requests to be compensated. I've run into one or two outright guilt trips.


Personally, I think if someone wants to turn their blog into a business there are better ways to go about it, so I click off blogs like that.


To each their own, though. I imagine writing, editing, and including photography on a daily blog post takes time and understand the desire to be paid to do that work.

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we have a button on our blog. We are adopting a little guy from overseas who has down syndrome. It is very very expensive. If people want to chip in to help us bring him home, i very much appreciate it. I would be sad if people thought we were being "tacky":glare:

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I used to have a blog that was just really family update and had the button. It kept me from having to tell the same people constantly what my paypal email was when they wanted to send money for birthday/special occasion and what not. Sadly my dad could remember to check the footer of my emails for the link but not that the same email address he was checking for a link was also my paypal address. I closed that blog down a couple years ago though and don't use the button anymore.

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Some people are 'real' and some are NOT. I personally know of one woman who did that kind of thing asking for donations for her 'crippled and mentally retarded son'........and showing pictures of her sitting next to him while he was in the hospital recovering from surgery. I KNOW this was a scam because I married her ex and we had full custody of this kiddo!


She was a nutcase and loved to try to get well-intentioned people to send her money. She died a couple years ago from a drug overdose (she stole her ex-bil's meds and took a bunch of them at once, forgetting she was in her forties and wasn't quite as able to handle the high as she had been). Don't get me started on the list of her scams! This lady even told her own adult kids that she had cancer (she did not) to get money and sympathy.


I'd love to be more confident on who was legit and who was a scammer, but some scammers are really good at what they do.

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I think the ones for adoptions and medical needs are fine. I read a blog about a little boy who is dying from mitochrondial disease. His family only put the paypal button on the blog after many many people asked them too, so we could contribute to their needs that insurance doesn't cover, like a special wheelchair for him and a new vehicle that could transport that wheelchair and the rest of the family at the same time. Another blog is for a family adopting 3 Down syndrome children from overseas...can you imagine the cost? I'm so glad they have a pp button.


And I think there is a difference between having the button sitting quietly on the sidebar and constantly yammering for donations. There are other ways for blogs to make money.

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we have a button on our blog. We are adopting a little guy from overseas who has down syndrome. It is very very expensive. If people want to chip in to help us bring him home, i very much appreciate it. I would be sad if people thought we were being "tacky":glare:


I have no problem with blogs like that. It's the please give donations for school books,clothing and dining blogs.:glare:

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I have no problem with blogs like that. It's the please give donations for school books,clothing and dining blogs.:glare:


:iagree: I have no problem with buttons on blogs for helping with donations or medical books, but when it's "Hey we decided to homeschool and you know what, it's expensive, so donate money for our books" blogs that kind of scream TACKY to me.

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I don't have a problem with people posting it on their blog. If I found it tacky, I would just stay away. They are fundraising on their site, that I am choosing to visit. I actually have a bigger issue with door to door fundraisers and kids outside grocery stores. A button on a blog doesn't force me to interact with someone, hear their pitch, and give them an answer.

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I guess it would depend on the blog. If someone has a lot of really helpful information, it might be reasonable to have a paypal button so a grateful reader can contribute to the writer. If a reader knew that donations were going to pay for something like activities or homeschool supplies for the blog writer's children, a reader might be inclined to realize that the writer is writing instead of taking on an out-of-the-home job. People do pay for magazines; a blog might provide similar sorts of information. I think there's a lot to be said for the way people ask too.

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