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I am feeling old....

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Today I filled my eyeglass prescription for progressives! I had to have stronger lenses for my nearsightedness but I can no longer see close up with those new glasses. So I went back to my ophthalmologist and he said I could have "indoor glasses" or progressives. I got both prescriptions and decided I wanted to try progressives so that I wouldn't have to switch back and forth between glasses. :001_smile:

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They are hard to get used to, but so worth it...don't give up or throw out your old ones when the new ones come in. You'll think, never in a million years in this the right script! They gave me someone else's order! Just ease into them, five minutes a day if that's all you can handle, eventually they'll be like your new best friends, you'll walk around the grocery store turning jars around just for the fun of being able to read the labels.


PS: How many pairs of readers do you have? lol...I had about fifteen when I first got my progressives....they were EVERYWHERE in the house.

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Let me join you :glare: I have contacts for nearsightedness, but then I need reading glasses. If I don't wear the contacts I can read fine, but then I need glasses to see past my nose. It's not right, I tell you :thumbdown:


:iagree: Totally!!!!

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They are hard to get used to, but so worth it...don't give up or throw out your old ones when the new ones come in. You'll think, never in a million years in this the right script! They gave me someone else's order! Just ease into them, five minutes a day if that's all you can handle, eventually they'll be like your new best friends, you'll walk around the grocery store turning jars around just for the fun of being able to read the labels.


PS: How many pairs of readers do you have? lol...I had about fifteen when I first got my progressives....they were EVERYWHERE in the house.


:iagree: About getting used to the progressives. Be careful going up and down stairs while you're adjusting. :001_smile: I also know what you mean about the feeling old part. I keep thinking I'm seeing my mother when I pass a mirror.

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They are hard to get used to, but so worth it...don't give up or throw out your old ones when the new ones come in. You'll think, never in a million years in this the right script! They gave me someone else's order! Just ease into them, five minutes a day if that's all you can handle, eventually they'll be like your new best friends, you'll walk around the grocery store turning jars around just for the fun of being able to read the labels.


PS: How many pairs of readers do you have? lol...I had about fifteen when I first got my progressives....they were EVERYWHERE in the house.


I have one pair of glasses for my nearsightedness. I have a prescription for a weaker pair for close work (indoor work), which I did not fill yet. I have a pair of progressives coming next week. My eyes are quite nearsighted so the reading glasses from the drugstore won't help me.

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I'm going for a new prescription soon. I refuse to get anything but regular lens. I'm nearsighted and generally take off my glasses to read, but I have to have them for anything more than two feet from my face. I don't want to grow up (stomps feet). I hope they don't recommend them because I will balk.

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I'm going for a new prescription soon. I refuse to get anything but regular lens. I'm nearsighted and generally take off my glasses to read, but I have to have them for anything more than two feet from my face. I don't want to grow up (stomps feet). I hope they don't recommend them because I will balk.


I've been there for several years: using the current prescription for driving, the next oldest one for around the house and either peeking under the lenses (I have frameless glasses) to read or taking off the glasses. Contacts have gone by the wayside because I do a lot of needlework and was too frustrated at needing reading glasses if I wore the contacts. I have three unopened boxes of contacts.


I finally gave in last month. In the last year my vision has really changed and I found myself feeling silly when out of the house because I needed to hold objects right up to my face to read smallish print (Oh, the vanity!). So progressives are waiting for me to pick them up.


If I may be permitted to veer this thread on to a slightly different track, if you have progressives, how old were you when you got them?

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I absolutely LOVE my progressive tri-focals!! I am the unique one who got used to them the first day. I had prolonged getting them and when I did I was just SO glad to see far away and close up! I truly was giddy! I rarely take them off. They are my eyes. I just had to get the script changed because I lost more vision in one eye and the other eye turned astigmatic on me... sigh... I can hardly wait to get the call to go pick up my new glasses.

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I absolutely LOVE my progressive tri-focals!! I am the unique one who got used to them the first day. I had prolonged getting them and when I did I was just SO glad to see far away and close up! I truly was giddy! I rarely take them off. They are my eyes. I just had to get the script changed because I lost more vision in one eye and the other eye turned astigmatic on me... sigh... I can hardly wait to get the call to go pick up my new glasses.


The optician and the ophthalmologist both told me I could wear them all day right away on the first day and not have any problems getting used to them. I'm hoping I can. I want to be able to do my needlework again without having to take off my glasses.

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