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S/O - Seriously? Y'all are paying $350 for hair cuts/perms/coloring?????

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Just wanted to say that if you have the cash, definitely spend it as you wish - the more the cash flows around, the better for everyone.


I'm just shocked that anyone's hair expenses add up to that....and that anyone seeing the price does it. Does that make sense?


People do have different priorities. If I had an extra $2000 to $3500 in my budget per year for "fun" expenses like hair cuts and coloring, my family would be taking an extra vacation with it. I think I'd have to have visited every country in the world before spending it on my hair even made the top twenty things to do with it, LOL!


However - I will say that if I lost my hair all together, I would spend good money on a quality wig. I do have my vanity.

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If I had an extra $2000 to $3500 in my budget per year for "fun" expenses like hair cuts and coloring, my family would be taking an extra vacation with it.


But you're doing what many people don't do -- you're looking at it in terms of how much it would cost you over time, not as a "one time expense" that happens to occur every month or two. :rolleyes:


A woman I know was having money problems a while back, and after she sat with me and complained about how broke she was, she said she had to get going because she was going to be late for her nail appointment. :glare: I couldn't resist telling her how many thousand dollars she would save each year by doing her own nails. I swear to you, her mouth dropped open. She didn't believe me. I actually had to do the math for her. She had no idea she was spending that much money a year. To her, it was her "little luxury" every week, and she was so clueless that it never dawned on her how much it was costing her in the long run.


I could not believe that anyone could be that dense, but it happens all the time. Many people just don't think ahead.

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I usually hack at mine for about 3-4 months, then break down and hit the Wal-Mart lady who laughs at me and cleans up my hack jobs, laughs again and says see you in 4 months! I tip her well! lol it is usually about $30

My boys do their own, and it is hysterical to watch. My oldest does my husband and my girls go to the beauty school, cause I jacked up the dog so bad!

The dog goes once a year for $30!

I quit dying mine this year, and love it!

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