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My mom wants an MP3 Player for audio books only, any suggestions?

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I love my iPod nano 4 th gen. I use it for audiobooks mostly. I would suggest getting an iPod especially since you already know how to use iTunes. My library has audiobooks to checkout electronically. It's easy to use and small and light. I have no idea how much they cost, but maybe you can find a refurbished one from apple.

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I love my iPod nano 4 th gen. I use it for audiobooks mostly. I would suggest getting an iPod especially since you already know how to use iTunes. My library has audiobooks to checkout electronically. It's easy to use and small and light. I have no idea how much they cost, but maybe you can find a refurbished one from apple.


There's nothing to learn with a Sansa as with iTunes, it's just dragging and dropping files. :)


We've had MP3 threads on hear before and Sansa seems to be the overwhelming favourite. It's almost the official WTM MP, player. :D

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Another happy user of the Sansa Fuze!


We have a smaller Sansa mp3 player as well. . . not the Clip. . . the little one, the m230, 512MB. Obviously, it doesn't hold a huge selection, but if you like to listen to one audiobook at a time (as opposed to a large selection of music), it might be fine. (However, it looks like amazon has it and the Clip for similar prices, so in that case, I'd probably go for the Clip.)

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I bought an 8 gb Sanza Clip Zip from Costco just before Christmas for $45 (I think). I love it :)


This is the one:




It works great for audiobooks--I've downloaded books from the library mostly. I have 8 books on there right now along with some music. If you are listening to a book (downloaded to the books section) the book will resume from where you left off. Music is treated differently.

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We bought my mom a Sansa Fuze for Christmas and she's getting along well with it. However, if this is for audiobooks--especially through the library--I'd suggest checking out what's available first. We found far fewer titles available on mp3 as compared to ipod. My mom was good with it but I wouldn't have been satisfied with an mp3 if I were using mostly my library.

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We bought my mom a Sansa Fuze for Christmas and she's getting along well with it. However, if this is for audiobooks--especially through the library--I'd suggest checking out what's available first. We found far fewer titles available on mp3 as compared to ipod. My mom was good with it but I wouldn't have been satisfied with an mp3 if I were using mostly my library.


Our library has mostly wma format--which is fine with Sansa...


wma also uses less memory space.

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