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Toxins, heavy metals, parasites, etc....

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has anyone every tried any detox type things, for example any in the title, etc., for there special needs child?


i had thought about this several years back, something to do with chelation and baths, but now my brain has no clue what i was even looking into. i would love any info on anything related to this topic! thanks so much!:grouphug:

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Well I'll be controversial and say I did it for myself with a doc, got really sick, and don't recommend it. (Did the IVs and the whole nine yards.) Of course it can help to get the liver unloaded, but you can do all of that and clean the body out with *food* and not harm yourself along the way. Eat 3 cups of salad every day. (Yes, I mean your kid. They can.) Eat fruit every day. That's the start. Ditch white flour, red meat, and things that clog the gut. As you put in the minerals through good food, the body is able to chelate and dump. Then you just nudge it with foods like pomegranate juice, lemons (juice the lemon into 8 oz water, drink daily), garlic, that sort of thing.

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Well I'll be controversial and say I did it for myself with a doc, got really sick, and don't recommend it. (Did the IVs and the whole nine yards.) Of course it can help to get the liver unloaded, but you can do all of that and clean the body out with *food* and not harm yourself along the way. Eat 3 cups of salad every day. (Yes, I mean your kid. They can.) Eat fruit every day. That's the start. Ditch white flour, red meat, and things that clog the gut. As you put in the minerals through good food, the body is able to chelate and dump. Then you just nudge it with foods like pomegranate juice, lemons (juice the lemon into 8 oz water, drink daily), garlic, that sort of thing.


heck i would much rather do it this way!! do u happen to have a link on how to do it? so the toxins are really only stored in the liver?

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Well I'll be controversial and say I did it for myself with a doc, got really sick, and don't recommend it. (Did the IVs and the whole nine yards.) Of course it can help to get the liver unloaded, but you can do all of that and clean the body out with *food* and not harm yourself along the way. Eat 3 cups of salad every day. (Yes, I mean your kid. They can.) Eat fruit every day. That's the start. Ditch white flour, red meat, and things that clog the gut. As you put in the minerals through good food, the body is able to chelate and dump. Then you just nudge it with foods like pomegranate juice, lemons (juice the lemon into 8 oz water, drink daily), garlic, that sort of thing.


I totally agree. A friend got rid of some weird mold-y fungus infection using food (GAPS diet), so we did it too. It has been nothing short of miraculous for us.

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There are numerous chelating agents and different protocols out there. I don't think it's fair to make a sweeping statement that all chelation is dangerous. I think chelation can be safe if done properly. I've seen many dangerous protocols out there. I think DMSA is safer to give than high doses of cilantro. Cilantro's half life isn't known and I've heard of people getting worse while on it. I'm not talking about amounts that would be in food but some people try juicing it and taking large amounts. We've done low dose oral chelation with DMSA with our son and seen some mild improvements. My son is considered severe and even with doing chelation still has no functional speech but we have gotten more words since starting it and his eye contact has improved. We give him 4mg (1/6 of the smallest capsule available) every 4 hours for 72 hours straight. For an entire "round" he gets 3 capsules which is 75mg. I think that is very safe. My son does have very high tested levels of arsenic though and part of the reason I'm giving him the DMSA. I'm not sure if we'll continue with it but I know some people see better results than we do.


I'm part of a board with many parents of ASD children. Many of them do GAPS and chelation. Not all add chelation but I know many of them do at some point because they do not feel the diet is enough for detox. We did try GAPS but my son has many oral aversions and after almost 2 weeks I gave up because he wouldn't eat any of the healing foods. I did have some luck getting him to eat the yogurt by mixing it with juice and making freezer pops. The other foods he ate (meat and bananas) are the not the healing foods that are going to aid in detox.


People always bring up the 2 cases where a child died from chelation. In both cases the child was accidentally given the wrong chelating agent and both cases were from IV chelation. We have only done oral aside from one round of suppository chelation. For that one we used DMSA prescribed by my son's doctor that was specially compounded.


For more natural detox I really like bentonite clay. We've been working with the woman mentioned in the article here and she claims the bentonite removes toxins and heavy metals from the body. I've been using it on myself with good success but for my son who can't yet swallow caps we haven't really been able to try it out yet. I plan to when he's a little older and can swallow caps. I am already giving him the aggressive amount of probiotics mentioned in the article. I think probiotics are so important and a lot of people either skip them or give such small doses. The standard cap from a health food store has 3 billion organisms. I buy either VSL#3 or Custom brand which have over 200 billion per dose.



If you have parasite issues I don't think anything beats prescription Vermox. We tried naturals for 2 months and finally did Vermox. My son stopped smearing poop and it also got him to not constantly have his hands in his pants. Love the stuff.

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The integrative neurodevelopmental pediatrician that we are seeing does not perform nor recommend chelation. He said that he differs from a lot of DAN! doctors in this regard.


Dr. Michael Goldberg has seen evidence of brain damage on NeuroSPECT scans on children with ASD who have undergone chelation compared with other ASD children who have not had it. Those pictures in The Myth of Autism were enough to convince me to avoid chelation.

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I SO want to strap my husband down and detox him. I can almost see the yeast and mold that it would kill....:blush:


I don't try to save my man from himself. If he wants to die, let him. I'll find another. Actually, I tell him I'm living on cruise ships when he's gone. :lol:

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Dangerous and helpful are two separate things.


After the alternative doc messed me up so badly with chelation, etc. etc., I started with a nutritionist. She's the one that has done all this with me (veges and fruit, pomegranate juice, etc. etc.). It's not something I researched myself. If that's what you want, write me and I'll give you her info.


I'll say it again. When you give the body the nutrition it needs, it detoxes the heavy metals, etc. on its own. My doc, idiot that he was, assumed all the supplements were digesting, assumed my bowels were working right (because he had me on lots of alfalfa, etc.), and then made me really sick pulling out all the metals with the IV chelators. If you pull them out (which obviously the IVs do) and then they DON'T excrete, then they can deposit elsewhere, *including* the brain. I'm not saying it can't help. I'm just saying you're chosing your risk. And now that I eat really well and have the custom plans to bring in so much nutrition, I don't need that. My body will dump on its own.


*IF* I were doing strong chelators, I would make DARN sure he's eating well and the bowels are moving.


Crimson, what's up with the brain scans? Is it showing the metals depositing into the brain? My brain is *definitely* not like it was before that doc. We won't even go there. They know the chelators can cross the brain blood barrier along with the metals. I'm always glad that it helps someone. That doesn't mean it's without risk.

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Juicing is one the things that we started early, well before "officially" starting GAPS.


This is the route we are looking at taking :).


OhElizabeth, thank you for sharing that story. Not that I was considering that kind of approach but good to know the risks involved.

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Crimson, what's up with the brain scans? Is it showing the metals depositing into the brain? My brain is *definitely* not like it was before that doc. We won't even go there. They know the chelators can cross the brain blood barrier along with the metals. I'm always glad that it helps someone. That doesn't mean it's without risk.


There are dark spots on the NeruoSPECT scans of the ASD children who had previously undergone chelation that were not in the scans of other ASD children. Unfortunately, the Google Books preview does not include the part of the book that has the images. I didn't get the impression that Dr. Goldberg exactly knows how the chelation caused the apparent brain damage. He's just seeing the after-effects and it's disturbing him enough to warn parents away from the practice.

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There are numerous chelating agents and different protocols out there. I don't think it's fair to make a sweeping statement that all chelation is dangerous. I think chelation can be safe if done properly. I've seen many dangerous protocols out there. I think DMSA is safer to give than high doses of cilantro. Cilantro's half life isn't known and I've heard of people getting worse while on it. I'm not talking about amounts that would be in food but some people try juicing it and taking large amounts. We've done low dose oral chelation with DMSA with our son and seen some mild improvements. My son is considered severe and even with doing chelation still has no functional speech but we have gotten more words since starting it and his eye contact has improved. We give him 4mg (1/6 of the smallest capsule available) every 4 hours for 72 hours straight. For an entire "round" he gets 3 capsules which is 75mg. I think that is very safe. My son does have very high tested levels of arsenic though and part of the reason I'm giving him the DMSA. I'm not sure if we'll continue with it but I know some people see better results than we do.


I'm part of a board with many parents of ASD children. Many of them do GAPS and chelation. Not all add chelation but I know many of them do at some point because they do not feel the diet is enough for detox. We did try GAPS but my son has many oral aversions and after almost 2 weeks I gave up because he wouldn't eat any of the healing foods. I did have some luck getting him to eat the yogurt by mixing it with juice and making freezer pops. The other foods he ate (meat and bananas) are the not the healing foods that are going to aid in detox.


People always bring up the 2 cases where a child died from chelation. In both cases the child was accidentally given the wrong chelating agent and both cases were from IV chelation. We have only done oral aside from one round of suppository chelation. For that one we used DMSA prescribed by my son's doctor that was specially compounded.


For more natural detox I really like bentonite clay. We've been working with the woman mentioned in the article here and she claims the bentonite removes toxins and heavy metals from the body. I've been using it on myself with good success but for my son who can't yet swallow caps we haven't really been able to try it out yet. I plan to when he's a little older and can swallow caps. I am already giving him the aggressive amount of probiotics mentioned in the article. I think probiotics are so important and a lot of people either skip them or give such small doses. The standard cap from a health food store has 3 billion organisms. I buy either VSL#3 or Custom brand which have over 200 billion per dose.



If you have parasite issues I don't think anything beats prescription Vermox. We tried naturals for 2 months and finally did Vermox. My son stopped smearing poop and it also got him to not constantly have his hands in his pants. Love the stuff.


I was between forums and missed your post originally. Dr. Bock's book, Healing the New Childhood Epidemics was the first time I ever heard of chelation. I have only read 100 pages and in those pages I have read about one case where he has performed chelation on a boy by using DMSA and with good results. He also mentions that chelation is FDA approved.


I agree with you, I am sure there are different methods, safe and unsafe ones. Dr. Bock seems to be pretty well known for his treatments on the 4-A's and I cannot see him compromising his reputation. I am also sure that you did a lot of research before you decided to go that route with your child. Glad it is helping :).

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If we are going to talk about dangers, we should probably include all dangers involved in dealing with LD's and special needs children. Here's one that I came across. I found it mentioned in Dr. Bock's book and looked it up and found it online as well.






We are all trying to do the best we can for our children!

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The integrative neurodevelopmental pediatrician that we are seeing does not perform nor recommend chelation. He said that he differs from a lot of DAN! doctors in this regard.


Dr. Michael Goldberg has seen evidence of brain damage on NeuroSPECT scans on children with ASD who have undergone chelation compared with other ASD children who have not had it. Those pictures in The Myth of Autism were enough to convince me to avoid chelation.


I haven't read that one yet. But just looking at the book's summary on Amazon that mentions auto-immune issues is interesting. My in-laws have Rheumatoid arthritis in the family, along with ASD.

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Chelation is FDA approved to treat acute lead poisoning. In that case, the benefits clearly outweigh the risks. The controversy comes with its off-label use to treat kids with ASD.


OK, I did a brief search and found the DMSA was pulled by the FDA in 2009. I did find that it was approved by the FDA (originally) in 1960. I was specifically talking about DMSA since that was what the pp mentioned and also what I saw Dr. Bock use. Dr. Bock's book I am reading (library copy), was published in 2007. Like I said before, I don't know much about chelation so I was just quoting what I read in Dr. Bock's book. I would have to research more to make a more firm decision on how I feel about it, which I am sure the pp had to do before deciding to go that route. In my case we are not at the level for me to consider using it so for now I don't really have the time to research further. I would like to, out of personal interest, but will have to save it for a later date. One thing that does puzzle me though is that BPA, from what I see, has yet to be banned by the FDA and is still being used in baby bottles and sippy cups. Canada banned it years ago, before Malcolm was born, so I still wonder sometimes the motives behind certain decisions :confused:!

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I found this rather interesting:




It also mentions... let me quote them directly though:


Chelation therapy is a well-established treatment for patients who have been exposed to high levels of heavy metals such as lead; there are even FDA-approved prescription-only products for administering the treatment.
So based on this, chelation was originally approved for the treatment of those exposed to high levels of heavy metals (not just lead).


Based on Dr. Bock's book children suffering from the 4-A's (Autism, ADD/ ADHD, Asthma and Allergies), may have been exposed to high levels of mercury through vaccinations, since mercury was used as a preservative in vaccines till, if I remember correctly, 2000. Also, while it has now been removed from vaccines, it is still found in flu shots. He does mentioned two groups which have not been affected by the new childhood epidemics. One group is the Pennsylvania Amish, who don't vaccinate for religious reasons and the other (another group that also do not vaccinate for religious reasons) is a Christian group which at the time included 35,000 children, who belong to a home-schooling organization in the Chicago area. Dr. Bock goes much deeper than just mercury exposure from vaccines but I am just posting this to justify the reason why some doctors (DAN doctors specifically) use and support chelation.

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I recommend this book:

Children with Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder by Jack Zimmerman PhD, Teresa Binstock and Jaquelyn McCandless (Paperback - Feb 1, 2009)


DMSA was not banned. It is no longer allowed to be sold OTC as a supplement. It is still available by prescription. Chelation with DMSA, either oral or transdermal, is not a DIY project as it can have some pretty severe side effects, and since it pulls minerals from the body, it really does require medical supervision.

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I found this rather interesting:




It also mentions... let me quote them directly though:


So based on this, chelation was originally approved for the treatment of those exposed to high levels of heavy metals (not just lead).


Based on Dr. Bock's book children suffering from the 4-A's (Autism, ADD/ ADHD, Asthma and Allergies), may have been exposed to high levels of mercury through vaccinations, since mercury was used as a preservative in vaccines till, if I remember correctly, 2000. Also, while it has now been removed from vaccines, it is still found in flu shots. He does mentioned two groups which have not been affected by the new childhood epidemics. One group is the Pennsylvania Amish, who don't vaccinate for religious reasons and the other (another group that also do not vaccinate for religious reasons) is a Christian group which at the time included 35,000 children, who belong to a home-schooling organization in the Chicago area. Dr. Bock goes much deeper than just mercury exposure from vaccines but I am just posting this to justify the reason why some doctors (DAN doctors specifically) use and support chelation.[/QUOTe]


If a doctor used that to support their use of chelation I'd be droppng the doctor. Those are claims based mostly on correlation with little research to supporr them. When the procedure is something that could cause harm the bar ishould be much higher before it's considered.

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If a doctor used that to support their use of chelation I'd be droppng the doctor. Those are claims based mostly on correlation with little research to supporr them. When the procedure is something that could cause harm the bar ishould be much higher before it's considered.


Well, in order to judge that I guess you would have to read the book to see the case it was used for. I cannot quote the entire book here or I will be slapped with a copyrights lawsuit :lol:. I would appreciate some links to prove your claims though! Most things are a matter of opinion. Some doctors support this while others support that. You know what I mean? I do search points in Dr. Bock's book though to find proof of what he is saying and so far... everything has been backed by information I have been finding online.

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I recommend this book:

Children with Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder by Jack Zimmerman PhD, Teresa Binstock and Jaquelyn McCandless (Paperback - Feb 1, 2009)


DMSA was not banned. It is no longer allowed to be sold OTC as a supplement. It is still available by prescription. Chelation with DMSA, either oral or transdermal, is not a DIY project as it can have some pretty severe side effects, and since it pulls minerals from the body, it really does require medical supervision.


Thank you for the clarification :). Yes, that was what I read, that was why I said pulled. This affected products that were being sold online as supplements and then used by people to do the process often themselves. I should have elaborated more! It was another reason why I posted the article I did up thread and also the post of the deaths from Ritalin (an FDA approved drug).


ETA: I have that book on my list to look into in the future ;)

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when i went by whole foods today, i found some OTC detox's for heavy metals and toxins as well as liver detox's. has anyone ever tried those? do you think that might be safe enough to try?:confused:


I do not have any official special needs kids, just a suspicion of ADHD (or at least ADD) in my oldest and possible Autistic traits. This is why all this research is very interesting to me, mostly because both my kids have been advanced learners and my oldest regressed a bit in certain areas later on. Anyway, my advice to you is to first of all ask a doctor (if you have a good one you trust) and do your own research on brands you are looking at using. That's my advice for what it's worth :tongue_smilie:!

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when i went by whole foods today, i found some OTC detox's for heavy metals and toxins as well as liver detox's. has anyone ever tried those? do you think that might be safe enough to try?:confused:


Did you mean to just use them on your own? I would definitely not recommend doing that, if you mean that you found them over the counter! This is what the FDA warning that was issued is all about. They are to be used by prescription only, hence my comment about speaking to your doctor first.

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when i went by whole foods today, i found some OTC detox's for heavy metals and toxins as well as liver detox's. has anyone ever tried those? do you think that might be safe enough to try?:confused:


No one can tell you whether it's safe for your child and situation, because people will respond differently to the same thing. You could give that product to a 100 people. A percent might notice some improvement with use, some might notice no change, and some might become immediately sick, being of a very fragile state. You just can't tell. It's like vaccines or anything else. Why do some kids seem to worsen after them and the rest of the population not?


You can't go wrong with food, just good old food. Eat more salad, more fresh fruits and veges. When you do that, you're putting in the minerals that help the body dump. The enzymes in the fruit will help the bowels start moving. Doesn't take fancy supplements or harsh laxatives like some of these are. Yes they can work, but it doesn't have to be done that way. And you're definitely not gonna hurt your kid with more fresh fruit and veges, proper food combining, eliminating things that clog the gut or are hard to digest (red meat, white flour, cheese) and a good probiotic everyday.


If you really want to go for gold, get some organic pineapple juice (contains bromelain, an enzyme that gets things going in the gut, should clean you out without hurting you) and learn how to massage your abdomen and ileocecal valve. Quick good for instructions for you this http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/massage1.php Those two things and the diet change, and you can have a nice clean, happy gut, no harsh supplements needed.


I know that's not the same as the full-on heavy metal detox you wanted, but it's a healthy way to let the body get there. After a while of that, when the gut is working properly, you can introduce small amounts of pomegranate juice. Honestly, the first time I took pomegranate juice, it made me as sick as the chelation IVs ever did. It's extremely powerful stuff! But don't do that before you've got the body plumbing working right. That way what you pull out excretes. ;)

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when i went by whole foods today, i found some OTC detox's for heavy metals and toxins as well as liver detox's. has anyone ever tried those? do you think that might be safe enough to try?:confused:



I tried the MercCleanse product from Whole Foods. The first day was OK. The afternoon of the second day I had a terrible headache. The afternoon of the third day, I was terribly sick. I could have been reacting to something in the product, or to the release of toxins in my body. Either way, I stopped, fearing it was doing more harm than good. My gut health was probably not optimal though, which is an important factor.

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No one can tell you whether it's safe for your child and situation, because people will respond differently to the same thing. You could give that product to a 100 people. A percent might notice some improvement with use, some might notice no change, and some might become immediately sick, being of a very fragile state. You just can't tell. It's like vaccines or anything else. Why do some kids seem to worsen after them and the rest of the population not?


You can't go wrong with food, just good old food. Eat more salad, more fresh fruits and veges. When you do that, you're putting in the minerals that help the body dump. The enzymes in the fruit will help the bowels start moving. Doesn't take fancy supplements or harsh laxatives like some of these are. Yes they can work, but it doesn't have to be done that way. And you're definitely not gonna hurt your kid with more fresh fruit and veges, proper food combining, eliminating things that clog the gut or are hard to digest (red meat, white flour, cheese) and a good probiotic everyday.


If you really want to go for gold, get some organic pineapple juice (contains bromelain, an enzyme that gets things going in the gut, should clean you out without hurting you) and learn how to massage your abdomen and ileocecal valve. Quick good for instructions for you this http://www.healingnaturallybybee.com/articles/massage1.php Those two things and the diet change, and you can have a nice clean, happy gut, no harsh supplements needed.


I know that's not the same as the full-on heavy metal detox you wanted, but it's a healthy way to let the body get there. After a while of that, when the gut is working properly, you can introduce small amounts of pomegranate juice. Honestly, the first time I took pomegranate juice, it made me as sick as the chelation IVs ever did. It's extremely powerful stuff! But don't do that before you've got the body plumbing working right. That way what you pull out excretes. ;)


:iagree: with OhElizabeth! If you do not need any heavy detox why not go the natural route? I would probably consider chelation if I was experiencing serious problems, other than that the less invasive the better as far as I am concerned.


OhElizabeth, you have a lot of knowledge in this area, are their any resources (books) you could recommend where I can find this information, or was this advise given to you by your naturopath?

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:iagree: with OhElizabeth! If you do not need any heavy detox why not go the natural route? I would probably consider chelation if I was experiencing serious problems, other than that the less invasive the better as far as I am concerned.


OhElizabeth, you have a lot of knowledge in this area, are their any resources (books) you could recommend where I can find this information, or was this advise given to you by your naturopath?


Yes, if you had an immediate, obvious exposure to something like lead, I could totally see doing the chelation. But don't underestimate the power of food. Used the right way, you can get the body to do some serious dumping. ;)


It's the nutritionist I've used, no books. I did a lot of research before her, tried lots of other routes, was at the end of my rope, and figured I'd just do what she said.

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There are numerous chelating agents and different protocols out there. I don't think it's fair to make a sweeping statement that all chelation is dangerous. I think chelation can be safe if done properly. I've seen many dangerous protocols out there. I think DMSA is safer to give than high doses of cilantro. Cilantro's half life isn't known and I've heard of people getting worse while on it. I'm not talking about amounts that would be in food but some people try juicing it and taking large amounts. We've done low dose oral chelation with DMSA with our son and seen some mild improvements. My son is considered severe and even with doing chelation still has no functional speech but we have gotten more words since starting it and his eye contact has improved. We give him 4mg (1/6 of the smallest capsule available) every 4 hours for 72 hours straight. For an entire "round" he gets 3 capsules which is 75mg. I think that is very safe. My son does have very high tested levels of arsenic though and part of the reason I'm giving him the DMSA. I'm not sure if we'll continue with it but I know some people see better results than we do.


I'm part of a board with many parents of ASD children. Many of them do GAPS and chelation. Not all add chelation but I know many of them do at some point because they do not feel the diet is enough for detox. We did try GAPS but my son has many oral aversions and after almost 2 weeks I gave up because he wouldn't eat any of the healing foods. I did have some luck getting him to eat the yogurt by mixing it with juice and making freezer pops. The other foods he ate (meat and bananas) are the not the healing foods that are going to aid in detox.


People always bring up the 2 cases where a child died from chelation. In both cases the child was accidentally given the wrong chelating agent and both cases were from IV chelation. We have only done oral aside from one round of suppository chelation. For that one we used DMSA prescribed by my son's doctor that was specially compounded.


For more natural detox I really like bentonite clay. We've been working with the woman mentioned in the article here and she claims the bentonite removes toxins and heavy metals from the body. I've been using it on myself with good success but for my son who can't yet swallow caps we haven't really been able to try it out yet. I plan to when he's a little older and can swallow caps. I am already giving him the aggressive amount of probiotics mentioned in the article. I think probiotics are so important and a lot of people either skip them or give such small doses. The standard cap from a health food store has 3 billion organisms. I buy either VSL#3 or Custom brand which have over 200 billion per dose.



If you have parasite issues I don't think anything beats prescription Vermox. We tried naturals for 2 months and finally did Vermox. My son stopped smearing poop and it also got him to not constantly have his hands in his pants. Love the stuff.


We used the Andy Cutler low and slow method of chelation too. Gave us miracles but we did it after 1ish years of getting diet straight. The need to have good bowel movements and nutritional support can not be overstated...chelation is sometimes necessary to remove stubborn metals but you never want to do it pell-mell... you need some things in place first.


I recommend this book:

Children with Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder by Jack Zimmerman PhD, Teresa Binstock and Jaquelyn McCandless (Paperback - Feb 1, 2009)


DMSA was not banned. It is no longer allowed to be sold OTC as a supplement. It is still available by prescription. Chelation with DMSA, either oral or transdermal, is not a DIY project as it can have some pretty severe side effects, and since it pulls minerals from the body, it really does require medical supervision.


This was the best book I ever read...gave me the overall understanding of what was wrong with my children, way back then. :)


when i went by whole foods today, i found some OTC detox's for heavy metals and toxins as well as liver detox's. has anyone ever tried those? do you think that might be safe enough to try?:confused:


No way. I am all about detox but I would never take something OTC unless I had spent considerable time getting my gut in order first. Daily BMs, mineral support, doctor oversight...all are important. I agree with OhElizabeth that diet and nutrition may do enough detox for you.


My DAN only knew of IV chelation. I refused to go that route as I think it can be dangerous and half-life is completely ignored in this method. I educated him on my chosen method and he was compliant and ran tests for me as requested. He was the "oversight" I felt I needed. I do believe IV chelation is dangerous but some have seen results from it; probably only those who have a great mineral supplementation, nutritional support and adequate gut health.

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It's the nutritionist I've used, no books. I did a lot of research before her, tried lots of other routes, was at the end of my rope, and figured I'd just do what she said.


Ooops, that's right, you have said nutritionist!


I was just speaking with my mom on the phone (my parents live in Europe) and she just told me that she had been seeing a naturopathic doctor who told her that she has a gluten sensitivity. Now they tell me :banghead:!


I am also seeing sensitivity to yeast in at least my dad and I have known that about myself too. Neither one of my boys has taken antibiotics much in their life though (Adrian maybe twice and Malcolm once). I always avoided antibiotics and had a good pediatrician back home that supported my approach. Here I can't even get a ped to see my kids because in order to get one I need a referral from a family doctor and the one we have had up to now, likes to keep all the business for herself :glare:. Anyway, I am going another route on that too!


Difficult picking your brain when I don't really know what I am looking for right now so I will do a search on old threads where you have posted and start taking notes. My parents grow pomegranates back home at their cottage and juice some of them (among other fruits) too bad they are too far to send us some :glare:.

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We used the Andy Cutler low and slow method of chelation too. Gave us miracles but we did it after 1ish years of getting diet straight. The need to have good bowel movements and nutritional support can not be overstated...chelation is sometimes necessary to remove stubborn metals but you never want to do it pell-mell... you need some things in place first.


:iagree:That is exactly what Dr. Bock mentions in his book. Thank you for adding that. That was what he did first, with the boy in the case I was reading.




This was the best book I ever read...gave me the overall understanding of what was wrong with my children, way back then. :)


Now I really have to get that book!

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Another thing I felt the need to add in case one of my previous posts gave the impression that Dr. Bock is against vaccines, is that he is not. He just feels that the current schedules are excessive and has a plan included in his book.

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