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Art for a non-creative, delayed boy?


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Ds is doing very well in math, science, and history. None of these require too much effort in the fine motor department. FLL isn't going too bad, either.


Handwriting, WWE, music and art are not going well. I can get past HW, WWE, and music, but I'm clueless for art.


We tried Ed Emberley's (sp?) fingerprint drawing book and I was surprised to see my ds unable to complete the pictures. I would say it's a mix of poor fine motor, poor motor planning, and possibly poor visual skills (not vision).


In the past we've played with play doh, and he likes it, but there are no creations in the end. His drawing is limited to very simple shapes. He's never had much interest in coloring.


He does like to paint those little wood things from walmart (plane, cars, etc., all really cheap).


What would you do with him for art?

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Sounds like my son. He does well with Draw Write Now, which gets him drawing simple pictures not in a stick figure style (normally he does stick figures for everything). I always have my own sheet to draw WITH him, because he is a perfectionist and needs to see that mine is imperfect too (I'm NOT an artist).


We've also done well with Evan Moor's How to Teach Art to Children.


After doing some of those things and getting my son capable of drawing things, I then started notebooking in history and science, so now he draws a picture related to what he read. He's still not big into coloring, and I don't think he'll ever be an artist (both his parents are not artists... we're both good at math and music though!).


I'm not worried about art for my son. I think he'll likely do better with music also, and that's fine. It's a fine art. Good enough for me. I do have him drawing pictures for notebooking mainly to encourage some writing skills without throwing more writing at him. He is pencil phobic, and WWE has been awesome for him, and also doing dictation in spelling (often at the white board with a dry erase marker - it's easier, so he gets more practice without overworking his muscles... note that OT's will usually say not to use dry erase markers for that reason, but it's worked for my son since he needs practice getting confident with letter formation while his muscles are still working up to being able to write... we don't replace pencil/paper writing with white board, but add more writing via white board, if that makes sense :tongue_smilie:).


Hope that helps!


ETA: Just noticed your list of SN's... if your OT says not to use a white board, don't use it. ;) Ask your OT for suggestions.

Edited by boscopup
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Thank you Boscopup! Ds's OT actually thought it was a great idea to teach cursive with a whiteboard. She sometimes come to me for ideas, so we bounce off of each other. :)


I'm not concerned with art, but it is required in PA. Fortunately all that is required is "art" and nothing specific.


I'll look at the book you recommended.

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I have used Meet the Masters, Mark Kistler's videos and Creativity Express with all my kiddos. One child jumps in to do all the art projects, the others sometimes not. The ones not actually doing the projects still learn the processes and art history though.


Our house is full of materials to use for art and that helps to get a little bit of creation out of even my reluctant child. Large stencils or stickers might be a good starting point- you can create a picture with the stickers and not have to worry about your drawing skills. Or start with a sticker or two on a page and ask the child to add drawings to complete the story.


The Doodle Book for Boys might fun.

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Sometimes you can read about art instead of doing art.




If Emberley is too hard, I would be looking at preschool art. Also maybe modern art.




How about Waldorf wet on wet painting?




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My son (14) has never liked art but loves to study art. We have always read about artists looked at pictures, and yes, you can notebook about it also. If he likes crafts go for that. By the way, you can count this as art and history.


;)(In PA also).


Or if he likes science and likes crafts, make and paint things related to science...counted as art and science.

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