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Lady Jane Grey question

Chris in VA

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Lady Jane Grey was proclaimed queen between Edward VI and Mary (or sometimes Mary I). She is typically left of the lists of Kings and Queens of England presumably due to the later execution for treason/usurpation of the throne. Edward's advisers convinced him to name her as his successor even though that did not follow the line of succession established by Henry VIII. They ended up with Jane because of two reasons 1) it was politically expedient for the fortunes of one of the advisers and 2) because in order to prevent a Catholic from becoming Queen they needed to destroy Mary's claims to the throne and thereby destroyed Elizabeth's claims as well but were able to keep Edward legitimate. They ignored any succession through the family in Scotland and that left Jane's mother and Jane as the eldest child the next in line and the only Protestants. Or at least that is the quick and dirty version of a very short but complicated historical event. IMHO a classic example of politics at its best and an excellent case in point for repeating the history you fail to learn from.

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I think it's because she was only queen for 9 days, she wasn't crowned, and she really had no business there, the poor girl. She's a favorite of mine.


I can't remember whether the film showed the actual (simulated) beheadings--I know they got pretty close--but there was definite nekkidness in the wedding-night scene.

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I can't remember whether the film showed the actual (simulated) beheadings

IIRC, she is taken to the spot where she will be executed, but instead of seeing the act, we see the sky... No actual blood or gore, just the knowledge that the action has taken place.


I loved this movie as a teen and watched it over and over -- but it's been many, many years since then. It's more or less historically accurate, as movies go, lol. But certainly there are plenty of discrepancies between the movie and the real events.

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IIRC, she is taken to the spot where she will be executed, but instead of seeing the act, we see the sky... No actual blood or gore, just the knowledge that the action has taken place.


That's how I seem to remember it too.


I loved this movie as a teen and watched it over and over -- but it's been many, many years since then. It's more or less historically accurate, as movies go, lol. But certainly there are plenty of discrepancies between the movie and the real events.


Me too, I was huge history (cary elwes) buff as a teen...yeeeeaahhh, that's the ticket!

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(One of our dd's middle names is Jane, for Jane Grey as a matter of fact. :) )


Here is a poem attributed to Jane Grey:


O, Merciful God, be Thou now unto me a strong tower of defence, I humbly entreat Thee. Give me grace to await Thy leisure, and patiently to bear what Thou doest unto me; nothing doubting or mistrusting Thy goodness towards me; for Thou knowest what is good for me better than I do. Therefore do with me in all things what Thou wilt; only arm me, I beseech Thee, with Thine armor, that I may stand fast; above all things, taking to me the shield of faith; praying always that I may refer myself wholly to Thy will, abiding Thy pleasure, and comforting myself in those troubles which it shall please Thee to send me, seeing such troubles are profitable for me; and I am assuredly persuaded that all Thou doest can not but be well; and unto Thee be all honor and glory. Amen.


~Lady Jane Grey

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(One of our dd's middle names is Jane, for Jane Grey as a matter of fact. :) )


Here is a poem attributed to Jane Grey:


O, Merciful God, be Thou now unto me a strong tower of defence, I humbly entreat Thee. Give me grace to await Thy leisure, and patiently to bear what Thou doest unto me; nothing doubting or mistrusting Thy goodness towards me; for Thou knowest what is good for me better than I do. Therefore do with me in all things what Thou wilt; only arm me, I beseech Thee, with Thine armor, that I may stand fast; above all things, taking to me the shield of faith; praying always that I may refer myself wholly to Thy will, abiding Thy pleasure, and comforting myself in those troubles which it shall please Thee to send me, seeing such troubles are profitable for me; and I am assuredly persuaded that all Thou doest can not but be well; and unto Thee be all honor and glory. Amen.


~Lady Jane Grey


Not to mention very well educated for a woman of her time-homeschooled in fact;)

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