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we put an offer on the house

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we went to see it yesterday at 5 and our realtor had faxed an offer to their realtor by 8 who was at our local airport coming back from Fla. We love this house so much more than the house that we had previously put an offer on (the divorcing couple) that fell thru. We talked to the owner (at the house we just put the offer on) and he said he can def be out by the settlement date of our house. The house is beautiful, if our offer gets accepted, I will come back and tell all of you all about it. While we were looking thru the house, dd called my sil who lives nearby and she came over and looked thru the house with us, she loved it also (for us, she is not looking to buy lol)

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while I was on here, my cell phone (in another room) started ringing. The only person besides family that has my cell phone number is my realtor. Sure enough it was him but while running to get the phone, I started choking on a cheese stick I was eating. I answered, said wait a min. had to get drink of water to stop choking. Realtor told me that the sellers reator called to let him know that she is expecting an answer from the buyer later today. Ok am I nervous or what? Maybe I need something stronger to drink than water (actually coffee is about the stongest thing I drink, maybe a flavored one lol).

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Isn't it awful, waiting for the phone to ring when it's something important?


Tell the truth. You're carrying the phone into the bathroom with you, aren't you?


And if you're not, you should, because that's exactly when it's going to ring. (Actual Scientific Fact.) :D


You have been through so much with this house thing, and I really hope the seller accepts your offer! :001_smile:

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Best of luck!


I can't wait until I can post a similar thread! :D


You and me both -- both of us posting a similar thread, I mean.


But, we need a buyer first. But, someone is coming today at three pm.:D


The good news being, there is a lack of inventory here and we are getting tons more showing than we did the last time we were on the market (5/11-10/11) --


Hang in there Jeannie!:grouphug:

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