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Omega-3 for calming kids?

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I recently read a the book What's Eating Your Child. The author recommends using Omega-3 (specifically high EPA) for anti-anxiety/calming kids. Has anyone used Omega-3 to calm their child? If so, are you seeing results? Which brand are you using? Appreciate any advice or guidance you can give me.



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My kids have always hated omega liquids and capsules.


Someone here, maybe Mergath, recommended Barlean's swirl. I bought that for my kids last week. They are much more tolerant of it. It doesn't have the consistency of straight oil. I haven't noticed a change yet, but I'm not monitoring for anything in particular.

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Dd9 has ADHD, OCD, and cyclothymia (a sort of mild bipolar). These are being controlled entirely by Omega-3s and a supplement called Travacor, which is essentially huge doses of B-6 and B-12. For the Omega-3s, we've used both Nordic Naturals and Carlson's with good results. This has been extremely effective in smoothing out the effects of all three issues.

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We have not tried Omega-3s, but my ds has Tourrette's with associated anxiety and ADHD. We use Natural Calm, which is simply a magnesium supplement, to "calm" him. It works like a charm. We have proven its effectiveness because there have been times we've forgotten for a few days and we see the symptoms come right back. A day or two back on and he's fine again.

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My dd8 tends to be overly excited by life - she may have ADHD or something else going on, but we've never had her tested.


I've been giving her Omega 3 and 6 supplements, alongside vit. D supplements, and she is much calmer than she used to be. We do the vitamin regimen every day. We generally use Nordic Naturals, though I've even had luck with store brands (mostly Trader Joe's) before. Basically, I think the point is to get them on the supplements, and keep them on them, more than loyalty to a specific brand.

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  • 7 months later...

I'm resurrecting this thread because DS still struggles with impulse control and focusing, to the point where his co-op teacher mentioned talking to the doctor and seeing if there was a low-dose something - even an herbal supplement - that might help him focus.


Is there anyone else here who uses herbal supplements/Omega 3s to help their child focus and stay calm? Any suggestions on what or where to go to find something?


As an aside, the DH and I are also considering the Feingold Diet, so if anyone has anything to add there, I'd love to hear it.



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my son is ASD and anxiety is a big part of his diagnosis. I take him to a DAN! naturopath. He is on l-theanine, and GABA for anxeity. He also does nordic naturals ultimate omega fish oil. the liquid has higher levels, but he won't take it. the fish oil might help anxiety, but it is not why he takes it.


the thing we've found the most helpful for focusing have been daily glutathione injections. It is a super-heavy duty antioxidant. his mercury level was rather high. (it's in tuna and HFCS, and other common things.) within four weeks of starting, I had adults who work with him, but didn't know the details of what we were doing for treatment, start commenting he was engaging, focused and working independently. still needs supervision, but nothing like last spring.

Edited by gardenmom5
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I'm resurrecting this thread because DS still struggles with impulse control and focusing, to the point where his co-op teacher mentioned talking to the doctor and seeing if there was a low-dose something - even an herbal supplement - that might help him focus.


Is there anyone else here who uses herbal supplements/Omega 3s to help their child focus and stay calm? Any suggestions on what or where to go to find something?


As an aside, the DH and I are also considering the Feingold Diet, so if anyone has anything to add there, I'd love to hear it.




I haven't used the Feingold diet - but that is where we were made aware of the impact of artificial dyes on our dd. We cut out artificial colors (for the most part) and it has made a huge, giant difference in our dd.

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My dd5 has used http://www.nordicnaturals.com/en/Products/Product_Details/514/?ProdID=1442


since she was 2. She loved them!! The serving size for these is 4 but they are small little balls, easy to chew.


I just recently ordered these http://www.nordicnaturals.com/en/Products/Product_Details/514/?ProdID=1615


We got them in the mail yesterday. I give dd13 & dd5 two a day and ds2 one a day. They all really like the taste. You can chew or swallow them.


These links are for the Nordic Naturals website but Amazon has the best prices!

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