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What math do you use?


What math program do you use for K-6?  

  1. 1. What math program do you use for K-6?

    • Math Mammoth
    • CLE
    • Horizons
    • Saxon
    • Singapore
    • Right Start
    • MUS
    • Miquon
    • Teaching Textbooks
    • Something Else (please tell)

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We use a variety of materials to solidify concepts. Our current lineup looks a little like this:


DD: Singapore as the spine, MM for review, cuisenaire rods ala Miquon, and AL Abacus activities from Righstart


DS: Singapore spine, MM review, cuisenaire rods, Keys to Fractions for review, and we'll add Life of Fred over the summer.

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I had to choose other as the poll wouldn't let me pick multiple programs.


We (DS8) use a mixture of Singapore Challenging Word Problems and Singapore Math Standards Ed., Math Mammoth for concepts he gets "stuck on", Zaccaro Primary Math, and Life of Fred for fun. I also have the DVDs/Teacher Manuals for MUS in case something I've explained 15 different ways results in a look of mass confusion. Decimal Street really helped him understand the place values of numbers when he was 5.



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Singapore is the main one...with Life of Fred thrown in for fun.


We will be adding (or switching to) Beast Academy when it releases. If the price is low enough, we may do Beast and Singapore together. We might switch completely to Beast though...mostly depends on the price at this point!

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I need more choices, too.


Child 1: K: Miquon 1: Singapore 2: CSMP 3-5 Horizons 6 Dolciani Pre-algebra


Child 2: K: CSMP 1: Miquon 2:Scott Foresman 3: Horizons plan for 4:Math Mammoth


Child 3: K: math games with Mom 1: Singapore, MEP plan for 2: either MEP or Math Mammoth


:D I really like math curriculum. I taught first and second grade for 10 years and feel comfortable with what is expected so I tend to use what I have around for the pen and pencil part and do the manipulatives on my own. I like to stick to one curriculum for the later grades if possible.

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