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Logic Stage Ancients Spine?


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I was planning to do SL core 6 next year, since DD wants to go back to ancients for awhile, but discovered that she'd found SOTW and has obviously read and enjoyed it (despite claiming it was "Boring" and preferring CHOW when we did Core 1/2). So, I'm looking for an alternative "Spine" for this time through. I think I can still use the SL Core 6 and other literature selections I'd planned on, but I'd like a framework.


There is a "Complete Book of World History" that would be cheap, but I'm a little concerned it would be a bit light. DD has enjoyed "The Complete Book of US history" and "Presidents and States" in addition to Landmark in core 3/4, though. There's also an "Ancient Civilizations" middle school textbook that I found on Amazon that doesn't look unreasonably priced-but that I know nothing about.


Any suggestions?

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It's just a textbook and not a spine per se as I understand the term (still coming up to speed on homeschooling) but I bought Glencoe World History recently and it is pretty nice, in my opinion. I was able to find a like-new New York State copy for cheap, plus a CD containing the full text of the book, plus all workbooks and extra study materials, for an extra $30.

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My son will be finishing up the series in 8th grade. I haven't decided what we will be doing in High School.


I was planning to do SL core 6 next year, since DD wants to go back to ancients for awhile, but discovered that she'd found SOTW and has obviously read and enjoyed it (despite claiming it was "Boring" and preferring CHOW when we did Core 1/2). So, I'm looking for an alternative "Spine" for this time through. I think I can still use the SL Core 6 and other literature selections I'd planned on, but I'd like a framework.


There is a "Complete Book of World History" that would be cheap, but I'm a little concerned it would be a bit light. DD has enjoyed "The Complete Book of US history" and "Presidents and States" in addition to Landmark in core 3/4, though. There's also an "Ancient Civilizations" middle school textbook that I found on Amazon that doesn't look unreasonably priced-but that I know nothing about.


Any suggestions?

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