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When you read a post...

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do you usually read some or all of the responses before responding?


I confess, often times I just answer without reading any responses and then I realize that the person has either updated, amended or explained something that changes how I would have answered... or I find that someone else has said something that I should have just said :iagree: to. Sometimes I find that someone else responds at the same time as me with some contradictory piece of information (no matter how trivial) and then I worry that they think I may have been actually trying to contradict them instead of doing it on accident! :lol:


Anyone else?

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Depends on how long the thread is. If there are just a couple of entries, I'll read through them all. However, if the thread is more than a couple of pages long, I'll read a few entries, and then respond.


And I don't worry about what other people think...most of the time. If it seems my response is 'off', I will clarify...maybe.

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It depends. I often read the whole thread and then respond. It depends on how long it is. Sometimes if it's very long I'll respond and then go back to reading. Sometimes I want to answer without being influenced by anyone else's thoughts so I'll answer right after reading the OP.

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If it is something that I wanted to answer without influence then I answer first and read later. Otherwise I read the whole thread and then answer. I find that sometimes another person has already said what I was thinking or they cause me to look at things a different way. Sometimes I really need to think about the subject and mull it over before answering. And sometimes the OP comes back and adds new info which makes a difference in my interpretation. And sometimes in some subjects I just have to see what one particular poster (different posters for different subjects) had to say about something, usually because I know that they have a similar stance or are more informed and can therefore say what I think much better than I can and then I can just add :iagree:

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If someone says what I would have said only better than I might not respond.I tend to come and go here throughout the day and I find I often feel like I don't have the time to type something in or I do but then feel like I shouldn't actually post it because maybe I've said too much.

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Like this one? :) I read the first three responses then replied.

I figure people are free to ignore my response if its "off".

It depends a lot on the thread though. Sometimes reading other people's responses makes me want to respond, when I wouldnt have otherwise.

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