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Anyone care to share their 3rd grade plans? TIA


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This year for 3rd grade we are doing:


Math - Singapore 3A and 3B with Miquon Yellow and Purple

Spelling - SWO D and E

Grammar - R&S 3

Writing - CW Aesop and copywork/dictation

Reading - Assigned reading time with lots of library books, Reading Detective

History - Truthquest AHYS1

Science - Apologia Zoology 1

Latin - Prima Latina

Music - Classical Kids, Getting to Know..., and piano lessons



You might check this thread for more ideas.



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I am CONTEMPLATING right now, not sure what we'll pick. Here's my contemplation...


Also, I have a bunch of free Scotts-Foreman books from a private school that gave them away, so I'm working that into our plans.


Science: Scotts-Foreman Science Gr 2 (combining kids)

History: hmmm, thinking about using SOTW 2 & Activity Guide

Math: We're using Developmental Math workbooks now & like them. We may stick with this, or go back to BJU Math (used BJU for K & liked it as well).

Reading: probably library books + Scotts-Foreman reading book I have lying around the house as a freebie.

Grammar: either Evan-Moor Grammar & Punctuation 3, or Spectrum LA, or even contemplating BJU English/Writing.

Handwriting: keep on with HWT cursive

Spelling: currently using Spelling Workout B & it has been OK. Will probably stick with it & use SWO C next year.

Composition: not sure on this one. Grammar & Spelling books have so much "creative writing" in it that maybe we won't need this. Or maybe I can dredge up a few interesting assignments? Currently using Write About Me from the Just Write series & dd HATES IT.


Thanks for letting me contemplate online;)

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Well, I am still going to reserve the right to change my mind. but I think this is where we are heading.



Singapore finish PM 3b, 4a / IP 3a / CWP 2, 3

Horizons finish 3, start 4 - pull out occasional pages as a supp.



Spelling Wisdom

dication from SWR lists

finish Explode the Code series




narration across curriculum

Writing Tales 1


LATIN: (not until ETC series is done)

Lively Latin



adapted with SOTW 3, AG

books in 1600-1850 time period

historical fiction, biography,art, architecture, saints, etc.



various books from lists like Ambleside, Sonlight, FIAR, etc.

Want to finish Narnia and get through the LHoP books.



Earth and Space

Trivium Academy's online plans, as a guideline

Discovery Education Streaming




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Main Curriculum:


  • Explorer's Bible Study- Discovery: In the Beginning
  • Writing Tales 1
  • Primary Language Lessons by Lingua Mater
  • Spelling Workout C/D
  • Explode the Code (working through books 5-8, on 5 now)
  • Horizons Math 3
  • Tapestry Redesign Yr3
  • Living Learning Chemistry
  • Memorization Poetry from The Harp & Laurel Wreath and memorization in all subjects




  • Building Critical Thinking Skills 1
  • Drawing with Children
  • Private piano lessons
  • FOR MOM: Teaching the Classics


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Horizons Math, maybe supplementing with Singapore


ETC 7 and 8

Finish OPGTR

Growing With Grammar 3

Writing Tales 1

Getty Dubay Italic D

Sequential Spelling? (this one will be in our shipment from Rainbow Resource Center due to arrive here tomorrow...we'll see if it works for ds)


SOTW 2 (once we finish 1)


R.E.A.L. Science: Life


Themes to Remember

Recorder practice

Lots of music listening


Art: various crafts along with art class at co-op


P.E.: basketball in fall/winter, soccer in spring, bike riding/swimming/etc. in summer


Looking at options for Latin...maybe the new one coming out by Classical Academic Press called Song School Latin (along with younger sister)

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My dd will be in 3rd next year. Still planning but here's what I have so far:


History/Geography/Science - unit studies with her older brothers using Christian Cottage vol. 2, and A Child's Geography, vol. 2.


English - Voyages in English 3 or Language of God for Little Folks


Spelling - My Catholic Speller


Math - finish Simply Numbers 2, then move on to Practical Arithmetic


Handwriting - Happy Handwriting


Reading - Pathway Readers, Sonlight books, Bible stories, poetry


Music - piano lessons at home


4-H - crafts, dance, cooking

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I am almost ready to go with 3rd grade.


Language Arts:

WISE Guide Spelling lists (up to 2 lists per week)

Reading Old Testament Bible stories (1 story a week/month)

Outlining and rewriting those OT stories a la Progymnasmata (1 paper a week/month)

Ruth Heller Grammar Books

KISS Grammar for practice (3 pages a week)



Singapore Math 3b and 4a

ideas from Teaching Mathematics in Rudolf Steiner Schools by Ron Jarmon

Form Drawing for Beginners by Donna Simmons (1 form a week)



A World Full of Homes by William Burns (1 time a week)

My Pals are Here Science 4b by Singapore Math (2-3 times a week)

D'Aulaire Biographies (at bedtime)

Holling C. Holling books (at bedtime)



Minimus for Fall

Probably Lively Latin for spring semester



Watercolor, drawing, felting, knitting, recorder, sewing, gardening. (alternated not everyday but 1 topic for a week.)


We are trying to keep our schedule fun and interesting. I try to take a break and do fun weeks every so often to rest our brains. And we do Charlotte Mason short intense lessons.


Good Luck on your 3rd grade year.:)

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This is what we are doing for 3rd grade this year:

Bible~ BJU 3


Math~ Abeka 4 (I just ordered Singapore 3B to use for the rest of the year.)


Language~ Abeka 3


Spelling~ SWO C


Latin~ Prima Latina (Finished, moving on to LFC A)


History, Writing, Geography, Art~ TOG 2


Science~ Exploring Creation Through Astronomy


Logic~ Primarily Logic (just for fun), mensa for kids online

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Writing: Classical Writing Aesop A, narrations, copywork, dictation

Grammar: Growing with Grammar 3

Spelling: Spelling Workout C

Reading: various lists, Early Reading Comprehension in Varied Subject Matter

Handwriting: HWOT Cursive


Math: RightStart D, Primary Grade Challenge Math

Critical Thinking: Primarily Logic & Logic Safari 1


History: SOTW 3, History of US

Geography: Map Skills


Science: RS4K Chemistry, Fizz Bubble Flash, Super Science Concoctions


Latin: Secondus, Learning Latin Through Mythology

Spanish: Spanish for Children, various other odds & ends


Art: Artistic Pursuit K-3, Book 2

Music: Classical Kid CDs, learning recorder (my idea) & harmonica (hers :))



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