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My love/hate of the SuperBowl commercials and 1/2 time.

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i dread it. i seriously do. anyone else?


the commercials are not an option to skip, as that's the industry dh is in. he LOVES them. i both love and hate the commercials. love the witty and hilarious ones. despise the inappropriate/non-family friendly ones.


halftime is always entertaining(and Madonna said she *promises* no mishaps with wardrobe;)) but the risque show....ugh.


they both drip sex. and my 10yo ds takes it all in.



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i dread it. i seriously do. anyone else?


the commercials are not an option to skip, as that's the industry dh is in. he LOVES them. i both love and hate the commercials. love the witty and hilarious ones. despise the inappropriate/non-family friendly ones.


halftime is always entertaining(and Madonna said she *promises* no mishaps with wardrobe;)) but the risque show....ugh.


they both drip sex. and my 10yo ds takes it all in.




Could you plan a project or something to work on with him during commercials and halftime? You can take him out of the room and your DH can call you when the game is back.

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My family and I do not watch halftime, we shut the TV off or my dad turns it to a different channel. It's just too much, way too much even for adults! I mean come on, whatever happened to the safe commercials, why not put Betty White in? I love that women, she is so funny, and I think somewhat safer than Modanna.


We usually prepare food during that time, do some project, or go for a nice walk and then come back to the game.

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We record whatever we watch on our DVR. We like to start 1 hour shows after 15 minutes so we can fast forward through all the commercials. We all LOVE the Superbowl commercials but we still start watching late (more like an hour, since it's so long) so that we can fast forward through anything inappropriate. We do not watch the halftime show at all. Is that an option for you?

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i dread it. i seriously do. anyone else?


the commercials are not an option to skip, as that's the industry dh is in. he LOVES them. i both love and hate the commercials. love the witty and hilarious ones. despise the inappropriate/non-family friendly ones.


halftime is always entertaining(and Madonna said she *promises* no mishaps with wardrobe;)) but the risque show....ugh.


they both drip sex. and my 10yo ds takes it all in.




Yeah, I'm dreading this, too. Some of the commercials are good, but others ... They're horribly suggestive, or some even by-pass suggestive and go straight for the in-your-face. Completely inappropriate for children.

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We only watch the commercials, but am not looking forward to it this year from what I've heard about them. :(

And the half-time show isn't even shown on T.V. We get announcers and re-caps of the game. Oh, we might get about 30 seconds of the half time show, but that's it.

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Yeah, I'm dreading this, too. Some of the commercials are good, but others ... They're horribly suggestive, or some even by-pass suggestive and go straight for the in-your-face. Completely inappropriate for children.


Yes, I dread it. We keep the remote handy so we can quickly change the channel when the commercials come on. We don't watch network television ever (just movies and netflix) so I think it's even more shocking for us.

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