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What if I stop everything except reading and math?


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It has been some crazy times around here lately. The little 3 year old is more and more a handful. I am trying like heck to get everything in, but it is not working. Add in the countless doctor appt's, and "life" and well, it just isn't getting done.

What if I just totally backed off and just did a really light curriculum? What if I just did math and reading? I would still do some FIAR, because the kids seem to really like that. Then what if I just school all year round? Life has got to get better when the little guy starts preschool in the fall, I would hope so at least.

Any thoughts? The kids are starting VT next week also, so that is going to take up some time for awhile.


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I know that where I live that would be just fine as the elementary years are all about reading and math. And if you are reading aloud to them plenty then that could count as all the other subjects too anyway. Maybe just check the requirements for where you live and figure out what can work. I am now working two mornings a week so our schedule is also a bit crazy - I try to keep to reading and math every day and then just fit in whatever we can when we can and I also am schooling all year round because of it.

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There have been a handful of times over the last 10+ years where life has interfered, either with a new baby or illness or a cross country move, and I've had to distill our schoolwork down to the 3R's. Independent reading, watching documentaries and playing educational games all count too!


So don't feel badly if you have to ease things up for a bit. It happens sometimes. :)

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There have been a handful of times over the last 10+ years where life has interfered, either with a new baby or illness or a cross country move, and I've had to distill our schoolwork down to the 3R's. Independent reading, watching documentaries and playing educational games all count too!


So don't feel badly if you have to ease things up for a bit. It happens sometimes. :)



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I have been so sick in my first trimester that we have cut way back. We are doing math and grammar because he can sit in my lap and do those. We recently added our Comprehensive Curriculum workbook. It has some grammar, phonics, reading comprehension and other fun stuff. He can do that on his own.


We are moving faster, we do extra lessons in each, my goal is to finish those programs early, we can spend April finishing math and the summer finishing SOTW if we need to. Our CC memory work is the only thing that will really get left, but we had finished all the skip counting, all of the Latin (it repeats in the last 12 weeks) and we will finish the timeline. All of that is repeated another year, I am not worried.


Take some time amd work the basics, then add the fun stuff back when you can.

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You'll have to see how your girls do, but my dd was so weary from the VT homework, it was hard to get anything done. I'd consider the next few months catching up on PE. ;) Take field trips, listen to audiobooks, learn to cook, that sort of thing. Life will go on. Everything will be fine.

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We've recently had to shelve everything but reading and math ourselves since my MIL is very ill and needs our time and attention. At first I was stressed it might not be a good idea, but have to say, the last couple of weeks have been much, much easier on my stress level.


What we're doing is:


Reading Aloud 30-minutes

Phonics 30-minutes


Singapore Math 30-minutes


Alternating WWE and AAS every other day

Handwriting practice daily


As time permits and I find things, DS also watches science and history videos - netflix, DE Streaming, etc. and we're listening to SOTW and Jim Weiss CD's in the car when we're out and about since DS loves those too.

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