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Anyone get tired of/annoyed with HWOT's double lines?


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DD finishes up HWOT: Kindergarten tomorrow. While I think HWOT is a wonderful program and it has been very effective for us, I am totally tired of and annoyed with the double lines. DD's handwriting is a lot better using triple lines. HWOT: First Grade uses double lines too. :crying: I guess I'll just draw in the third line with a ruler every day...


This bug anyone else or find that their DC actually does better with three lines?

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It was annoying for us too. My dd8 completed HWT K, 1, and 2. She actually didn't make it all the way through 2. Her handwriting was so much better with 3 lines. I'm not sure what I'll do with dd5. She's in K now and still working with the blocks. DD8 has left HWT and moved into the perfect little workbook for her. Yay!

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Oh good, so at least I'm not totally crazy. :tongue_smilie:


It was annoying for us too. My dd8 completed HWT K, 1, and 2. She actually didn't make it all the way through 2. Her handwriting was so much better with 3 lines. I'm not sure what I'll do with dd5. She's in K now and still working with the blocks. DD8 has left HWT and moved into the perfect little workbook for her. Yay!
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The two lines were phenomenal for my ds with fine motor delays/spacing issues. They are a huge problem for my ds with great fine motor skills who is a good writer. I think they are a blessing and a curse depending on your child.


If your child is writing well, I would consider switching to Zaner-Bloser (which is similar in font but uses 3 lines) or purchasing StartWrite and creating your own handwriting sheets in a program where you have control over the lines :).

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I feel the same way. DD does much better with 3 lines. I didn't order enough paper and will be switching to 3 lined paper from a homeschooling supply store once we are finished. I was hoping I wasn't ruining her by switching to 3 lined paper with the dots in the middle but she knows where to start better instead of making her capitols a little short. I think I am switching to something else after we finish the kindergarten book.

Edited by MistyMountain
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I could have started this post myself--you are definitely not alone! My ds is doing better with handwriting, but his tall letters still usually end up being small on the HWOT two-lined paper.


I noticed that he seems to differentiate his letter heights better in our WWE book, so I asked him about it, and he definitely prefers the three-lined style. I think it helps him see where to start those tall letters. I'm debating whether we finish out our 2nd grade HWOT book or not, but that's a post for another thread...

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I don't use HWT but I can tell you my ds is making very good progress with the three lines. Until the sizes of letters become "automatic" the lines help to keep proportions right. I was lucky enough to find some 3 line paper in my local stationary. If they run out I can use the 3 line handwriting paper from donnayoung.org (free download too!)

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That's my other thought. Do you think they're similar enough that it won't mess her up too much? I wouldn't know whether to reteach her those few different letters or stick with the HWOT way. If we stick with the HWOT way, they would look different in the Zaner-Bloser book. Hmm.


The two lines were phenomenal for my ds with fine motor delays/spacing issues. They are a huge problem for my ds with great fine motor skills who is a good writer. I think they are a blessing and a curse depending on your child.


If your child is writing well, I would consider switching to Zaner-Bloser (which is similar in font but uses 3 lines) or purchasing StartWrite and creating your own handwriting sheets in a program where you have control over the lines :).

Edited by pitterpatter
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Interesting! I've never thought about this. My dd is fine with the 2 lines; they often give a couple of examples with dots showing the start, so by the time she's alone with the 2 lines, she knows where to begin. No idea why they think 2 lines is better than 3, but the pages look nice and uncluttered. I do sometimes use 3 lines when I'm creating copywork.


HWOT Hebrew uses 2 lines but because most letters are exactly the same height, with no capitals, you make the entire letter between the lines. That program is working fantastically for us as well.

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That's my other thought. Do you think they're similar enough that it won't mess her up too much? I wouldn't know whether to reteach her those few different letters or stick with the HWOT way. If we stick with the HWOT way, they would look different on in the Zaner-Bloser book. Hmm.


I've successfully switched my older, and am working on my younger, but I use Memoria Press (which is basically Zaner-Bloser) and Startwrite, and we still do letter formation the HWOT way. I would not re-teach the strokes ZB way. One of the strengths of HWOT is the letter formation rhymes. I just move the writing onto 3 lines instead of 2 when the child is ready.

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I didn't teach my oldest to print with HWOT. We started the program with cursive. With my youngest, I started with print and it has been confusing, but only because all her workbooks have 3 lines!:glare: She could print in HWOT fine, but with the workbooks, she grew totally frustrated and didn't know how to space everything!


I will say, we started cursive last week and her writing is beautiful. HWOT also makes it easier to transition to lined paper. We had no problems with my oldest using college ruled paper in 4th grade, and my youngest is having no problems either. That might be the motivation that keeps you going!




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Hmm dd was doing good with some small 3 lined paper but the kidergarten pack of paper I opened today from the homschool stores she is having trouble with now because it is mich bigger compared to HWT. Now that I think about it wouldn't have her write bigger be going backwards. Why struggle through forming letters bigger when she is doing good now albeit her capitols being a tad too small. Should I get smaller 3 lined paper or order more HWT and stick with that? Should I switch to ZB or stick with HWT. Decisions decisions. Those who stayed with HWT did you like it through the bigger grades? What is covered in 1st grade?

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Hah! A lot of it looks remarkably similar to Kindergarten. It begins by reviewing capitals in gray blocks and on two lines. Not one letter per page per day, though. It's accelerated. Then, each lowercase letter is presented just as it is in Kindergarten, except with a different picture to color, on occasion. After a letter page, there is another page that features two columns of words to copy that uses the letter being practiced. For example, A and a are at the top of the page, then at, cat, coat, tacos and was are to be copied twice...once in each column. Sometimes, they have a sentence or two to copy instead of the columns of words. It reviews numbers as well. So, it's just more of the same, really.


You can view a sample of First Grade on HWOT's Web site. I've looked at Zaner-Bloser's sample...it actually looks more fun. Seems as though a child might relate better to the copy work. Plus, there's a little creative writing in it. The child gets to finish sentences sometimes, write letters, etc. Also, they incorporate other lessons (i.e. days of the week, Spanish words) into the copy work.




We finished HWOT Kindergarten today, so I REALLY need to make up my mind. I think we'll practice her name, address, etc. for a week or so.



Hmm dd was doing good with some small 3 lined paper but the kidergarten pack of paper I opened today from the homschool stores she is having trouble with now because it is mich bigger compared to HWT. Now that I think about it wouldn't have her write bigger be going backwards. Why struggle through forming letters bigger when she is doing good now albeit her capitols being a tad too small. Should I get smaller 3 lined paper or order more HWT and stick with that? Should I switch to ZB or stick with HWT. Decisions decisions. Those who stayed with HWT did you like it through the bigger grades? What is covered in 1st grade?
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