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Sigh....is it OK to call a "tornado warning day?"

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We had sirens going off for hours last night-despite the storms not being near us at all (they go off for the whole county), plus last night was the first night of DH being away on a business trip, which means DD tends not to sleep well anyway. It's almost 11:00, and she's half-dazed over a bowl of cereal.

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We had sirens going off for hours last night-despite the storms not being near us at all (they go off for the whole county), plus last night was the first night of DH being away on a business trip, which means DD tends not to sleep well anyway. It's almost 11:00, and she's half-dazed over a bowl of cereal.


If you can afford it school-wise why not? Or maybe just hit the main subjects and leave the rest and just do a half day. Or take a nap and try later in the day.


If she's not going to be able to learn anything because she's so tired, then the day would be wasted trying to force it anyway.

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Yes! I had to call a "everyone-was-up-for-some-reason-last-night-and-we-are-all-sleep-deprived" day a while back because my kids each woke up at 2 hour intervals. One with an ear ache, then one had a wet bed, then one had a bloody nose. I was exhausted and the kids were all "off" so we scrapped school and just read books, played some games, etc. and took the day off. Otherwise I would not have been a good teacher or mom.

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I just hope this isn't how it's going to go for the next few months. Usually we get tornadoes in Spring/early summer, not in mid Winter!



Yes, but I feel like we just skipped winter and went straight to spring, so this weather doesn't surprise me at all. All of my flowering plants seem to think it's already spring, too.


We went to bed late because of the sirens, too, but we're calling it a holiday in honor of Chinese New Year. : )

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We had sirens going off for hours last night-despite the storms not being near us at all (they go off for the whole county), plus last night was the first night of DH being away on a business trip, which means DD tends not to sleep well anyway. It's almost 11:00, and she's half-dazed over a bowl of cereal.



Yes. Do something both of you will enjoy, whether it's reading out loud to her, snuggling on the couch with cocoa and watching vaguely educational tv, baking cookies, fixing fish sticks and mac and cheese for dinner (you get the idea!), spending the rest of the day in pajamas and playing games.


I would call it off and have zero regrets!! Enjoy this chance for a different sort of day!

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oh yeah-we were up till about 4am watching the weather-after the bad stuff came through our area,we couldn't hold our eyes open anymore and said if anymore comes through it'll have to get us LOL...we went to bed...I was up at 9something going to grocery store-so far it hasn't affected me as much as I thought--I usually get a sleep deprived headache....now hubby on the other hand was dragging butt today....didn't phase kiddo

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Oh, yeah. Definitely. Call it off and rest.


This past summer we moved from the Memphis "suburb" of Olive Branch to Washington state. I was lamenting my 11th snow-shoveling session in 6 days when I read your post. I suddenly realized that I LOVE the snow... if the alternative is those awful storms! I can't tell you how many nights the boys slept in our closet floor. :glare:

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Us too! About 1:30am the sirens started and didn't stop for an HOUR!


DH & I woke to our ds2 crying and walking into our room. Then dd6.5 started to whimper and say she was scared and asked to sleep in our bed. Finally I asked dh to go grab our 8.5yr old and bring her in with us all too. I just wanted us all close and safe together.


The winds were TERRIBLE! We lost electricity for about 3 hours. I woke dh this morning for him to get ready for work as I set my phone alarm as we had no electricity. He called in from work today as he has several vacation days saved up anyhow. So we had daddy home today!


BUT, we continued with our typical Monday. The kids, dh, and myself were THRILLED to have SOMETHING to do! :lol:


DH dove right in with helping with the kids school (this is EXTREMELY rare!), and I was able to focus on ds's totschool! :) We finished our school day at 1pm, like any other school day. Then we enjoyed the rest of the day as a family snacking and watching movies.


I didn't feel like skipping out today because we were sick back in November for almost 3 weeks!

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