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Am I Toxic To Myself?

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I just took this quiz. http://drlund.com/myself.cfm These are the possible results.

0 - 4 Normal, but not necessarily healthy. 5 - 9 Needs Counseling 10 - 11 Serious need for professional help 12 - 15 Major self-worth make over required; medication may be needed during transition time under a doctor's supervision





My score was 13! I don't know if I should laugh or cry. And I don't even know where to start.


Seriously I have been struggling for a couple of years now but don't even have a primary care dr. So I have no idea who I would go to. I think alot of it stems from my thyroid cancer and having my thyroid removed...so maybe it's not fixable. Anyway, just posting to see how others score. Am I really that far out of normality?

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I don't like that even a perfect score of 0 only yields a "Normal, but not necessarily healthy." But if you answered yes to 13 of those questions I think it would be a good idea to make an appointment with a physician. Maybe the doc who prescribes your thyroid meds would be a good place to start. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I think the advice about checking the levels of your thyroid meds is good advice.


I know it's not easy (my sister is going through the same thing & has had her meds adjusted many times as they try to figure out what works best for her).


Hang in there & be good to yourself. :grouphug:

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First of all, I would like to say that you are not toxic to yourself! Your thyroid is probably low and you very likely have depression stemming from that. I found out I had low thyroid almost 2 years ago after seeing my doctor because I knew something was wrong. I was not myself and, to be completely candid, my self-talk was disturbingly negative. I distinctly remember looking in the mirror one day and asking myself, "Who are you?!" Something just clicked with me in that moment and I made an appointment instead of berating myself some more. I started thyroid meds. Two weeks later, I went to let the dog in and was surprised to hear someone whistling a happy tune. Then I realized it was me! :lol: Maybe you need an adjustment in meds and maybe you could also benefit from therapy or meds for depression. There is no shame in that.


I was not myself. I am guessing you are not yourself and it is the depression that is toxic to you. Do you have a doc who is prescribing your thyroid meds? If so, start there. Otherwise, can you ask a friend for a recommendation? If not, just start with someone in your network. Your history should be reason enough for a full panel.


Above all, be kind to yourself. Eat right. Take your vitamins (especially D! I bet you are low! I was too and that is another cause of depression.) Exercise. Pray and/or meditate. Practice deep breathing exercises. Take bubble baths. Read funny books and watch funny movies. Get fresh air. Forgive yourself for not being perfect.



Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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First of all, I would like to say that you are not toxic to yourself! Your thyroid is probably low and you very likely have depression stemming from that. I found out I had low thyroid almost 2 years ago after seeing my doctor because I knew something was wrong. I was not myself and, to be completely candid, my self-talk was disturbingly negative. I distinctly remember looking in the mirror one day and asking myself, "Who are you?!" Something just clicked with me in that moment and I made an appointment instead of berating myself some more. I started thyroid meds. Two weeks later, I went to let the dog in and was surprised to hear someone whistling a happy tune. Then I realized it was me! :lol: Maybe you need an adjustment in meds and maybe you could also benefit from therapy or meds for depression. There is no shame in that.


I was not myself. I am guessing you are not yourself and it is the depression that is toxic to you. Do you have a doc who is prescribing your thyroid meds? If so, start there. Otherwise, can you ask a friend for a recommendation? If not, just start with someone in your network. Your history should be reason enough for a full panel.


Above all, be kind to yourself. Eat right. Take your vitamins (especially D! I bet you are low! I was too and that is another cause of depression.) Exercise. Pray and/or meditate. Practice deep breathing exercises. Take bubble baths. Read funny books and watch funny movies. Get fresh air. Forgive yourself for not being perfect.






And have you thought about trying inner work? Like positive affirmations and visualizations? There are many books on the subject. If you are a Christian, you can just replace the words “higher power’â€, or “universeâ€, with God, or not..whatever makes you feel good. ;)


I have to put a plug in for it because it’s helping me immensely. It may seem silly at first but if you keep practicing it, like an exercise, it does work.



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First of all, I would like to say that you are not toxic to yourself! Your thyroid is probably low and you very likely have depression stemming from that. I found out I had low thyroid almost 2 years ago after seeing my doctor because I knew something was wrong. I was not myself and, to be completely candid, my self-talk was disturbingly negative. I distinctly remember looking in the mirror one day and asking myself, "Who are you?!" Something just clicked with me in that moment and I made an appointment instead of berating myself some more. I started thyroid meds. Two weeks later, I went to let the dog in and was surprised to hear someone whistling a happy tune. Then I realized it was me! :lol: Maybe you need an adjustment in meds and maybe you could also benefit from therapy or meds for depression. There is no shame in that.


I was not myself. I am guessing you are not yourself and it is the depression that is toxic to you. Do you have a doc who is prescribing your thyroid meds? If so, start there. Otherwise, can you ask a friend for a recommendation? If not, just start with someone in your network. Your history should be reason enough for a full panel.


Above all, be kind to yourself. Eat right. Take your vitamins (especially D! I bet you are low! I was too and that is another cause of depression.) Exercise. Pray and/or meditate. Practice deep breathing exercises. Take bubble baths. Read funny books and watch funny movies. Get fresh air. Forgive yourself for not being perfect.




Thank you. I just met with my endo and didn't say anything to him. I guess it's been so long it feels normal to be unhappy. Also...I'm not good in real life at letting people know that my life isn't perfect. He asks how I am and I say "I'm good". And I am better than I was a few months ago. Maybe I'm afraid he'll brush it off. I don't know why I don't tell him. Sometimes I am pretty good, so I think there's no sense telling him. I dont know. Maybe I need therapy for that. :lol: I really appreciate your good advice. Why am I telling this to all of you but not my doctor? :001_huh:

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And have you thought about trying inner work? Like positive affirmations and visualizations? There are many books on the subject. If you are a Christian, you can just replace the words “higher power’â€, or “universeâ€, with God, or not..whatever makes you feel good. ;)


I have to put a plug in for it because it’s helping me immensely. It may seem silly at first but if you keep practicing it, like an exercise, it does work.




Thank you. I think my gut tells me that doing something like this and eating better and taking the right vitamins, etc. is all I need. That the doctor can't help me anyway. Maybe I need to explore more avenues like this.

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That the doctor can't help me anyway.


Please don't exclude the possibility of going to the doctor about this. Having had your thyroid removed, that should be the first avenue of exploration.


On the self-help front, though: exercise. It's a wonder drug for me :001_smile:


Hope you can find an answer :grouphug:

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Please do some Internet research on hypothyroid, which is the cOndition you have now that your thyroid is out. I still have mine but have hypothyroid anyway.


I just started seeing a new doc who upped my rx. I can't believe how good I feel. Physically, I'm no longer tired in the afternoon and my sugar cravings have dropped. Mentally, I'm more myself. I feel less overwhelmed.


All this to say, just because you TSH tests normal, you may still very likely need more thyroid. If you won't do it for yourself, do it for your family. Remember, "If mamma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!". It is true.



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Ok, I took the test, and got a 5.


I do NOT feel I 'need therapy'. I'm not as positive or upbeat about how great a person I am, or whatever, as some doctor decided I should be. Meh. That also may have to do with my religious beliefs that people aren't 'good'; but that's another thread.


I will say, however, like a pp said, if you answered true to 13 out of those 15 questions, then yes, you need to talk to your doctor. perhaps you *do* need your meds adjusted for having your thyroid removed.

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That test strikes me as one of those "screening" tests to try to get nearly everyone into some sort of treatment.



It is just a stupid online quiz with imprecise questions that, depending on how you interpret them or what amount of time you take into account when answering them, can get the same person score the maximum and the minimum.


So, 5 and more is "needs counseling", but 4 and below is "normal, but not necessarily healthy"? I guess if I were to say 0-1 based on how I felt in the recent weeks, they would attempt to get me into counseling for being too good to myself, eh?


But it is not even the relative stupidity of those quizzes that surprises me, it is people taking them seriously that never ceases to amaze me. It is just a linguistically imprecise, relative to an interpretation, not necessarily "full" as regards to what "ought" to be asked, little test. Something to take while you are bored out of your mind, sipping coffee and than laugh at how we are all crazy anyway. :lol: Definitely not something to take seriously. Based on online quizzes, I have just about any "disorder", real or imaginary, you can imagine, including totally opposite ones.


If you feel bad, go to you physician and nutritionist and try to locate concrete, tangible, biological basis of you feeling bad (thyroid? malnutrition? poor bloodwork? etc.). If you feel bad as a result of a serious life trauma you cannot process on your own, then you know you need some kind of a professional help anyway. In most other cases, quizzes like this are something to take, laugh, and forget about having taken them.



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Thank you. I think my gut tells me that doing something like this and eating better and taking the right vitamins, etc. is all I need. That the doctor can't help me anyway. Maybe I need to explore more avenues like this.


While I would not put too much weight into an online test result..My feeling is that if you felt the need to take a test of this nature, you probably have a toxic thought system. You don’t need a test to tell you that. Anytime we have an illness, positive thinking, eating healthy, and exercising are methods that can help. I would not do these things exclusively, without your doctor, but I would suggest that you involve your doctor in the process. Finding a doctor that can help you combine modern medicine with common sense holistic health aids is going to give you the best of both worlds. Since you have been going to the doctor for a while and you are not seeing improvement, it makes sense to augment the conventional methods with natural ones. It certainly can’t hurt. And if your doctor is not open to the idea, I would find one who is. There are plenty of them out there these days, since there is also scientific proof of holistic medicine helping to both cure and prevent diseases.


You can do this; you can help yourself to improve! Good luck. :grouphug:

Edited by lovemykids
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Seriously I have been struggling for a couple of years now but don't even have a primary care dr. So I have no idea who I would go to. I think alot of it stems from my thyroid cancer and having my thyroid removed...so maybe it's not fixable.


Oh, I thought you had a doc since you have been on meds for two years. You can ask for referrals from people or a referral source. Then go and conduct interviews. You will know when you find the right one.

Healing thoughts and best wishes, :)

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