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Melatonin, how much?


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My daughter can take (per the doctor) up to 6mg a day if needed but she only takes 1.5mg and that is plenty for her.


Honestly, I would start with the 1/2 mg and see if that works. If so, great, if not, you can slowly increase it. The more you give, the more risk of side effects (nightmares is one for some people). The least amount that works is what you are aiming for.

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We started with 0.5mg and it didn't do a thing for DS... I then did some research into how much other parents were giving (mainly in forums like this one) as well as how much is considered safe, toxicity levels, etc. Based on what I learned, I then gradually upped him to 3mg a night and it worked like a charm. He has had zero side effects at this level (and it's been at least 6 months).


We now buy the 3mg capsules so he only has to take one.


Some kids do respond to lesser amounts, so I would start with 0.5mg and increase it by 0.5mg every two days until you get the result you're looking for. That will give you a chance to monitor for any side effects as well (side effects are rare from what I've read).

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My ds8 takes 3mg every night before bed. Sometimes he still has trouble falling asleep, but we aren't very comfortable upping the dose quite yet.


FWIW, he also takes Concerta and that really messes up his sleeping. He has a much easier time falling asleep and staying asleep when he is not taking his meds.


ETA: He still needs 3mg to fall asleep well when he is off meds.

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I would start with one .5 and increase by .5 or even .25 just until you find what works. My 7 y/o takes 1 mg and that's plenty. My 18 y/o will occasionally take 2-3 mg. Again, it's all he needs. I do know others that take 7-9 mg, so it's really an individual thing.


If the melatonin causes restless, fitful sleep or has an adverse affect on dreams it's probably too much.

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I would start with one .5 and increase by .5 or even .25 just until you find what works. My 7 y/o takes 1 mg and that's plenty. My 18 y/o will occasionally take 2-3 mg. Again, it's all he needs. I do know others that take 7-9 mg, so it's really an individual thing.


If the melatonin causes restless, fitful sleep or has an adverse affect on dreams it's probably too much.


I agree with the last part. 3mg is too much for me for both of those reasons. 2 is just right.


Actually, I agree with all of it, but wanted to emphasize the last.

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Several of you have mentioned giving your children 3mg of melatonin but I bought melatonin today and it is 500mcg. Online it says this is .5 mg.


Should he really take SIX of these tablets?




I always bought the 500mcg tablets and they seemed to work for my kids (they don't take them very often anymore). I know they've mentioned that sometimes they didn't seem to work, but then I've found out they took them early and didn't turn off the lights and settle down, but were still up and playing.


So I agree that you should start off with a smaller dosage and see how it works and work upwards from there.

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He slept well last night, but that is typical after a few consecutive nights of bad sleep, so not sure it was the melatonin.


DH is also sabotaging the efforts as the bottle says, "Should not be used for those under 18" and he is VERY anti drugs, even herbs and supplements of almost any kind.


So, I am not sure I can do it long term. ARGH!

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My son takes the 3mg sublingual melatonin, and has for several years, on the original recommendation of his neurologist. I'm honestly not sure it helps at all, but our developmental pediatrician continues to recommend that we use it.


It sounds like your DH might benefit from talking about his concerns with your pediatrician. The developmental effects from lack of sleep can be far more detrimental than the use of melatonin, which is a substance that our bodies normally produce naturally.

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Our old pediatric neuro mentioned that dosages vary fairly widely from the label. Both between brands and within brands. So, say 1.5 worked on the last bottle, but this bottle if 1.5 isn't helping, it may be the strength of the pills has changed.


The point being, be flexible. Personally, my dd uses 1 mg.



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It sounds like your DH might benefit from talking about his concerns with your pediatrician. The developmental effects from lack of sleep can be far more detrimental than the use of melatonin, which is a substance that our bodies normally produce naturally.


I agree. It's naturally boosting what you already have. I don't see it as any different than my using a cup of warm chamomile tea before bed. It simply helps induce what's naturally there. And, since lack of sleep is very unhealthy, especially for a growing child, giving them a little extra help is a good thing. I'm with your dh and try to avoid drugs as much as possible, but sometimes our bodies simply need some help.

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No, that won't help. DH says any doctor whose solution is to drug up a child shouldn't be listened to. ADHD meds, herbal anything, etc....


Believe me, he is very anti drugs and supplements for just about anything.





It sounds like your DH might benefit from talking about his concerns with your pediatrician. The developmental effects from lack of sleep can be far more detrimental than the use of melatonin, which is a substance that our bodies normally produce naturally.

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No, that won't help. DH says any doctor whose solution is to drug up a child shouldn't be listened to. ADHD meds, herbal anything, etc....


Believe me, he is very anti drugs and supplements for just about anything.




There are a lot of studies out there about melatonin use, and how it really helps some people. You could try tracking down a handful and printing them out for your dh to read.

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Yeah, I highly doubt it will help. He is pretty set in his views about this stuff.




There are a lot of studies out there about melatonin use, and how it really helps some people. You could try tracking down a handful and printing them out for your dh to read.
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