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? for sonlight users -- DVD for science ??

momma aimee

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I am looking at Sonlight Science A for 1st grade this fall ...




I have never used Sonlight and do not know if i have to buy it all -- for 102 dollara


or if i can buy only the parts that look 'necessary' -- the instructor's guide, and the books -- BUT NOT the DVDs?


I do not like DVD learning -- it just deosnb't work for us.


can Sonlight Science be DONE without the DVDs???


are the DVDs the ONLY directions for the labs?

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It can definitely be done without the DVD. The DVD is the exact experiments performed from the books. Some people like to use the DVD in place of the experiments or on a tough day that they can't get to the experiment. When we did science B, we watched all of them because I was a neurotic box checker. Sometimes they had hints to help the experiment work, but at this level, I don't think it's necessary at all.


This year in Science C, I haven't even taken the shrink wrap off. I am considering not buying it next year for the next science, as they are a bit pricey.

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It can definitely be done without the DVD. The DVD is the exact experiments performed from the books. Some people like to use the DVD in place of the experiments or on a tough day that they can't get to the experiment. When we did science B, we watched all of them because I was a neurotic box checker. Sometimes they had hints to help the experiment work, but at this level, I don't think it's necessary at all.


This year in Science C, I haven't even taken the shrink wrap off. I am considering not buying it next year for the next science, as they are a bit pricey.



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You definitely do not need the DVDs but as a side note, my kids love them! They actually ask to watch them outside of school time. They are great for those times when getting around to doing the experiments is not happening (which is more often than not, in my house:tongue_smilie:).

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I agree, you do not need the CDs.


I'm actually trying to sell my never used SL Science 1A. If you need it at a discount, let me know. The only problem is with my TM which is missing one week due to a run-in with a Toddler Tornado. Otherwise, I have the DVD, all the books, all the supplies, etc. We never went past week 3, so it's almost all totally untouched.





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You definitely do not need the DVDs but as a side note, my kids love them! They actually ask to watch them outside of school time. They are great for those times when getting around to doing the experiments is not happening (which is more often than not, in my house:tongue_smilie:).

Same here... I wouldn't say they were necessary to the program, but they are nice to have around for when you can't get to something or just for fun. I also let the kids watch them and then let them "try" the experiment on their own. If they get stuck, I help them, but it has been terrific to get them doing some independent science work.

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Not necessary, but I agree they are fun. The kids love them. One of my kids actually prefers to just watch the experiment and not do it. Fine by me, some of those experiments are kind of a pain to do- though we have only used the Core B DVD, not A.

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